Storm On The Island Flashcards
-opening,confident mood ‘we are prepared’, short opening main clause
-written in present tense which creates immediacy
-iambic pentameter-steady confident feeling at start-first 2 lines
-enjambment creates a sense of storm being unstoppbale
-single,unbroken suggests the relentlessness of storm
-fullstops represent nothingness ‘wind dives, huge nothing that we fear’
-difference in sentence lengths-starts with short sentence which represente confidence and storm not being as strong and in middle senteneces get longer ehich is a metaphor for storm becoming more fiercer and uncontrollable
Blank verse-unhrymed iambic pentameter-creates a sense of realism and intimacy sith the speakers voice
Dramatic monologue-1st person plural-gives a collective experience of storm while also giving it a personal reflective tone
1 stanza,19 lines-feel uncertain and unstable
Moves from confidence ‘we are prepared’ to vunerability ‘a buge nothing that we fear’
Monosyllabic words ‘sink walls in rock and roof them with good slate’-metaphor for solid basic foundation which shows their resilience and practicality
“Which might prove company when it blows” sense of isolation
Plummels-personification makes it sound more frightening because more personal
Chorus-metaphor for lack of chorus empahsizes the isolation
“Expoldoing comfortably”-oximoron for power of sea from the storm
“Tame cat” unpredictability and fearsome as tame cat is unexpected to turn savage
Symantic field “strafes,salvo,bombarded”-to do with warfare which increases a dene of islanders helplessness-fear
Assonance “hits,spits,sit,wind”-creating mood about the salvo