Strangers Forever Flashcards
Main Message
- Although we live a communal life, we remain private.
There is always a part of ourselves that we do not share with others and sometimes we do not even reveal it to ourselves = this is an act of protection.
Protection is an essential element of our live, there is always a part of ourselves that we like to keep hidden from the world.
Imagery/Figures of Speech
- the extended metaphor of a life being compared to a journey/road of discovery (passenger, windows, compartment, chambers)
- sibilance = although we need connections, this connection is not always complete as we need to keep a certain amount of privacy.
- repetition reinforces that we are together but we are separate.
- Pronouns
Plural = inclusive
Singular = exclusive
- free verse
- unusual syntax
- enjambment = shows connection, yet disconnection
- communicates using poetic prose
Melancholic, musing, introspective
‘Stranger’ gives connotations of being foreign, unknown, and outsider.
‘Forever’ gives connotations of being eternal and long-lasting.
This emphasises the main message of the poem as the poem explains how although we live a communal life, we remain strangers and unknown to one another for our whole lives.
Each of us
is a passanger
Each shows that there is a separation between us. ONE
Metaphor- we are compared to passengers/travelers on their way to an unknown destination.
seated in one huge
A compartment is a division of a larger area
going we do not know where
‘going’ shows that the destination is unknown.
This is the unusual syntax that emphasizes that the journey is unclear and different which is the focus. The destination is not the focus here.
all strangers
all = no exception, no connection between us
thrown together by chance
thrown is a harsh action.
‘by chance’ gives connotations of being random and unpredictable. This cancels our options and choices in life which shows that we are not in control of our lives.
who travel witout arriving;
The semi colon replaces the coordinating conjunction ‘and’.
This makes a bleak comment on life by suggesting that often our lives are unfulfilling and meaningless which means we live lives that have no purpose.
Who can read the whispers
of our mind
‘whispers’ is something that is quiet and difficult to hear.
This is refering to our inner thoughts.
when they are hidden
even from you?
This suggests that we often don’t reveal our thoughts to others and sometimes even hide them from ourselves.
This rhetorical question evokes emotions like isolation, division and loneliness.
Though you open a window
in the chambers of your heart
We do share adnd try to communicate and reveal ourselves to others to form deep connections and relationships.
though you strive to say
what you feel
‘strive’ takes great energy and effect.
We find is hard to express our feelings verbally without the feeling of being judged by others.
and in striving reach
a state of understanding
We are often determined to reach an understanding.
there is still one part
one small part
No mwatter how hard we try there is always going to be apart of ourselves that we will never share with others beacuse of our freal of being judged and rejected. This is an act of self-protection.
that remains our own
It is something we keep very private and personal.
one part
Repetition: This emphasises that although it may be something small that we keep private it is something important.
that neither I nor anyone else
The personal pronoun ‘I’ emphasises how he is including himself which emphasises his conviction that everyone holds something back.
There is no exception to the fact that everyone holds a piece of themselves private and hidden.
Therefore there is a connection between us.
will ever penetrate.
‘penetrate’ means gain access to or interest.
There is a part of ourselves that no one ever will gain access to.
Full Stop - his absolute conviction and assertion.
Forever Strangers.
The title is inverted.
‘Forever’ comes first now, which emphasises the extreme length of time in which they will be strangers.
The tone of the poem is shifted to assertion, decisive and definite.
from musing, introspective and melancholy.