Strategic Intelligence - General Flashcards
*The national policies and decisions thereof depend, to a large extent, upon the soundness of the basic intelligence. A significant portion of this is derived from evaluated and interpreted information about other countries or areas. Intelligence to be useful, must be adequate, timely and reasonably accurate and judiciously considered by decision makers within a careful context of national values and objectives.
*Strategic Intelligence is that knowledge pertaining to the capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable courses of action of other nations which is required by national planners for the formulation of an adequate national policy in time of peace and forms the basis for projected military operations in time of war.
- Strategic Intelligence is produced over a period of time by study and assembly of a large volume of detailed information, unlike tactical intelligence which usually involves rapid evaluation and interpretation of current information.
Strategic Intelligence on various aspects which influence the military capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable courses of action of nations are considered as components of strategic intelligence. Major components are as follows:
1. Geographical data
2. Political data
3. Economic data
4. Transportation and communication data including tele communications
5. Scientific data
6. Sociological data
7. Armed forces data
Classification of Strategic Intelligence
Enemy component of the strategic intelligence may be broadly classified as:
1. Basic Description Form - The initiation of positive foreign policy required which is essentially descriptive and in the form of reports. This form of information is of relatively static things like terrain, hydrography and climate.
- Current Reportorial Form - The current form should include description and the changes in the more transient subjects like population, political and economic structure, armed forces and so on.
- Speculative and Evaluative Form - This category of information deals with the future, the possibilities and probabilities in various fields such as economic, scientific, educational, health and armed forces. Certain estimates with regard to how another country may shape its forces to severe its foreign policy or strategy and how it may attempt to use these forces against own country are also drawn.
Collection Planning
In any type of organization, irrespective of its size and role, the general system followed for planning for acquisition is as follows:
- Priorities are laid down in respect of countries of interest.
- Intelligence requirements in respect of various components are indicated after taking stock of what is available.
- Intelligence collection responsibilities are given to various sources or agencies.
- Coordination of effort and activities is ensured.
A very large proportion of the required information is obtained by close and systematic observation and study of the open sources of Intelligence i.e. unclassified literature which is published in each country viz newspapers and magazines or is available on internet or through audio/video media on military, education, economic, technical and other subjects. Some information on classified matters is however obtained by clandestine means.
The intelligence should be suitably collated in a manner that the required material is available to the users in the proper form. It may have to be compiled in files, books, maps or atlases and should be suitably indexed and illustrated where required.
It is essential that a postmortem of all intelligence estimates after these have been put to use, should be carried out. This enables discovery of any flaws in collection and analysis of intelligence and remedial measures to correct the same.
The aspects of intelligence provide the knowledge of potential of other countries. Strategic Intelligence is most vital as it is the basis for the framing and implementation of the foreign policies of any nation. Unless activities are well coordinated amongst all agencies and organizations and imaginatively executed, the results may not be desired.