Storm on the island Flashcards
What is the mnemonic for this poem?
“We ___ ________”
“We are prepared “
“Blast: __ ____ ____ _ _____”
“Blast:you know what I mean”
“But ______ ___ __ ______,__ ______ _______”
“But there are no trees, no natural shelter”
“Exploding ___________”
“Exploding comfortably”
“We ___ ________”, method
“We are prepared “
- strong opening statement that creates a feeling of safety and security.
- short sentence suggests that they are ready and probably a bit anxious
- serious tone
“Blast: __ ____ ____ _ _____”, method
“Blast:you know what I mean”
- the plosive sound has a greater impact, because it comes at the start of the line
- the narrator speaks directly in a chatty tone, making you reflect on your own experience of stormy
- direct address
- onomatopeia
“But ______ ___ __ ______,__ ______ _______”, method
“But there are no trees, no natural shelter”
- caesura slows the pace of the line and emphasises the second “no”
“Exploding ___________”, method
“Exploding comfortably”
- this language normally is describing war
- oxymoron juxtaposed the feelings of fear and safety
What is the form of the poem?
- blank verse
- one stanza = compact and sturdy
What is the structure?
- shift from security to fear
- the first 8 letters of the poem’s title spell “Stormont” is the name given to Northern Ireland’s parliament buildings
- storm is about some of the violent political disturbances that Ireland has experienced
Where is from the poet?
Northern Ireland
Who wrote this poem?
Shamus Heaney
W = “We are prepared “
B = “Blast:you know what I mean”
B = “But there are no trees, no natural shelter”
E = “Exploding comfortably”