stress Flashcards
Any event that triggers coping
The physical and emotional wear and
tear reaction of a person attempting to cope
with a stressor.
The process by which we perceive and
respond to events (stressors).
Three Research Focuses
- The environment: stress as a stimulus
(stressors) - Reaction to stress: stress as a response
(distress) - Stress as a process that includes stressors
and strains, but includes relationship between
person and the environment (coping).
The Physiology of Stress
when we sense danger…
Increase in
* Adrenaline
* Heart rate, breathing
blood pressure… etc.
* Cortisol
Decrease in
* Reduced blood flow
to the kidneys, skin
and gut that are not
immediately needed
The role of the endocrine system in stress
Hypothalamus orders the pituitary to secrete
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) which is
taken up by the adrenal glands.
Adrenal Glands:
* Mediates most of our
physiological responses to stress
* Releases cortisol, epinephrine,
and norepinephrin
the physiology of stress: the sympathetic nervous system
Adrenal Medulla: Epinephrine
& Norepinephrine
* heart rate
* respiration
* perspiration
* blood to muscles
* metabolism
* mental activity
general adaptation syndrome
- alarm reaction: fight or flight
- resistance: arousal high as body tries to defend and adapt
- exhaustion: limited physical resources, resistance decreases stress
Biological Theories of
Psychophysiological Disorders
- Somatic-Weakness Theory
- Weakness in a specific body organ
- Example: congenitally weak respiratory system might
predispose the individual to asthma - Specific-Reaction Theory
- Individual response to stress is idiosyncratic
- Prolonged Exposure to Stress Hormones
- Activation of CNS and HPA axis
- Stress and the Immune System
- Stress impact the ANS, hormone levels, brain activity
transaction model
1) Encounter a potentially stressful event or
2) Cognitive appraisals:
* Primary appraisal – is this event positive, neutral
or negative; and if negative, how bad?
* Secondary appraisal – do I have resources or
skills to handle the event/demand?
* If no, then distress
Psychological Aspects of Stress
- Stress can affect cognitive performance.
- Vicious cycle of rumination and/or worrying
- Stress can affect our emotions.
- Fear and anxiety
Dysfunctional Cognitive Processes
Stress arises or is augmented by faulty or
irrational ways of thinking:
* Catastrophizing – “It is the end of the world if I get
turned down when I ask for a date.”
* Overgeneralizing – “I didn’t get a good grade on
this test. I can’t get anything right.”
* Selective abstraction – Only seeing specific details
of the situation (e.g., Seeing the negatives but
missing the positive details)
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR)
- Measure of skin’s resistance to
electricity - Polygraph
measuring stress- Performance Measures
Social facilitation (good stress):
* Any increment of individual activity resulting from
the presence of another individual
* Creates arousal, thus enhancing the dominant
What impacts do major life events have on our
Holmes & Rahe
- Life change units
- Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)