Streets Flashcards
Ashley place
Newhaven road
Bailie place
Milton road
Balmoral place
Glenogle road/Brandon st
Beauchamp road
Liberton bear/Alnwick road
Boat green
Wariston road/cannon mills
Campbell avenue
Rav dykes
Darnel road
South trinity road/ferry road
Devon place
Haymarket terrace
Dreghorn loan
Woodhall road @ Colin ton road
Gardiner road
Hill house road
Huntington place
Annandale st/leith walk
Longformacus road
Liberton gardens
Malbet park
Lasswade road
North park terrace
Comely bank road
Peel terrace
Mayfield gardens
Bangor road /great junction street
Royal circus
North west circus place/Howe street
School Brae
White House road
St Tomas road
Grange loan /blackford avenue
Tay street
Dundee terrace
Burn head crescent
Little road /Liberton gardens
Dudley gardens
Newhaven road
Kedslie road
Liberton drive
Lennel avenue
Rav dykes
Lilly hill terrace
Mediwbank crescent /abercorn road
Mertoun pace
Polworth gardens
Moston Terrace
Brights crescent /mayfield road
Ventnor terrace
Mayfelid gardens /Craig millar park
Weavers knowe crescent
Riccarton mains road /Lanark road west
Wind rush drive
Newhaven place /Lindsay road
 Falcon Avenue
Morningside Road
 Abbey Hill Crescent
Carlton Road
Glendevon Road
Balgreen Road
Cannon Street
Eyre place
Bangor Road
Great Junction Street/Bonnington Road
Brights Crescent
 Mayfield Gardens /road 
 Caroline Park Avenue
 Waterfront Broadway
Dalmeny Road
Ferry Road
 Kingsborough Road
 Murrayfield Road, Corstorphine Road
 Langton Road
 West Savile Terrace/west mains road
Lee Crescent
Brighton Place
Malebt park
Lasswade Road
Maiden, Craig Crescent
Queensferry Road
Park Road
 New Haven Road
Salveson Gardens
Muirhouse Parkway
Taylor Gardens
Great Junction Street
Temple Park Crescent
Polworth Crescent Crescent Gardens
Waterton Road
West Savile Terrace
Waverley Park
Spring Gardens, London Road
William Street
Stafford Street Shandwick Place
Anderson place
Bonnington Road
Boswall Road
Granton Road
Brae Park Road
Whitehouse Road
Chancelot terrace
Ferry road opp Craighall road
Columba Road
Queensferry Road
Alva place
London Road
Broomfield Crescent
Saughton Road north
Harvesters way
Ivanhoe Crescent
Gilmerton Road inch
Kenilworth Drive
Leadervale Road
Alnwick Road
Palmerston Road
Beaufort Road, Grange Road
Tennant Street
Bonnington Road
Drumdryan street
Brougham Place Street
Gladstone Terrace
Melville Terrace
Wishaw Terrace
London Road
Tylers acre Gardens
Saughton road north
Madeira Street
Ferry Road
Netherby Road
Primrose bank Road

Rosslyn Crescent
Pilrig Street
Rannoch Road
Clermiston Road, Drumbrae Drive
Southfield Terrace
Malton Road, West
Viewforth Gardens
Bruntsfield Place 
Wind rush, drive
Newhaven Place
Viewfield Road
Westerhales Road
Victor Park Terrace
Saint Johns Road
King Street
Great Junction Street
Greenbank area
Greendykes area
Niddrie Mains Road
Green end area
Ellens Glen Road 
Greenfield area
Greenhill area
Greenlaw area
Firhill Drive 
Greenside place, Lane 
Play house
Annandale Street 
The green
Main Street Davidson’s mains
Harvesters way
Green park area
Gilmerton Road
Greendale park
Muirhouse Medway
Lennox Street
Eton Terrace, Dean Bridge
Lennox row
Stirling Road trinity
Morton Street
Joppa Road
Morton, Street, South
Milton Road, East
Morton, Hall Road
Blackford Avenue
Morton, Hall Park area
Frogston road east
Blackadder place
Boswall Parkway
Blackthorn Court
Barton gate av
Blackwood Cresant
West Preston Street
Black barony road
Mayfield Road
Black Chapel Road/close
Newcraighall Road
Blackie Road
Restalrig Road
Wester broom
Medow place road
Ferniehill way
Ferniehill road /drum street
Jess field Terrace
Hawthornvale New Haven Road
Strathalmond Road
Cammo Road Queensferry Road
Capelaw Harelaw, fernielaw, castle law
