Stroke Flashcards
ACA stroke
Contralateral lower extremity weakness
Contralateral lower extremity sensory loss
Frontal lobe behavior abnormalities
Return of infantile reflexes
Left ACA= transcortical aphasia
Right ACA = L hemineglect
MCA stroke
contralateral arm and face weakness
Contralateral arm and face sensory loss
Contralateral homonymous hemianopsia
L MCA= brocas, wernickes, global aphasia
R MCA= L hemineglect
PCA stroke
Contralateral homonymous hemianopia
Larger inks to the thalamus/internal capsule : hemi sensory loss and hemiplegia
L PCA- alexia without agraphia; aphasia ( larger infarcts)
Brainstem strokes four D’s
cerebellar stroke symptoms are always
Ipsilateral to location of the infarct
cerebellar hemispheres control
vermis/floculonodular lobe control
midline of body
main symptom of cerebellar stroke
May also have brainstem signs
superior cerebellar artery stroke symptom
pure unilateral ataxia
AICA stroke symptom
unilateral deafness and ataxia
PICA symptoms
brainstem signs and ataxia
types of stroke
transient ischemic attack- warning sign
hemorrhagic- bleeding/bad symptoms initially but good progress prognostically
ischemic-blood supply is cut off from brain
modifiable risk factors for stroke- medical
blood pressure
Cardiac disease
History of TIA
F- facial weakness
A- arm weakness
S- speech difficulties
T- time is critical
ischemic penumbra
surrounding ischemic areas
Cells receive enough oxygen to remain alive for a limited time
Can be salvaged
protect the penumbra by increasing oxygen transport through surgery or medication
infarcted core
severe local ischemia
Tissue necrosis
recombinant tissue plasminogen activator
Clot Buster
when pt is a candidate for clot buster
onset is less than six hours
CT negative for hemorrhage
Not anticoagulated INR is less than 1.5
Keep blood pressure less than 185/110
hours since onset
<3 hours- IV TPA is substantial
3-4.5 hours - iv tPA moderate
4.5-6 hours - intra arterial tPA moderate
when pt is not candidate for clot buster
keep bp <220/120
aspirin 325 mg chewed
DVT prophylaxis
-Heparin 5000 SQ BID