Storytelling - Vocabulary and Phrases to increase your range of expressions Flashcards
Burned out
Feeling exhausted, both physically and mentally, from overwork or prolonged stress.
Example sentence: I’ve been working 12-hour days for weeks now, and I’m completely burned out.
Feeling completely exhausted or depleted of energy, typically after a physically or mentally demanding activity.
Example sentence: After hiking for eight hours straight, I felt completely spent and could barely move.
Definition: Feeling bored, uninterested, or cynical due to having experienced something too often or for too long.
Example sentence: I used to love going to concerts, but now I’m feeling jaded and can’t get excited about them anymore.
Definition: Feeling nervous or on edge, often due to stress or anxiety.
Example sentence: I’m feeling tense about the job interview tomorrow and I can’t seem to relax.
Feeling completely swamped or inundated with tasks or responsibilities, to the point of being unable to cope.
Example sentence: After my boss assigned me three new projects on top of my existing workload, I felt completely overwhelmed.
Feeling tense or stressed due to a difficult or challenging situation.
Example sentence: My relationship with my partner has been strained lately due to our conflicting schedules.
Feeling restless, upset, or disturbed due to anxiety or anger.
Example sentence: My coworker’s constant tapping on the desk is making me feel agitated and distracted.
Feeling drained or exhausted, often due to prolonged stress or a lack of resources.
Example sentence: After working long hours all week, I feel completely depleted of energy and motivation.
Feeling disheartened or demotivated due to setbacks or failures.
Example sentence: After receiving yet another rejection letter, I’m starting to feel discouraged about finding a job.
Feeling resentful or angry about a situation, often due to a perceived injustice.
Example sentence: I’m feeling bitter about the promotion my coworker got, even though I’ve been working at the company longer.
Feeling discouraged or demoralized, often due to a lack of progress or success.
Example sentence: Despite my efforts, I haven’t seen any improvement in my grades, and I’m feeling disheartened about my future prospects.
Feeling weighed down or overwhelmed by responsibilities or problems.
Example sentence: With bills piling up and no job prospects in sight, I’m feeling burdened by financial stress.
Feeling annoyed or frustrated due to a situation or person that is causing difficulty or annoyance.
Example sentence: The constant noise from the construction site next door is aggravating my headache.
Feeling upset or worried due to a difficult or troubling situation.
Example sentence: I’m feeling distressed about my friend’s health condition and I’m not sure how to support them.
Feeling pushed or obligated to do something, often due to external expectations or demands.
Example sentence: I’m feeling pressured to take on more responsibilities at work, even though I’m already stretched thin.
Fed up
Feeling extremely irritated or annoyed due to a repeated or ongoing problem.
Example sentence: I’m fed up with my noisy neighbors playing loud music at all hours of the night.
Reached the end of one’s tether:
Feeling completely worn out or unable to cope with a difficult situation.
Example sentence: After dealing with my toddler’s tantrums all day, I’ve reached the end of my tether.
Had Enough
Feeling completely fed up or frustrated with a situation or person.
Example sentence: I’ve had enough of my boss’s constant micromanaging and I’m thinking about quitting.
At one’s wits’ end
eeling completely at a loss or out of ideas about how to handle a difficult situation.
Example sentence: I’m at my wits’ end with my teenager’s behavior and I don’t know what to do.
Done with
Feeling completely finished or through with a situation or person.
Example sentence: After years of dealing with my toxic ex, I’m finally done with the relationship for good.
Sick and tired of
Feeling extremely fed up or annoyed with a repeated or ongoing problem.
Example sentence: I’m sick and tired of my coworkers constantly gossiping and causing drama in the office.
Hitting a brick wall
Feeling stuck or unable to make progress, often due to a difficult or challenging situation.
Example sentence: After weeks of trying to come up with a solution, I feel like I’m hitting a brick wall with this problem.
Hitting a brick wall
Feeling stuck or unable to make progress, often due to a difficult or challenging situation.
Example sentence: After weeks of trying to come up with a solution, I feel like I’m hitting a brick wall with this problem.
Running on empty
Feeling completely exhausted or depleted, often due to overwork or stress.
Example sentence: After working long hours all week, I feel like I’m running on empty and can barely function
Running out of steam
Feeling tired or lacking energy, often due to a prolonged effort or task.
Example sentence: After hiking for several hours, I’m running out of steam and need to take a break.
Struggling to keep up
Feeling overwhelmed or unable to keep pace with a difficult or challenging situation.
Example sentence: I’m struggling to keep up with my coursework and I’m falling behind in my classes.
On the brink of collapse
Feeling extremely exhausted or close to a physical or mental breakdown.
Example sentence: After working long hours all week, I feel like I’m on the brink of collapse and need to take a break.