Strings and Dictionaries Flashcards
Python allows us to concatenate using what operator?
This is super useful for taking you from one big string to a list of words
[‘Pluto’, ‘is’, ‘a’, ‘planet!’]
Turns a string into a list of smaller strings, breaking on whitespace by default
This puts a list of strings up into one long string, using the string it was called on as a separator
‘/‘.join([month, day, year])
In a “format string” where the Python values we want to insert are represented by what?
{} curly braces
“{}, you’ll always be the {}th planet to me. “.format(planet, position)
Built-in Python data structure for mapping keys to values
What are dictionaries
The in operator tells us whether something is a what?
A key in the dictionary
‘Saturn’ in planet_to_initial
How can you access a collection of all the keys or all the values?
dict.keys() and dict.values()
Get all the initials, sort them alphabetically, and put them in a space-separated string.
‘ ‘.join(sorted(planet_to_initial.values()))
What does an item refer to?
A key value pair
Returns the string right justified in a string of length width
def is_valid_zip(zip_code):
“””Return whether the input string is a valid (5 digit) zip code”””
return len(zip_code) == 5 and zip_code.isdigit()
What does (str.isdigit) do?
Returns True if string is digit, False otherwise
How do you create a dictionary?
{‘key1’:’value’,’key2’:123} curly braces
How would you grab a value in a key?
d = {‘key1’:’value’,’key2’:123}
You have to call the actual key
What is this?
d = {‘k1’:{‘innerkey’:[1,2,3]}}
A list inside of a list
Do dictionaries retain any order?
No they’re just key value pair mappings
In Python, a dict is an (blank blank) of items.
Unordered collection
A nested dict is a what?
A dictionary inside of a dictionary
How would you access elements of a nested dictionary?
Indexing [ ]