Stored Product Pests - Descriptions Flashcards
Varied Carpet Beetle- larva Have hastisetae, hairs, which can cause irritation
Varied Carpet Beetle- larva
Small, 3 mm, covered with colorful scales
Varied Carpet Beetle- adult
Uniform black color
Black carpet beetle
Oval shape, short clubbed antennae, head often hidden, species often covered with patterned scales
Carpet Beetles
Brown, elytra smooth with no grooves, serrate antennae, no club
Cigarette Beetle
Brown, elytra with rows of longitudinal grooves, antenne with loose 3-segmented club
Drugstore Beetle
Reddjsh brown with antennae ending in 3- segmented club
Red Flour Beetle
Reddish brown with antennae ending in a 4-segmented club
Confused flour Beetle
Multiple species, adults are oval,e longate and slightly flattened; most species are unoformely black on dorsal surface; ventral surface is often covered with white hairs with black spots on the edges of the abdomen or brown/ golden hairs
Hide, Skin, Larder Beetles
Not an insect; has four pairs of legs, no antenae or wings; body is not clearly divided into head, thorax and abdomen
very small, less than 1 mm, and wingless forms may be confused with mites. Long threadlike antennae, large clypeus (“nose”)
Psocids, Booklice
Brown, flattened body, six saw-like projections on side of thorax
Sawtoothed grain beetle
Tiny head with very large round abdomen which makes this beetle look like a spider
Spider Beetles
Family is generally characterized as having a long proboscis
Brown with closely spaced oval pits on thorax, lighter markings on outer corners of wing covers
Rice weevil
Wings do not cover the abdomen; the elytra covers are heavily patterned; hind leg femur has spines on the ventral side; these weevils do not have the distinct long snout
Bean Weevil
wings do not cover the abdomen, wings and exposed portion of abdomen have distinct black, brown or red spots; the hind leg femur has spines on the ventral side; these are “weevils” which do not have the distinct long snout
Cowpea Weevil
Brownish black with elytra having mottled patterns of brown against a dark background & numerous hairs
Warehouse Beetle- adult
Hairy, cigar shaped larva
Warehouse Beetle- larva
Adults are generally oval shaped, light to dark brown and covered with fine hairs. Elytra are marked with wavy patterns; there is an obvious notch in the inner eye margin when viewed from the ventral side
Larger Cabinet Beetles
Tiny (2 mm long), reddish-brown, square pronotum with notches in portion next to head, clubbed antennae
Foreign Gran Beetle
Head and thorax are small relative to the wider and more oval abdomen
Plaster Beetles
thorax, head and abdomen black or dark brown in color; antennae and legs a reddish brown and clearly contrast with rest of the insect color
Red-Legged Ham Beetle
Small, less than 2 mm long, reddish-brown, highly flattened beetles with long hair-like antennae; head and prothorax are more than half of the total body length; viewed from above there is a ridge from the eye down each side of the thorax
Flat grain beetle
Shiny/ dull dark brown or black in color
Meal worm beetles
Forwings are pale gray with black scales in a wavy bar pattern; hind wings dirty white
Mediterranean Flour Moth
Yellowish white with pale yellow forewings
Angoumois Grain Moth
Front wing with bands of black and reddish copper scales at the end of the wings
Indian meal moth
Reddish brown with widely spaed oval pits on thorax
Granary Weevil
Do not have the long proboscis, serrate antennae, havy body, v-shapped head, large eyes
Bean and Pea Weevils
Larva with banded appearance, hairy, two terminal horns (urogomphi)
Hide Beetle- larva