Strength and Conditioning Exam 3 Flashcards
the flow of energy in biological system. the conversion of macronutrients into biologically usable forms of energy
-capacity to do work
- the BREAKDOWN of large molecules into smaller molecules
- releases energy
- the GROWTH/SYNTHESIS of arguer molecules from smaller molecules
- accomplished using the energy released from catabolic reactions
-the total of all the catabolic and anabolic reactions
- adenosine tri phosphate
- most useable form of energy
- stored in muscle
- replenished by energy systems
- chem to mech (actin pulling)
3 energy systems
-phosphagen system
(need and need now rapid regen of ATP)
(not rapid, more bang for buck glucose regens ATP, makes lactate)
-oxidative (aerobic) system
(glucose/fat/protein, more source requires O2 slow)
What determines energy system used?
- Intensity
- Duration
Phosphagen System
- break CP and ADP in 1/2
- short term/ hi intensity ex
- CP cleaved by Creatine Kinase
- more CP in type 2
- driven by chem reactions
- takes time to replenish (Depletion)
Law of Mass Action
the concentrations of reactants or products (or both) in solution will drive direction of the reactions
-breakdown of carbohydrates
-2 sources glycogen (muscle)/glucose(blood)
-reg by enz reactions
-vast source of E
FAST- anaerobic
SLOW- aerobic
Very important in long duration ex
Creates Lactate
Pyruvate 2 options
1 converted to lactate
-resynth faster, limited in duration activities
2 shuttles to mitochondria
-Krebs cycle, ATP is slower, energy return is greater, long duration (but slower energy)
Cori Cycle
-lactate can be transported in blood to liver, then converted to glucose
Factors influencing Glycolosis
Source -blood2 muscle3 Stimulation -concengrations of ADP, P, dec pH Inhibition -hi pH, atp, cp, citrate, free fatty acids Rate limiting enzyme -PFK
Lactate Threshold
- inc resistance on anaerobic mech
- marker of anaerobic thresh
- speed of mivm or % VO2max w/ specific blood lactate conc is observed or point where blood lactate conc. begins to inc above resting levels
Slow Glycolosis and Krebs Cycle
- Pyruvate to mitochonria converts to acetyl CoA and enters Krebs cycle
- NADH molecules molecules enter election transport system, resynthasize ATP
Oxidative Aerobic System
-primary source of ATP at res/low intensity
-primarly carb/fats
(krebs cycle/ citric acid cycle/ electron transport chain)
Fat Beta Oxidation
- we store some in music and is very good but it stores in adipose first
- trigylcerides broken down
Oxidative System
Protein -not sig source of E (slow) -broken to amino acids, convey to glue, pyruvate, or variance krebs cycle... Control of System -isocitrate dehyogena -stim by ADP -inhib ATP
Metabolism of Fat, Carb, and Protein
share common pathways. all reduced to acetyl Co a and enter Krebs cycle
E system rate of ATP production vs Capacity
Phosphagen Fast glycolisis Slow glycolosis Oxidaton of carbs Oxidation of fats and proteins Top > bottom = fastest to slowest and least to greatest
Intensity effect on system
Phosphagen-0-6 ext high phosphagen/ fast glyc-6-30 very high fast glycol-30-2 high fast gly/ox sys-2-3 mod ox sys >3 low intensity=speed
Exercise Economy
- measure of E cost of activity at given ex velocity
- improvement means improv in max aerobic power (VO2) and lactate thresh
- imp or long term adapt
- task specific
Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program Steps
1 ex mode 2 frequency 3 intensity 4 duration 5 progression
Why is ex intensity important?
determines energy system used
-most important factor in improving and maintaining aerobic power
using HR / RPE/ VO2max/ HRR to determine intensity
HR most common
RPE correllates w/ HR
HRR accounts for resting HR
VO2 max accurate
Proper progression rules for aerobic endurance program
- 10% wk
- intensity is important and should be monitored
- longer than race distance 30min-2hr
- lower intense than comp may be disadvantage w/ over training
Pace/ Tempo training
- intensity at or slightly above LT
- steady pace =20-30 min continuous at LT
- intermittent = series of shorter intervals w/ brief recovery
- LT adaptations
Interval Training
- ex intensity close to VO2 max 3-5 min intervals
- work rest 1:1
- best VO2 max adaptations
- difficult and taxing careful rx
- more time training close to VO2 max
Repetition training
- max intensity >VO2 max
- 30-90 sec or less
- work rest 1:5
- adapt w/ running speed, economy, most specific
Fartlek Training
- easy running `70-VO2 w/ hills or short fast bursts (85-90 VO2)
- can be adapted w/cycle/swim
- adapt Vo2, LT, running econ and fuel utilization