Stroke Flashcards
Describe the possible consequences of an anterior cerebral artery infarct
Contralateral lower limb weakness and sensory deficit
Urinary incontinence
Split brain syndrome/ alien hand syndrome (corpus callosum)
Frontal lobe features
Describe the possible consequences of a proximal middle cerebral artery infarct
Full contralateral hemiparesis
Contralateral sensory loss in upper limb and face
Contralateral homonymous hemianopia
Dense aphasia (Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasia)
Contralateral hemispatial neglect (Right parietal lobe affected)
Describe the possible consequences of an occlusion in the superior division of the middle cerebral artery
Contralateral face and arm weakness
Broca’s aphasia/expressive aphasia
Describe the possible consequences of an occlusion in the inferior division of the middle cerebral artery
Contralateral sensory deficit in upper body and face
Wernicke’s aphasia/ fluent aphasia
Homonymous hemianopia or quadrantanopia -not macular sparing
Describe the possible consequences of an occlusion in the PCA
Contralateral homonymous hemianopia- macula sparing (MCA supply)
Contralateral sensory loss (due to thalamic involvement)
Describe the possible consequences of an occlusion in the cerebellar artery
Ipsilateral cerebellar deficits- DANISH -Dysdiadochokinesis -Ataxia -Nystagmus -Intention tremor -Slurred speech -Hypotonia Ipsilateral horner’s syndrome Contralateral sensory signs
Describe the possible consequences of an occlusion in the basilar artery
Visual and oculomotor defect
Locked in syndrome/complete bilateral motor loss- spares oculomotor nerve
Briefly describe the Oxford classification ‘TACS’
All 3:
Unilateral weakness
Homonymous hemianopia
Higher cerebral dysfunction- dysphasia, visuospatial disorder
Briefly describe the Oxford classification ‘PACS’
2 of:
Unilateral weakness
Homonymous hemianopia
Higher cerebral dysfunction- dysphasia, visuospatial disorder
Briefly describe the Oxford classification ‘POCS’
1 of:
Cranial nerve palsy + contralateral motor/sensory deficit
Bilateral motor/sensory deficit
Conjugate eye movement disorder
Cerebellar dysfunction
Isolated homonymous hemianopia (macular sparing)
Briefly describe the Oxford classification ‘LACS’
1 of: Pure sensory deficit Pure motor deficit Sensory-motor deficit Ataxic hemiparesis
Briefly describe the main signs of brainstem pathology
Ipsilateral CN signs
Contralateral sensory and motor tract deficits