Storm Hydrograph Analysis Flashcards
what is a hyetograph?
a graphical representation of rainfall depth or snowmelt vs time
what is a hydrograph?
a graphical representation of stream discharge vs time
what is a rising limb?
represents the period when stream discharge increases in response to a rainfall or snowmelt event (in hydrograph)
what is a falling/recession limb?
period when stream discharge decreases after a rainfall or snowmelt event (in hydrograph)
what is the event peak flow?
highest flow value reached in response to a precipitation event (in hydrograph)
what is the difference between stormflow and baseflow?
stormflow = quick flow = portion of the stream hydrograph that is fed by rapidly-moving runoff
baseflow= slow flow= portion of stream hydrograph that is fed by slowly-moving runoff even in the absence of rainfall or snowmelt (groundwater flow)
what are the three graphical hydrograph separation methods for baseflow and stormflow?
- Linsley’s fixed interval method
- straight line method
- recession limb method
what is Linsley’s fixed interval method?
N days= A ^(0.2) (mi^2)
what is the straight line separation method?
slope of the line = 0.05 pi^3 x A
what is lagtime in a hydrograph?
time interval between the peak of precipitation and the peak of event stream hydrograph
what is the time to peak in a hydrograph?
time from the beginning of the rising limb to the occurence of peak discharge
what is the time base in a hydrograph?
duration of the event stream hydrograph (during which quick flow occurs)
what is time concentration in a hydrograph?
time from the end of the precipitation event to the inflection point of the recession limb of the event stream hydrograph
what is runoff ratio in hydrograph analysis?
dividing volume of stormflow by volume of water input
what is the difference between flashy and subdued storm hydrographs?
flashy: short lag time, high and narrow peak and steep rising limb
subdued: longer lag time, low peak, gently sloping rising limb
What do the hydrographs for arid and humid climates look like?
arid: flashy due to hydrophobic soils
humid: more subdued due to mostly subsurface flow, but some saturation overland flow and percolation
how do geographic characteristics affect hydrographs?
- watershed area influences the cumulative volume of runoff
- the shape of the watershed influences the time of concentration to the outlet
- the slope of the area -> steeper, the lower the rate of infiltration and faster rate of runoff when soil is saturated
- the length of hillslope and width of valley influences water travel time to the valley and to the watershed outlet
how does the shape of watershed affect the hydrograph?
circular: more flashy
elongated: more subdued
how does the amount of streams (drainage density) affect stream discharge?
the larger the amount of streams per area, the shorter distance water has to travel to streams and the faster the stream response
how do surface depressions, marshlands and wetlands affect stream discharge?
storage will decrease the volume of runoff reaching streams and slow down the travel of water from land to stream
what are three geological and soil characteristics that affect stream discharge?
- soil permeability (low permeability -> less infiltration -> more HOF, less SSSF)
- soil depth (deeper, more water can be absorbed)
- bedrock permeability
what are 4 examples of human activities that increase streamflows?
- construction of impervious surfaces
- removal of vegetation and soil
- irrigation and drainage ditches
- tillage on wet lands, compacting the subsoil
what are 4 measures that can help mitigate high streamflows?
- increasing afforestation
- increasing meadow area at the expense of arable land
- limiting the construction of impervious surfaces
- promoting the implementation of infiltration areas and permeable pavement
summarize what each dominant pathway would look like on a hydrograph
infiltration excess overland flow: shortest lag time and time to peak, highest and narrowest flow peaks
saturation excess overland flow: longer lag time and time to peak, lower and wider flow peaks
matrix flow: longest lag time and time to peak, lowest and widest flow peaks
macropore flow: comparable with SOF
pipeflow: comparable with HOF/SOF
Groundwater flow: little to no quickflow, hydrograph is 100% baseflow