Stroke Edge II Outcome Measures HR Flashcards
Stroke Impact Scale
NR acutes, not for home setting
ICF: Activity
Self report questionnaire evaluates disability and health-related QOL
8 domains assessed: Strength, Hand function, ADL/IADL, Mobility, Communication, Emotion, Memory & thinking, Participation/role function
59 items on 5 point scale (1-5), summative scores for each domain range from 0-100
Higher score= less difficulty (better)
MDC: Varies by domain, 15.1 (mobility) to 24.0 (Strength)
MDIC: Varies by domain, 4.5 (mobility) to 17.8 (hand function)
Should score at least 16 on Mini-mental exam
Must be able to follow a 3-step command
Designed for repeated administration to track changes over time
Fugl-Meyer Assessment (MOTOR, not sensory)
One of the most widely used quantitative measures of motor impairment
Except UR acute setting
ICF: Body Fx
Evaluates and measures recovery in post-stroke hemiplegic patients
5 domains: Motor function, sensory function, balance, joint ROM, and joint pain
- sensory portion NR at all
Items scored on 3 pt scale, max score 226
0=can’t perform, 1= partially, 2= fully
UE max score: 66 points
LE max score: 34 points
MDC: 5.2 pts for UE portion
MCID: 10 pt increase in FMA UE= 1.5 change in d/c FIM
10 pt increase in LE = 1.9 change in d/c FIM
Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients
HR for all settings, only acute acuity
ICF: Activity
12-item performance-based scale used for assessing and monitoring postural control following stroke
Especially sensitive in first 3 months
Items scored 0-3, total score ranges 0-36
Items progressively more difficult
CUTOFF: Predictive of pt ambulation at d/c:
- 5 pts static PASS
- 5 pts for dynamic PASS
- 5 pts for total PASS
MDC:Subacute: 2.22
Chronic: 2.2 or 3.2
Acute: 1.8
Only HR for IPR setting, acute and subacute acuities
ICF: Activity
Uniform system of measure for disability based on International classification; measures disability and level of assistance
18 items: 13 motor tasks and 5 cog tasks
7 point ordinal scale ranging from total assistance to complete independence
Score range 18-126
MCID: Total score= 22 pts
Motor subscale= 17 pts
Cognitive subscale= 3 pts
Stroke Rehab Assessment of Movement
Recommended for ALL!
ICF: Body fx, activity
Quantitative eval of motor fx
30 items across 3 domains (UE and LE w/3 pt ordinal scale, basic mobility w/4 pt ordinal scale)
Total of 20 pts per limb, 30 pts mobility
Subscales converted to %, total scores calc using avg 3 subscale scores
MDC: Chronic 4.2 pts
MCID: UE 2.2, LE 1.9, Mobility 4.8
Orpington Prognostic Scale
ICF: Body function
HR Acute care
Assesses stroke severity (motor deficits, proprioception, balance, and cognition)
Only used when neuro condition has stabilized
Score ranges 1.6-6.8 (higher=worse)
Deficits categorized:
1) Mild to moderate (moderate (scores <3.2); high likelihood of returning home
2) Mod to mod severe (3.2-5.2); generally respond better to rehab
3) Severe or major (>5.2); increased risk of institutionalization