Structural Abnormalities Flashcards
what are the 4 structural structural abnormalities we need to know
cystocele (bladder prolapse)
ovarian torsion
uterine prolapse
45 yo f c/o pressure in the pelvis and vagina, discomfort when straining, and feeling of incomplete bladder emptying after urination
cystocele (bladder prolapse)
anterior vaginal prolapse of the posterior bladder wall into the vagina
cystocele (bladder prolapse)
5 causes of cystocele
violent caughing
heavy lifting
other pelvic muscle strain
6 sx of cystocele
pressure in pelvis/vagina
discomfort when straining
incomplete bladder empting
urinary incontinence
“sitting on a beachball”
“something is falling out
cystoceles are worse w. _ and relieved w. _
worse w. valsalva
better w. redundancy
dx for cystocele
-POP-Q: pelvic organ prolapse quantification
-voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG)
-Q-tip testing
tx for cystocele (3)
mesh augmentation
prophylaxis for cystocele (2)
estrogen post menopause
50 yo f c/o pelvic pressure, sensation of mass in the vagina, chronic constipation, feeling of incomplete bowel emptying; occasional fecal incontinence
rectocele is herniation of the _ into the _
rectum into the posterior wall of the vagina
rf for rectocele
any pressure on the rectal wall
2 mc sx of rectocele
pelvic pressure
bowel sx
mass in the vagina
dx for rectocele (2)
colonoscopy to r.o ca
tx for rectocele
pelvic floor training
bowel regimen
mesh augmentation
23 yo f in ED c.o sharp, non-radiating LLQ pain w. worsening intensity x 3 hr - nausea, denies diarrhea, urinary sx, or vaginal d.c - afebrile, tachycardia, tachypnea, elevated bp, left adnexal tenderness - negative chandelier’s sign, negative bHCG
ovarian torsion
ovarian torsion refers to rotation of the ovary at its _ to such a degree as to occlude the _ and/or _
artery and/or vein
2 common sx of ovarian torsion
sudden sharp unilateral lower abd pain
dx for ovarian torsion:
mc: doppler US abdomen
gs: laparoscopy
tx for ovarian torsion
laparoscopic surgery
63 yo G5P5 f w. 3 day hx of increased pelvic pressure and a bulge in her vagina when she coughs - also c/o incomplete bladder emptying, constipation, lbp
uterine prolapse
uterus descends towards the vagina
uterine prolapse
cause of uterine prolapse
weak pelvic floor muscles -> weak ligaments -> uterus protrudes thru vaginal opening
abdominal pain associated w. uterine prolapse is worse _ and better with _
-worse: later in the day after prolonged standing
-better: with lying down
grading scale for uterine prolapse
-0 degree: no descent
-1st degree: to the upper vagina/descent btw normal and ischial spine
-2nd: to the introitus/btw ischial spines and hymen
-3rd: cervix is outside the introitus/ the hymen
-4th (procidentia): uterus and cervix entirely outside the introitus/thru the hymen
dx for uterine prolapse
-speculum or bimanual exam
-bx any ulcers
what sx indicates need for further work up w. uterine prolapse
urinary incontinence
tx for uterine prolapse
-asymptomatic 1st or 2nd degree: no tx
-symptomatic 1st or 2nd degree: +/- pessary
-severe/persistent 3rd or 4th degree: hysterectomy w. colporrhaphy and suspension of vagina