Woodhall Road
Spottiswood Street
Thirlstane road Marchmont Road, White House loan
View Craig Street
Holyrood Road
Portland Street
Lindsey Road, North Fort Street
Dryden Street
Pilrig street , Leith walk
Elgin terrace
Brunswick Road, Easter road
Royal Crescent
Fettes row Dundas Street
Melgund Terrace
East Claremont Street, Bellevue
Glencairn Crescent
Palmerston Place
Craiglea drive
Comiston road Morningside Grove
Comiston Drive
Comiston road morningside grove
Grant Avenue
Bonaly Road, barn shot Road Woodhall Road
Kirk Street
Leith walk
Arden street
Marchmont road
Balfour street
Leith walk
Dublin street
Albany street /broughton street
Ethel terrace
Morningside drive /Comiston road
Fraser avenue
Granton road
Gifford park
Buccleuch street
Glengyle terrace
Leven street
Hope terrace
Kilgraston road/White House loan
India place
North west circus place
Johns place
Queen Charlotte street
Lampacre road
Sought on road north
Liddlesdale place
Glengogle road /Brandon terrace
Livingston place
Melville terrace/drive
Manderston street
Leith walk
Perth street
Henderson row
Robert burns drive
St clair terrace
Morningside drive /Comiston road
Tantallon place
Sciennes road/grange road
Hoseasons Gardens
Drumbrae drive
Pitt street
Newhaven road/ferry road
Argyle Street
Portland Street, Lindsey Road
Gibson Terrace
Dundee Street
Succoth place
Garscube terrace /rav dykes
Reid terrace
Glenoglye road
Glencairn Crescent
Coats Gardens Haymarket Terrace
Vexhim park
Chalmers Crescent
Beaufort Road, Grange Road
East park side
Holyrood park road
Redhall drive
Inglis green road
Munro drive
Bonaly road / woodhall road
Park grove road
Queensferry road
Belgrave crescent
Queensferry Road
Seaforth Drive
Queensferry Road
Royston mains Crescent
Crewe Road, North
Rosebank Road
Granton Road
Pilton Avenue
Crewe Road, North
North werber park
Crewe Road, South
Gosford place
Ferry Road
Stanley Road
New Haven Road
Connaught place
Ferry Road
Castle Avenue
Saughton Road, North
Dovecot Road
Saughton Road, North
Roull road
Saughton road north
Duart crescent
Drumbrae, South
Park Grove Drive
Drum Brae North
Barnton Gate Avenue
Drum Brae North
St clair terrace
Morningside Drive
St Ninians terrace
Morningside Drive
St fillans Terrace
Morningside drive
St Ronan’s Terrace
Morningside drive
Dalhousie terrace
Morningside Drive
Ethel terrace
Morningside Drive
Bruce Street
Balcarres st
Maxwell Street
Morningside Road
Jordan Lane
Morningside Road
Ottersburn park
Craiglockhart Drive South
Belmont Road
Lanark Road
Torduff road
Bonaly road woodhall road
Allermuir road
Woodhall Road
Barnshot Rod
Woodhall Road
Nile Grove
Cluny Gardens
Wellington Street
London Road
Arthur Street
Pilrig street
Jamison place
Leith walk
Smiths place
Leith walk
Poplar Lane
Links place
North greens
The jewel
Parrot shot
Meadowfield all
Duddingston Road West
Brown Street
New, Arthur place
Dunedin street
Broughton Road
Burlington Street
Bonnington Road
Tinto place
Bonnington Road
Eldon street /terrace
Inverleith, Row
Old tollbooth wynd
Calton road
St john road
Holyrood road
Beaverbank place
Broughton Road
Ann street
Dean park crescent /Queensferry Road
Danube street
St Bernard’s crescent /deanhaugh street
Archibald place
Lauriston place 
Cochrane Terrace
East London Street, Broughton Street
Queens Avenue
Seaforth Drive Queensferry Road
Wilton road
Mayfield Road
Gilmour Road
Lygon Road Craigmillar Park
Ross Road
Mayfield Road
Hallhead Road
Mayfield Road
Killmaurs road
Priestfield Road, Dalkeith Road
 Seton Place
Grange Road
Cumin place
Grange Road
Mansion house Road
Grange Road
Orchard head Road
Liberton Brae
Duddingston Park, South
Templeland road
St John’s Road, Drumbrae, South
Belgrave Road
St John’s Road?
