Streamlined Chronology Flashcards
The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx, German 1848
Karl Marx, German 1867
Interpretation of Dreams
Freud, German 1900
Freud, German 1915
A Course in General Linguistics
Saussure, French 1916
“Art as Technique”
Scklovsky Russian 1917
“Mourning and Melancholia”
Freud, German 1919
The Ego and the Id
Freud, German 1923
The Prison Notebooks
Gramsci Italian 1929-1935
“The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”
Benjamin German 1935
“The Origin of a Work of Art”
Heidegger German 1935-6
“The Intentional Fallacy”
Wimsatt and Beardsley English 1946
Second Sex
Simone de Beauvoir French 1949
“The Mirror Stage”
Lacan French 1949
The Elementary Structures of Kinship
Levi-Strauss French 1949
“My Credo: Formalist Critics”
Brooks English 1951
“The Structural Study of Myth”
Levi-Strauss French 1955
Barthes French 1957
“The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious”
Lacan French 1957 as a talk
“Signification of the Phallus”
Lacan French 1958
“On National Culture”
Fanon French 1961
Totality and Infinity
Levinas French 1961
“The Trace of the Other”
Levinas French 1963
Rebalais and His World
Bakhtin Russian 1965
“Structure, Sign, and Play”
Derrida French 1966
“The Order of Things”
Foucault French 1966
“Negritude: A Humanism of the Twentieth Century”
Léopold Sédar Senghor French 1966
“The Death of the Author”
Barthes English 1967
Derrida French 1968
“What Is an Author?”
Foucault French 1969
“Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”
Althusser French 1970
“Literary History and Literary Modernity”
de Man English 1970
“Signature Event Context”
Derrida French 1971
“The Historical Text as Literary Artifact”
White English 1974
“Laugh of the Medusa”
Cixous French 1975
“Literary Competence” from Structuralist Poetics
Culler English 1975
Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature
Deleuze Guattari French 1975
“Panopticism” from Discipline and Punish
Foucault French 1975
“The Traffic in Women: Notes on the ‘Political Economy’ of Sex”
Rubin English 1975
History of Sexuality
Foucault French 1976
Marxism and Literature
Williams English 1977
“When Our Lips Speak Together”
Irigaray French 1977
“The Sex Which is Not One”
Irigaray French 1977
“Women on the Market”
Irigaray French 1977
Edward Said English 1978
“Women’s Time”
Kristeva French 1979
The Writing of the Disaster
Blanchot French 1980
Simulacra and Simulation
Baudrillard French 1981
“The Forms of Capital”
Bordieu French 1983
“An Ethics of Sexual Difference”
Irigaray French 1984
“The Race to Theory”
Christian English 1987
“Authority (White) Power and the (Black) Critic; It’s All Greek to Me”
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. English 1987
“The Asylums of Anteus”
Marcus English 1988
Reading Race
Aldon Nielson English 1988
“Can the Subaltern Speak?”
Gayatri Spivak English 1988
“Postmodern Blackness”
bell hooks English 1990
“Other: From Noun to Verb”
Mackey English 1990
Epistemology of the Closet
Sedgewick English 1990
“Who is My Neighbor?”
Llewelyn English 1991
“Arts of the Contact Zone”
Mary Louise Pratt English 1991
“The Evidence of Experience”
Joan Scott English 1991
“The World and the Home”
Homi Babha English 1992
Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology
Glotfelty English 1996