Stress and Relisience Flashcards
What is Stress?
- Acute pressure leads to specific reaction from nervous/endocrine system (fight or flight)
- Hypothalumus responds increasing cortisol levels
Why is Stress in dentistry an issue?
- Work in intricate manner in sensitive and intimate part of body
- Sit in same pos for long periods of time
- responsible for smooth and seamless pt management
- Work related financial pressure and complex challeng of runnning small buisines
- Clinical excellence expected by our pts, colleagues and regulatory bodies
Give some causes of stress
Feelings of personal/professional inadequacy
Frustration at work
Lack of communication with peers/patients
Poor interpersonal relationships
Poor self image, low self esteem
What are some physical symptoms of stress?
Exhaustion, GI problems, Headaches, Shortness of breath
Skin complaints, Sleeplessness, Aches/pains
What are some psychological symptoms of stress?
Touchy and irritable, General lethargy, screaming/shouting,
Outbursts of anger
Why does stress matter?
Affects our behaviour and judgement and decision making
- Impacts performance intellectually and physically
Why is dentistry a high stress occupation?
difficult working circumstances
exposure to potentially hazardous diseases
human suffering and ability to affect human life.
What is Burnout?
A process whereby a previously committed professional disengages from his or her work in response to stress and strain experienced in the job
Exhausted mentally and physically
Define resilience. What are the 4 key factors to be reslient?
Resilience is process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, and threats
Awareness of you and whats going on
Thinking about it and not glossing over emotions
Reaching out when needed