Story 3 Flashcards
Il s’ennuyait
He was bored (3)
Il n’avait rien à faire
He had nothing to do (3)
Cela ne l’intéressait pas
that didn’t interest him (3)
ne m’interesse pas
Doesn’t interest me (3)
Commençait à énerver
was starting to annoy (3)
Tu m’énerves
You are annoying me (3)
Il avait envie de
he desired/had the desire (3)
par hasard
By chance (3)
N’as-tu jamais?
Have you ever? (3)
Cela m’est arrivé
It has happend to me (3)
“Si, si. Cela m’est arrivé 2.5 fois.” lui a réponde Travis Kelce
Yes, yes. That has happened to me 2.5 times.” Travis Kelce responded to him (3)
Et cela rendair les choses très difficiles pour Mme Harvey
And that rendered things very difficult for Ms. Harvey (4)
Elle a essayé de cacher sa colère, mais il était évident qu’elle en avait ras le bol
She tried to hide her anger, but it was obvious she had enough (3)
En tout cas, je préfère les cheveux violets
In any case, I prefer violet hair (3)
As much as (3)