Ransome Gardens
Drumbrae drive
Pearce road
Drumbrae south
India place
North west circus place
Clifton terrace
Haymarket terrace west maitlands street
Appin Terrace
Slateford Road
Bothwell Street
Easter Road
Caroline Terrace
Claire Miston Road, Drumbrae, South
Dalgety Street
Marionville Road
Dalmeny Street
Easter Road, Leith walk
Double hedges Road
Gilmerton Road, Kirkbrae
Dunedin Street
Broughton Road
Elbe Street
Salamander Street
Easter Belmont Road
Murrayfield Road, Chris, Alton Road
East cross Causeway
Pleasants, Saint Leonards Nicholson Street
Falkland Gardens
Clermiston road
Halymre street
Lorna Street is the road
Jamaica Street
Howe Street
Mardale Crescent
Merchiston Avenue, Collington Road
Lindsey Road
North leith mills
North Junction Street, commercial Street
Orchiltree Gardens
Kingston Avenue, all Dalkeith Road
Parkside Terrace
Dalkeith Road
Queen Margaret close
Frogston Road West
Stration place
Bath Street bath Street
Trotters Haugh
Morton, Hall Road, Blackford Avenue
West mill road
Woodhall road
Laverockdale park
Bonaly road /Woodhall road
Old farm avenue
Redford road
Dovecot park/grove
Lanark road
Saughton road
Shaftesbury Park
Shandon Place Ashley Terrace
Craig house road
Blackford glen road
Liberton Brae
Glenorchy terrace
Bright’s crescent
Dalrymple crescent
Findhorn place/Lauder road
Cutlins road
Calder road
Forrester park area
Broom house road /ladywell avenue
Calder area
Westerhailes road /Calder road
Dunsmuir court
Ladywell road
Roull road
Saughton road north
Broomhouse area
Calder Rosad/Saughton road/broom house road /drive
Barnton gate area
Drum Brae north
Park grove area
Drum Brae north /queensferry road /Clermiston drive
Alan breck gardens
Rannoch road Clermiston road
Broomhall area
Medowplace road /Ladywell road /avenue
North gyle area
Glasgow road /Craig’s road /maybury road
Westburn avenue
Westerhailes road
Fords road
Gorgie road
Cumloden avenue
Rav dykes
Carlton street
St. Bernard’s crescent
Clarence street
Hamilton place /st Stephen’s street
Dean path
Murrayfield avenue
Crarae avenue
Rav dykes
Orchard /brae area
Craigleith road /queensferry road
Blinkbonny area
Queens ferry road /rav dykes/orchard road south
Grigor drive
Telford road
Grigor avenue
Crewe road south
Dickson field
Brunswick road
Brunswick road
Montgomery place
Brunswick road
Russell place
East trinity road /Lennox row
Heriot hill terrace
Rodney street
West pilton area
Penny well road /west granton toad /west granton access /ferry road
Jeffrey avenue
Craigcrook road
Donaldson crescent
West Coates
Arneil drive
Crewe road north
Rocheid park
East fettes avenue
Spey terrace
Leith walk
Cobden road/crescent
Ventnor terrace /Mayfield Gardens
Mentone terrace
Mayfield Road
Mentone gardens
Mayfield Gardens
Middleby street
Minto Street
Crawfurd road
Craigmillar Park
Niddry mains road
Woolmet place
Greendykes Road
Southfield place
Top off Brighton place
Durar drive
Drumbrae, south
Stair park
Murrayfield road
Colville place
Glengogle road
Considine terrace
Queen’s Park avenue
Eastfield Gardens
Malton Road, East
Ettrickdale place
Glenogle road
Glendinning Crescent
Claverhouse drive /kirkbrae
Hope Field Terrace
North Junction Street
