Structural Analysis Flashcards
Euler Bernoulli Beam Theory, Energy theorems, and etc...
What are the E-B Beam theory assumptions?
1) Cross section is undeformable in its own plane
2) Cross section remains planar upon deformation
3) Cross Section remains normal to deformed axis of beam
Draw each of the EB beam theory assumptions, and what information do they tell us about our fundamental equations?
1) tells us beam displacement field has two rigid body translations u2(x1) and u3(x1)
2) tells us axial displacement field of rigid body translation is u1(x1), and two rotations phi2(x1) and phi3(x1)
3) implies slope of beam axis and the rotation of the cross section phi3 = (du2/dx1) and phi2 = 0(du3/dx1)
What is the major assumption of the E-B Beam Theory that contradicts the presence of transverse shear strains?
Assumption 2: Cross Section remains planar upon deformation i.e phi(x1)
*Implies shearing is so small that vanishes ~gamma12 = 0.
What do equilibrium conditions require on a beam with a distributed transverse load?
Non-vanishing shear force V2
How is the contradiction between E-B Beam theory and Equilibrium Condition assumptions about shear strains resolved?
By allowing E-B assumptions to assume infinite shear modulus (G) s.t shear strain vanishes, and recovering transverse shear force from equilibrium equations in bending moments (V2 = -dM3/dx1)
What is the implication of using equilibrium equations on the E-B assumption 3?
Can no longer assume plane sections remain normal to deformed axis of the beam
When are EB assumptions valid?
Long slender beams made of isotropic materials made of solid cross-sections
What do centroidal bending stiffnesses express?
Given constitutive law for bending behavior of beams, they express the proportionality between the bending moments and curvature
“Flexural Rigidity”
What does a material’s homogeneity change in stiffness expressions?
Removes the integral over the cross section to be independent of material, and only dependent on cross sectional area
What type of B.C’s are applied to L/R of a moving concentrated load?
Continuity conditions:
- Displacement across boundary must be the same on L/R
- Slope must be continuous
- Moment equilibrium
- Shear force equilibrium
How do we simplify a moving concentrated loading problem with 8 B.C’s to define the 4th order displacement field equations? What type of system must this be?
By defining the moment distribution due to the moving concentrated load to define the reaction forces we can fully define the system with a 2nd order displacement relationship.
Then apply continuity equations across boundary of load to define constants.
The system must be isotatic!
What does isostatic mean?
The number of equilibrium equations is the same as the number of force unknowns - OR - Statically determinant
The solution can be solved using equilibrium equations alone
What does hyperstatic mean?
The number of total unknown internal force/reactions is larger than the number of equilibrium equations. -OR- Statically indeterminate
The solution cannot be solved with equilibrium equations alone, requires use of strain-displacement and constitutive equations.
What are the main differences seen in internal force solutions of an isostatic versus hyperstatic problem?
For an isostatic problem, the internal forces can be expressed in terms of the externally applied loads alone. For a hyperstatic problem, internal forces depend on applied loads and the stiffness of the structure.
When comparing hyperstatic system for dual load paths, how does the load bearing relate to the material stiffness between the two?
If the load is split between the two paths according to their relative stiffness, the stiffer load path will carry more load than the compliant/more giving one.
What is the displacement method process of solving hyperstatic problems?
- Equilibrium Equations
- Constitutive laws to express internal forces w.r.t. member deformations
- Strain-displacement equations, express deformation w.r.t. displacement
- Derive internal force equations w.r.t. displacements by introducing step 3 into step 2
- Use internal forces in step 4 to satisfy equilibrium equations step 1 w.r.t displacements
- Solve equilibrium equations to find displacements in system
- Find deformations by back-substituting displacements into strain-displacement equations in step 3
- Find internal forces, by back-substituting deformations into constitutive laws in step 2.
What is the force method process of solving hyperstatic problems?
- Equilibrium equations
- Determine degree of redundancy (Nr)
- Cut system @ arbitrary Nr locations transforming hyperstatic system to isostatic
- Apply Nr redundant forces, each w/ relative displacement at Nr cuts. Express all internal forces w.r.t.Nr in equilibrium eqs.
- Use consitutive laws to express deformations w.r.t. Nr redundant forces
- Use strain-displacement eqs to express relative displacement at Nr cuts in terms of Nr redundant forces
- Impose VANISHING of relative displacements at Nr cuts, using compatibility eqs to solve for Nr redundant forces
- Recover system deformations from constitutive laws and displacements from strain-displacement eqs.
What is the neutral axis?
The locus of zero axial stress as a straight line through the cross section.
Also tells you the gradient to NA is the location of max axial stress.
What does the principal centroidal axes change in behavior of the constitutive + governing equations?
It fully decouples the constitutive equations ϵ, K2, K3, σ by reducing the cross terms. It decouples governing equations into 3-independent equations (Axial problem, 1st Bending (i1-i2), 2nd Bending (i1-i3))
How do you compute principal centroidal axis of bending?
- Compute centroid x2c, x3c
- Computer bending stiffness w.r.t. centroidal positions
- Compute orientation of principal axis of bending angle alpha (a) from
sin(2α)=H23/Δ ; cos(2α)=(H33-H22)/2Δ where Δ=√((H33-H22)^2/2+ H23^2 )
How do you get min/max stiffness from principal centroidal axes def?
Def of tan(2α)=2H23/(H33-H22), where α, α+π/2
Where Δ=√((H33-H22)^2/2+ H23^2 )
Max bending (H33) α*: (H33+H22)/2+Δ Min bending(H22) α*+π/2: (H33+H22)/2-Δ
What are the shear flow distribution and torque equipollency rules?
Shear Force Equipollence:
- Integration of shear flow over cross-section must equal the applied shear force
- Horizontal equivalence (V2) and Vertical equivalence (V3)
Torque Equipollence:
- The equivalence of torque generated by distributed shear flow with externally applied torque
- Moment about i1 at shear center must equal zero, and equals force*Vi when taken about other points.
What is the shear flow distribution process for a multi-cellular body?
- Make cuts for each cell in body, designate curves, Si
- Calculate shear flow, fo(Si), for each open section
- Calculate shear flow closing section, fci, for each cut
- Compute compatibility for shear flow distribution f(s) = fo(s)+fc
What is the shear center?
Location about which all torque generated by the shear flow distribution associated with transverse shear forces must vanish.