Strategic Product Management Flashcards
Corporate strategy
Business and marketing strategy (how, when, where to compete - product market, market segment, marketing mix) needs to fit with the corporate strategy (where we want to go - vision, mission, objectives, allocation of resources, synergies)
Key factors influencing product profitability
Internal factors -development expenses -development speed -production cost -product performance External factors -sales volume -competitive environment Net present value *pricing affects internal (companies look to make good profit) and external (customers influence price)
Typical cash flow for new product
- early development costs
- ramp up costs for production preparation
- marketing and support costs
Layers are connected - lower uncertainty
- project
- firm (strategy: extend portfolio,improve existing products, cost reduction and synergise)
- market (tends/risks in market, competition, different local demands across countries)
- macro environment (opportunities/risk in economic and political climate, natural, demographic, social)
Product strategy
1) INCREMENTAL PRODUCTS: target existing markets/technologies
2) NEW PRODUCTS: target new markets/ technologies
Development activities as determinant of success
- strategic planning plays a strong role for really new products, but lowers the performance for incremental products (uncertainty linked to really new products, while incremental products do not require long-term planning)
- business and market opportunity analysis highly important for the success of incremental products, but not vital for really new products
Uncertainty, risk and exposures
Uncertainty: Unpredictability of environmental or organisational variables that impact corporate performance
-general environmental uncertainties: political, government policy, macroeconomics, social, natural
-industry uncertainties: product market, input market, competitive
-firm uncertainties: operating, liability, r&d, behavioural
Risk: Unpredictability in corporate outcome variables
Exposures: sensitivity of a firm or project’s cash flows to changes in any of a number of interrelated uncertain variables
E.g. Burberry
Product management varies across organisations
Apple: project manager as CEO - Steve Jobs
Microsoft: different divisions fighting for resources
-Functionally focuses organisations: aligned by marketing functions, marketing strategies developed by CEO and Vice President, good when companies have fewer products, no single person is responsible
-Product focuses organisation: centralised structure (product manager mini CEO), different products can use the same distribution channel, narrow focus, employee competition
-Market-focused organisations: segments defined, different marketing strategies required
5 responses to mitigate risks
1) Avoidance (e.g. Divest where there is less uncertainty, delay entry, low uncertainty niches)
2) control (e.g. Lobbying, threats, vertical integration -different channels, sales, supply chain, advertising- low uncertainties)
3) cooperation (e.g. Long-term agreements, franchise/license)
4) flexibility (e.g. Diversification -global reach)
5) imitation (e.g. Follow other firms, learn form competitors - imitate products and processes)
Effective strategy to maintain the status quo
- under uncertain environments
- when initial advantage is high
- do dissimilar moved to avoid dethronement
- sometimes should not imitate at all in dynamic environments
Uncertainties can create opportunities
- upward trend
- repeating/regular pattern: could be seasonal , benefit from the ups (e.g. Christmas market)
- if price of materials change over time, can use a cheaper alternative (switch to gain an advantage)
Creating options to capture opportunities
Flexibility options: e.g. Switching materials or production between continents, internally competing products, mutual technologies in the race
Growth options:initial investment may lead to further opportunities e.g. New platform technology,market entry)
Learning options: staged investments e.g. Drug development, research, oil exploration, launch limited number if products before wider roll-out
Exit options: abandon projects, save and employ resources to other initiatives
Uncertainty: real options view
Under uncertainty real options are valuable, they give management the flexibility to acquire, divest, and switch resources when such moves are advantageous
1. Core enhancement launches: improving profit streams and growth of core business, building in familiar business, extending existing brand e.g. Tide packaging size, usage
2. Platform launches: platform for significant growth in future revenue ps and profits e.g. Swifter line of cleaning implements
3. Positioning options: fairly confident long-term demand exists, underlying technology to address demand is unclear
-two key strategic purposes: learns out new capabilities and technologies, create a hedge in the event that the unexpected happened e.g. Boeing 2008 skyhook
4. Scouting options: learn and gather information from consumers, small investments and redirect path after most promising path is identified e.g. Apple stores
5. Stepping-stone options: deliberately staged and sequenced real options, series of small investments (technology is developing, firm needs to develop skills, consumers are learning) e.g. Nanotechnology
Portfolios with gaps…
-want immediate sales so focuses on stepping stone options, scientists have ideas that are focuses on enhancement launches rather than in the customer
New product preannouncement
- Product development and positioning
- use feedback from market to improve design and positioning strategy
- influence customer preference (information about market and why they need the product, how it can be used and influence expectations) - Product diffusion and adoption
- use new product pronouncement to motivate pre launch orders (e.g. Virgin galactica
- network externalities: consumers evaluate new hardware based on complementaries and installed based - New product pre announcement can influence analysts and investors expectations
- people will write positive things about you
- can help investors make better decisions about where to put their money
Elements of a press release
Core information, additional information, dip into emotions
- information must have for communication to be successful
- edition all information that is helpful but not crucial
- would be nice if they had it
1. Press release label (label document press release)
2. Release date statement (for release on -date-/immediate)
3. Contact information
4. Headline
5. Sub heads
6. Body (begins with town, state, date; insert quotes; inverted pyramid)
7. The lead (first sentences need to be attention grabbing)
8. Boilerplate (descriptive paragraph about the organisation)
9. Mark the end of the copy with ### centred at the bottom