Argyle crescent
Brunstane road south /abercorn terrace
Prestonfield avenue
Cobden road
Ventnor terrace /mayfield road
Gilmour street
Blantyre terrace
Mercy avenue
Hutchy crossway /gorgie road
South gyle broadway
Maybury drive
Almond green/square
Maybury drive
Medowsweet drive
Maybury road
March road
Craigcrook road
Dundonald street
Royal crescent /Drummond place
Hutton road
Holyrood road
Allan street
Raeburn place
Barony street
Broughton street
Crighton place
Leith walk
Crighton street
Chapel street
Earl haig gardens
East trinity road ferry road
Hunters close
Grass market
Park avenue
Milton road
Steels place
Morning side road
Gordon road
Clermiston road
Harden place
Polworth gardens
York road
East trinity road /star bank road
Stead’s place
Leith walk
Duddingston row/mountcastle drive south
Coburg street
Great junction street /sand port place
Heriot row
Darnaway street too dundas street
King Malcom close
Mounthiooly /Frogston road west
New swanston/oxgangs road
Howe park
New swanston/oxgangs road
Between cables wynd and Henderson Street, Great Junction Street
Young Street
North Castle Street, Queen Street
Tomson Road
Bryce Road, Lanark Road, West
Kingsknowe Road, North
Longstone Road
Clinton Road
White House loan
Daiches Brae
Braunston Road, South Molton Road, East
Dudley Crescent
New Haven Road, Ferry Road
Redheughs avenue
South Gyle crescent
Upper Grove Place
Grove street /fountainbridge
Wolsey crescent
London road /jocks lodge
The steils
Glenlockhart road
Stirling Road
South trinity road/cargill terrace East Trinity Road, Ferry Road
Barony Terrace
Forrester Road, Clermiston road
Alfred place
Mayfield terrace minto street
Ballantyne road
Great junction street
Bedford terrace
Morton street Joppa road
Broomhall Crescent
Stockton Road, North/medowplace road
Cornhill terrace
Restarlig road
Vivian terrace
Corbiehill road hillhouse road
Forth view terrace
Telford road /hillhouse road
Union place
Picardy place Antigua Street Leith walk
Inverleith, Row
Norton Park
Rossi place Easter Road
Bedford street
Dean Park Street
Bedford Terrace
Morton, Street Brunston Road, North
Belgrave Crescent
Buckingham Terrace Queensferry Road
Belfield Street Lane
Portobello High Street
Boroughloch square Lane
Buccluech street
Essendean (all)
Hoeseason gardens /drum Brae drive
Foulis crescent
Lanark road
Gilmore Street
Glebe road
St John’s road
Guardwell Crescent
Gilmerton Road
Hailes street
Gilmore Place
Hyvot av/gareens
Mordun dykes road
Inveralmond drive
Whitehouse Road
Ivy Terrace
Slateford Road
Kinellan road
Murrayfield Road
Lady, Menzies place
Rossi place
Lockerby all
Lasswade road
Lord Russell Place
Mentone Gardens Terrace
Mayfield Road
Mentone Avenue
Bath Street
Millerfield Place
Melville Terrace
Mount Vernon Road
Noble Place
Industrial Road
North Gyle Terrace
Maybury Road
Orchard Drive
Craig leaf Road
Paisley Crescent
Ulster Drive Willoughby Road
Springwood Park
Saint Catherine’s Gardens
Corsrtorphine rosd
Torrance Park
Drumbrae drive
Upper Gray Street
Salisbury Place
Violet Terrace
Slateford Road
Wardie road
Ferry Road
Waridieburn road
BOswall Parkway
Warriston gardens
Inverlieth row
West Bowling Green Street
