Stroke (Hon) Flashcards
List facts about stroke (cause of death, incidence, etc)
3rd leading cause of death in US
Leading cause of long-term disability in US
Annual health care cost>$40 billion
Annually, 90,000 women & 60,000 men die, 2/3 within 90 days of stroke
Among survivors, majority will have residual impairment and disability
Approximately 25% of survivors will have another stroke
Important cause of death and disability in women, including both pregnancy and postpartum period
Under age 45 yr, more women die from stroke than from myocardial infarction
What are the subtypes of stroke?
Hemorrhagic stroke (20% of cases) Intracerebral hemorrhage (cortical vs subcortical) Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Ischemic stroke (80%) Large artery atherosclerosis with thromboembolism Small vessel (lacunar) disease Cardioembolism Nonartherosclerotic vasculopathies Hypercoagulable States
What are the risk factors for stroke?
Increasing age Previous TIA or stroke atherosclerosis Cardiac disorders Drug abuse (IVDA, cocaine, amphetamines) Oral contraceptives Pregnancy/postpartum period Fibromuscular dysplasia Hypercoagulable states Inflammatory disorders Migraine
Describe atherosclerosis risk factors for stroke
Diabetes mellitus
Describe cardiac disorder risk factors for stroke
Valvular heart disease (dysfunctional or prosthetic valve)
Cardiac dysrhythmia (atrial fibrillation)
Mural thrombus
Atrial myxoma
Interatrial septal abnormalities
Describe hypercoaguable states risk factors for stroke
Thrombocytosis Polycythemia Sickle cell disease Leukocytosis Protein C, protein S deficiency Homocysteine Anticardiolipin/antiphospholipid antibodies
Describe inflammatory disorders risk factors for stroke
Giant cell arteritis SLE Polyarteritis nodosa Granulomatous angiitis Syphilitic arteritis AIDS
What are the symptoms of stroke in left hemisphere?
Right-sided sensory symptoms
Right-sided motor symptoms
Right visual field cut
What are the symptoms of stroke in right hemisphere?
Left hemineglect
Left-sided sensory symptoms
Left-sided motor symptoms
Left visual field cut
What are symptoms of stroke in cerebellar region?
Ipsilateral ataxia
What are symptoms of stroke in brainstem?
Cranial nerve finding with contrallateral hemisensory or hemimotor symptoms
Describe general management of stroke
Primary prevention
Management of acute stroke itself (major area of change)
Prevention or control of medical complications (complications accoutn for 50% of deaths attributable to stroke: pneumonia, DVT, PE, UTI, decubitus ulcers)
Prevention of recurrent stroke
Describe emergent diagnosis and treatment of stroke
ABC’s: airway, breathing, and circulation
BP, pulse, cardiac monitor, EKG, O2 saturation
- acute HTN is common in acute ischemic stroke and in most cases should NOT be treated
- area of infarction may have lost autoregulatory function, so that “normal” BP may be relatively hypotensive in braine
IV access
- all stroke pts need this
- IVF’s should NOT include glucose as hyperglycemia is associated with worse neurologic outcomes
- If tPA is a consideration, 2 IV access sites will be needed to eliminate venipuncture after infusion
Neurologic examination and rapid transport to CT scan
Labs (CBC c diff, PT/PTT, full chemistry panel & fingerstick glucose, UA, CXR)
Describe NIH stroke scale
Important if tPA or intra-arterial intervention is a consideration
Score ranges from 0 (normal) to 42 (coma) and can be used to predict hemorrhagic conversion
-score20 = 17% risk of hemorrhage
Describe summary of evaluation and treatment of acute stroke
Maintain airway, breathing, circulation Elevate HOB to 30 degrees O2 @ 2 liters per NC Obtain vital signs and establish IV with NS EKG Obtain pt weight Try to identify cause and treat fever if present Obtain history