Stress, loss and grieving Flashcards
Define health:
A condition of feeling mentally and physically sound
What are humans basic needs?
Air, food, water shelter
What are needs?
Requirements for being healthy
Define self concept in relation to patients:
How a patient feels about and would decribe themselves
What are the factors that make up self concept?
- Body image
- Self-esteem
- Role
- Identitity
Ilness can changer or damage a person’s self concept
In what population is body image extremely difficult for?
Aldolescents and the elderly
What is body image measured by?
Ussually measured against what society ndeems ideal or acceptable
What is self-esteem?
How one evaluates oneself based on feedback
What can over criticism lead to?
Low esteem
What is role?
The part you play in the world
What is the difference between role and identity?
Role-Temporary, can change
Identitiy-Rarely changes over time
What can challeges to identity lead to?
What is identity?
The way that you see yourself
Health and self concept are interdependent
What is stress?
The pressure or weight placed upon oneself that causes physical or mental strain
What are the 4 areas that stress can impact your life?
- Physically
- Emotionally
- Cognitively
- Behaviourly
What are 3 physical symptoms of stress?
- Headaches
- Body aches
- Fatigue
What are 3 emotional symptoms of stress?
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Sadness
What are 3 cognitive symptoms of stress?
- Decreased concentration
- Decreased problem solving
- Decreased abilities in memory
What are 3 behavioural symptoms of stress?
- Increased alcohol/substance abuse
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Changes in appetite
What are stressors?
A perceived demand or threat
Stressors are only perceived
False; a stressor can be real or perceived
What is burnout?
Exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration
What are the results of burnout in the healthcare feild?
- Not 100% focused on the task at hand
- Not communicating in a therapeutic manner
- Feeling rushed
- Less efective care
What 3 feelings can burnout cause?
- Helplessness
- Deteriorating self concept
- Negativity towards work and co-workers
What are the 2 states that individuals choose to deal with threats?
- Challenge state
- Threat state
What is the challenge state?
Perceived resources matching or outweighing perceived demands
What is the threat state?
Perceived demands outweighing perceived resources
What is enviromentally coping?
Comfortable surroundings may help you think calmly and positively
Wha are the enviromental factors of enviromentally coping?
- Visual
- Auditory
- Sensory
What are the 2 different ways of coping with stress?
- Destructive
- Constructive
What type of loop does procrastination and stress exist in?
A positive feedback loop
What are the 4 steps that help with procrastination?
- Prioritize tasks
- Allocate time for basic tasks
- Allocate down time
- Stick to a schedule
What is greif?
Emotional suffering caused by a loss
What is anticipatory grieving?
Mourning before a loss even occurs
What are 3 common patient fears?
(more than 3, just name 3)
- Fear of dying/being abandoned in the hospital
- Losing control of thier life
- Fear of the unknown
Fear of death is universal
True; there are different levels of acceptance
The grieving process has to proceed in order
False; the grieving processes does not have to proceed in order and different lengths of time may be spent in each phase
What are the 4 phases of grieving?
- Denial
- Anger
- Barganing
- Depression
- Acceptance
What are the 2 factors that inhibit greiving?
- Attitudes
- Behaviours
What are 3 attitudes that can cause inhibitions to grieving?
- Trivializing
- Trying to hard to be strong
- In a rush to get through grieving
What are 4 behaviours that may cause inhibitions to grieving?
- Poor nutrition
- Lack of sleep
- Self medication
- Isolation
What are 4 ways to deal with grieving patients?
- Listen to them
- Offer assistance
- Provide ongoing support
- Be aware of and avoid compassion fatigue
It can be hard for both doctors and patients to recognize when treatment has failed
What are the focuses of palliative care?
- Make the patient comfortable
- Manage symptoms and pain of terminally ill patietns
- Maintaining highest quality of life possible
- Relieve any emotional stress
What are the 2 ways to communicate with terminal patients?
- Avoid false reassurances
- Validate thier feelings
What is euthanasia?
THe practice of killing or permitting the death of a sick or injured individual in a relatively painless way
What are the 2 types of euthinasisa?
- Active
- Passive
When was MAID legalized?
Who can qualify for MAID?
- patients 18 and older capable of making healthcare decisions
- Eligible for health services in Canada
- Have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability
- Must be voluntary and have informed consent
What does it mean to have a serious and incurable illness, diseawse or disability?
- Be in an advanced state of irreversible decline in capability
- Have enduring and intolerable physical or psychological suffering that cannot be alleviated under conditions the person considers acceptable
When must the written request be willingly made?
90 days before the date of death if not reasonable foreseeable
How many physicians/nurse practitioners must independently confirm that the illness warants MAID?
How many independent witnesses must sign that the request for MAID was free of coercion?
Eclicit consent must be given in the moment before administration
What are the restrictions to euthanasia in Canada?
- Not allowed under the age of 18
- Not allowed in mental health cases
- No advance directives allowed
What aer advanced directives?
Legal documents for healthcare when the patient is no longer capable of making decisions
What is one example of an advanced directive in healthcare?
What is a coma?
Specific parts of the brain have been damaged, but others that control breathing and circulation remain undamaged
As an MRT, we are sometimes responsible for imaging patients for organ dontations
What are the 3 cases of death that warrant investigation?
- Truama
- Abuse
- Suspicious death