Anderson Place Bonnington Road
West Catherine place
Devon place west coastes
White dales
Mount hooly loan Frogston road west
Zetland place
Trinity road
Wellington Place
Constitution Street, Duke Street
Wellington Street
London Road
Bowmont place
St Leonard’s
St Leonard’s hill
Bowmont place
Poplar lane
Links place
Elbe street
Salamander street
Assembly street
Baltic street /salamander street
Cadiz street
Elbe street /salamander street
Mitchell street
Constitution street
Fox street
Salamander street
Maritime street
Bernard street
Timber bush
Bernard street
Kenmure avenue
Abercorn road /willow Rae road
Glen Lee av gardens
Willowbrae road
Lismore av crescent
London road /willowbrae road
Dock place
Commercial street
Westbank street
Porty high street
Stanley place
Lower London road
Prince regent street
North junction street
Rose field
Brighton place
Stanley street
Southfield place /Brighton place
Dukes walk
Queens drive /medow bank terrace
Moncreiff terrace
Melville terrace
Buckstone drive
Buckstone terrace (part off Comiston road )
Barnton park
Crammond road south (Barnton gardens )
Belford gardens avenue
Orchard road south /wueensferry terrace
Barnton av and park
Crammond road south
Barnton gate
Drum Brae north
Laurie Street
Constitution Street
, Saint Andrews Place
Academy Street, Duke Street
Sheriff Park
Mill Lane, Great Junction Street
Sheriff, Brae
Mill Lane, Great Junction Street, Parliament Street
St David’s Terrace and place
Morrison Street
Clarendon crescent
, Queensferry Road
Burgess street
Cromwell place
Commercial street
Summerside street
Ferry road
Summerside place
Ferry road Newhaven road
New Haven Road
, Graham Street
New Haven Road
Ferry road
Monmouth terrace
Ferry road
Royston terrace
Inverleith row
Belford road
Horne terrace
Murray cottages
Ladywell road
Gyle muir
Meadowplace road
St ninians drive and road
St John’s road
Downie grove
Corstorphine road
Wallace gardens
Elllersy road
Arnot gardens
Lanark road
Weymess place
Heriot row queens street
Willow tree place
New mills road Lanark road west
Oxford street
Lutton place /east Preston street
Lilly hill terrace
Abercorn road
Hopetoun crescent
McDonald’s road Annandale street
Peffer place
Duddingston road west
Sandport place
Coburg street /comercial street /shore
The steils
Glenlockhart road
Queens crescent
Dalkeith road
Nerthby road
Cargil terrace /granton road
Kinnear road
Arboretum road ferry road
Granville terrace
Gilmore place
Albert road
Bath road /salamander street
Summerfield gardens
Claremont park
Forbes street
St Leonard’s hill
Fords road
Gorgie road
Forbes road
Brunsfield Place
South Oswald road
Blackford avenue
Owswald road
Kilgraston road/cluny gardens /charter hall road
Campbell avenue
Murrayfield road
Campbell road
Rav dykes
East pilton farm avenue
Pilton drive
Boswall drive
Hill o house avenue
Hill house road /telford road ??
Inglewood place
Claverhouse drive /gilmerton road the inch
Qauyside street
Sanport place /shore
St Vincent street
Howe street /great king street
Stapley avenue
Craigintinny avenue
India street
Heriot row
Jamaica street
Howe street
Orrock park
Gilmerton road
Fowler terrace
Dundee street
Dinmount drive
Gilmerton road