strategic analysis Flashcards
qualitative analysis
- look at biz
- circle of comeptence?
3.qualitative analysis
-economic fundamentals
-theoretical framework
-previous knowledge
-behavioral blases?
4.quantitave analysis
questions for qualtiative analysis
-what does it do
-circle of comeptence?
-business divisions
who are clients, supplier, competitors
-barriers to entry? –> roce
-management team, track record, cap allocation, incentive system
-shareholder structure
-how should I value this biz
Due diligence process:PhilipFisher’s “scuttlebutt”
Know and understand
* The business. What? How? Where?
* Business divisions.
* Barriers to entry?
* Management team/ shareholder base
* Capital allocation
* What does the market think? Why?
The Company
* Financial statements
* Corporatepresentations
* Quarterlyresults+ webcasts
* Company’s webpage
* Management’spress interviews
* Other
Analysts/ Sector experts
Clients/ suppliers
competitive advantages
-High returns oncapital employed (ROCE) act as a profit opportunity signal for potential competitors and will errode them sooner than later
-ROCE > WACC isunsustainable inthe longterm
-if the business has competitive advantages/ barriers to entry/ economic moats, the erosion of ROCE and convergence towards the WACC can bedelayed or decelerated,keeping high ROCE for a longer periodof time.
-economic moat refers to a business’s ability to maintain competitive advantages over its competitors in order to protect its long-term profits and market share
-with moats grow more profitably and compound growth to increase value of business
-higher value –> higher shareholder return
-if growth limited higher roce with barriers to entry turn into higher cash returns with right cap allocation strategy
-moats higher protection against market cycles increases predictability reduces uncertainty
compounding effect
-when moats and roce>wacc reinvest returns to keep growing value as long as market not saturated
-if growth not possible shareholder returns prefered
how to value a moat
-if reinvestment opportunity moat very valuable
-if reinvestment limited moat enables business to generate substantial cash return
-wide and durable barrier to entry with high compounding potential may justify a norrwer margin of safety
-moats are alive and dynamic so we must remain vigilant and analyse if they remain sustainable
comp advantage classification
-those that enable to extract a higher value from our customer i.e. give us pricing power (intangible assets, switching costs, network effect)
-those that enable sustainable lower costs than peers (better processes, unique assets, location, economies of scale)
intangible assets
-Brands, Patents, Regulatory licences
-monopoly enables it to extract a high value from its customers.
-The disadvantage is that moats based on intangible assets may be difficult to detect and analyse.
-The key is to find out how much value do they create for the company and how long can they be sustained.
-popular brands many times aren’t barriers to entry
-Brands only generate barriers to entry if they affect the customer behavior in the following 2 ways:
➢ Increase the willingness of customers to pay more for the product.
➢ Generate captive clients. Example: Apple
-The risk here is that a brand losses its attractiveness
▪ Legal protection awarded by the regulator that eliminates competition during a limited period of time
▪ They aren’t irrevocable, can be attacked
▪inability to substitute those patents with new ones, or the continuous attack by competitors, can erode the barrier to entry
▪ Make it difficult or impossible for new competitors to enter the market as long as they last.
▪This advantage is more powerful when the company needs regulatory approval to operate but its not obliged by the regulator on how it has to charge its
customers and establish prices
switching costs
▪ They arise when the benefit of changing from Company’s A product to Company’s B product is LOWER than the cost of doing so
▪ If a customer has lower chances of switching to competition, I can charge her more and obtain higher returns on capital employed(ROCE)
network effect
▪ The product or service’s value increases with the numbers of users
–>More users are attracted
–> Competition looses users
cost advantages
▪ Better processes, Location, Unique assets, Economies of scale
▪ Enable the company to have sustainable lower structural costs vs peers
▪They can erode quite rapidly–> important to determine if the advantage can be easily replicated
▪mos important in industries where price is most important in decision –> commodity businesses
better processes
▪ Generally it can be replicated, although it may take time.
▪A temporary moat is created if incumbent competitors can’t or don’t want to replicate the process
▪ It is a more durable advantage than better processes as it is more difficult to replicate
▪More frequently found in commodity industries, with cheap and heavy products, consumed close to where they are produced.
unique assets
▪ If the company has access to an asset with unique characteristics that enable it to extract the raw material at a lower average cost
than the rest of the industry, this is a powerful barrier to entry.
economies of scale
▪ The difference between fixed and variable costs is key.
➢ Fixed costs: rents, electricity, fixed employees salaries
➢ Variable costs: raw materials, temporary workers,…
▪ The higher the level of fixed costs vs variable costs the higher the benefit of economies of scale.
different types of economies of scale
-Extense distribution networks built through time
-ups, deutsche post –> if more stops with full car lower cost per product
-Starting from a level of fixed manufacturing costs, the higher the utilization level of my production plant the lower my average cost per product manufactured.
-A company doesn’t have to be big in absolute terms but the key is to be big when compared to my peers.
-the more market share I win, better cost advantage I have vs my competitors, and this
enables me to continue winning more market share.
how to detect barriers to entry
-Businesses with high return on capital employed (ROCE) sustained in time
-stable or growing market share
-few new competitors not much rotation
greenwalds analysis
1.develop an industry map
-identify individual market segments
-identfiy competitors in each segment
- test for the existence of competitive advantages
-market share stability, dominant firm, low entries and exits
-sustained high profitability
–> yes/no only proceed if yes otherwise pursue operational efficiency
3.look for sources of competitive advantage
-proprietary technology
-customer captivity
-economies of scale
-government intervention
where quantiative and qualtiative analysis meet
nopat/cap employed
–> nopat= ebitda-maintenance capex * 1-t
if maintenance capex not given or known use d&a, t is effective tax rae
-ebit is operating profit
-tax find as fiscal rate
–> cap employed = fixed assets-goodwill+working capital
-working cap=current assets-current liabilities
-calculate the main financial ratios -> roce, fcf yield, roe, p/fcf, ND/ebitda)
management team and cap allocation
-if barriers management team less relevant but if company in complicated sector with intense competition and lack of moats then very important
ceo tasks
-define and execute companys operations
-assign companys resources in efficient and profitable manner for shareholders
-increase long term value
-if ceo focuses on growing revenue and market share and focus on m&a be cautious it is dangerous
manager should:
-invest big chunk of net worth into the company and with incentive system that focuses on roce, cash flow
-family businesss tend to have longer term view
-search for companies with relevant shareholders (like fmaily, founder)
-be alert about active investors who may look to get involved in the companys board to unlock value
market perceptions
try t determine what market thinks and why (press relaeses, media, interviews etc)
-add value through our ability to think differently –> market too optimistic, pessimistic, ignorant etc