Stroke Syndrome Flashcards
First Stroke Neurologist
Correlated brain lesions with clinical findings
Charles Foix
Neurological deficit of sudden onset accompanied by focal dysfunction and symptoms lasting more than 24 hrs that are presumed to be of non-traumatic vascular origin
2nd most common cause of death (next to heart disease)
Viewed as a pandemic
Prevalence of stroke in the PH
Has the highest stroke DALY, mortality rate
Highest percentage of global DALYs for neurological disorder
Cerebrovascular disease - Stroke
(followed by Alzheimers and dementia)
Stroke accounts for how much percent in CVD deaths?
Gender with more strokes
Slightly more females have stroke than males
(Women who live longer have a higher chance of developing stroke)
Direct medical cost
Hospitalization, rehabilitation,
nursing home (very few in PH), home health care services (growing business sector in PH)
Indirect medical cost
Home medications, appliances, transportation,
domestic aid, rehabilitation aid, loss of production (work) due to the stroke
T/F: Stroke is a vascular disease of the heart
False: Stroke is a vascular diseases of the BRAIN
Prevalence of stroke: _ in 6 people will have a stroke
Rapidly developing clinical signs of FOCAL (at times GLOBAL) disturbance of brain function
Lasting more that 24 hours or leading to death
No apparent cause other than of vascular origin
Stroke (WHO definition)
Abrupt onset of a neurologic deficit is attributable to
Focal vascular cause
Is an acute neurologic event having foundation in pathology of the blood vessels supplying the brain
Stroke (WHO definition)
T/F: Vessel pathology is both acquired or congenital
True: Vessel pathology can be congenital or acquired, but mostly acquired
T/F: Strokes are ischemic or hemorrhagic
Non-modifiable risk factors (6)
Age, gender, hereditary factors, race, prior stroke, existing heart disease
Elderly at greater risk
T/F: Males more susceptible
True: Gender (NMRF)
Family history indicates greater risk
Hereditary factors
T/F: Non-white groups at lesser risk for stroke
False: The darker your color is, the higher the risk (Africans, African-Americans, African-Europeans; Non-caucasians)
Modifiable Risk Factors (2)
Lifestyle and Pharmacotherapy
Factors under lifestyle (5)
Smoking, low physical exercise, morbid obesity, excess alcohol consumption, diet (high salt and fat)
Factors under pharmacotherapy (5)
Hypertension, arterial disease, heart disease or failure, risk of thrombotic or embolic phenomena, certain blood disorders (cholesterol, DM)
Risk factors identified to increase chances for stroke among Filipinos (9)
● Hypertension
● Diabetes
● Atrial fibrillation
● Stress
● Smoking
● Habitual snoring - higher risk for stroke
● Myocardial infarction
● Frequent alcohol
● Rheumatic heart disease
Types of Stroke
Ischemic and hemorrhagic
Types under ischemic (4)
Thrombotic, embolic, lacunar, venous
Types under hemorrhagic (5)
subdural, epidural, subarachnoid, intraparenchymal, hemorrhagic transformation
Causes occlusions or diminished blood flow
Most of the time d/t trauma but can also be d/t
d/t trauma but most are seen secondary to ruptured aneurysms
d/t uncontrolled HTN
Causes of stroke (4)
Thrombotic occlusion of arteries or veins
Embolic disease from the great vessels or heart
Occlusion of the small penetrating vessels
Occurs in the venous sinuses
(superior/inferior sagittal sinus, sigmoid sinuses)
Venous infarction
T/F: Most strokes are arterial
True: ischemic stroke
Dislodged to the system and goes to the circle of Willis & the brain circulation
Lack of oxygenation (e.g. when you snore a lot -
may lead to sleep apnea & reduction of oxygenation)
Causes of Hemorrhage (2)
Can be breakage of the blood vessel d/t hypertension or aneurysm
Trauma penetrating injury → leads to fragile vessels from infarction
Clinical findings: Acute Onset of focal deficit (most common) (5)
○ Weakness (most common)
○ Sensory loss
○ Ataxia
○ Speech deficit
○ Visual loss
Arises from the heart, aorta, or the carotid or vertebral arteries
Embolic disease
Can be from valvular disease, akinetic myocardium with thrombus formation, or from the venous system via a right-to-left shunt from septal defect
Cardiac emboli
pts w/ mitral stenosis, traumatic heart disease, endocarditis
Valvular disease
Heart muscle is not pumping anymore (dilated cardiomyopathy)
Akinetic myocardium