Storage Flashcards
What is an S3 bucket?
A container for objects, with a globally unique name.
What is the “key” of an S3 object?
The full path to the object within the bucket.
What is the maximum size of an S3 object?
5 TB.
When is “Multi-part upload” required?
When uploading files larger than 5 GB.
What is the purpose of an S3 Bucket Policy?
To manage access permissions to the bucket.
What does the “Block Public Access” feature do?
Prevents public access to buckets and objects.
What is versioning in S3?
Manages different versions of an object.
How many main types of replication are there in S3?
2: Cross-Region Replication (CRR) and Same-Region Replication (SRR).
Which S3 storage class is suitable for infrequently accessed data that requires rapid access when needed?
S3 Standard-IA.
What is S3 Glacier Deep Archive used for?
Long-term data archiving at the lowest cost.
What is the key feature of S3 Intelligent-Tiering?
Automatically moves objects between access tiers based on usage patterns.
What are S3 Lifecycle Rules used for?
To manage the lifecycle of objects (transitioning storage classes, deleting…).
What are S3 Event Notifications?
Receive notifications about events happening in S3 buckets.
What is the purpose of S3 Transfer Acceleration?
To speed up file transfers to/from S3.
What is SSE-S3?
Server-side encryption with keys managed by AWS.
What is SSE-KMS?
Server-side encryption with keys managed by AWS KMS.
What are S3 Access Points used for?
To simplify security management for S3 buckets.
What is S3 Object Lambda?
Allows you to modify an object before it is returned to the calling application.
What is an EBS Volume?
A network drive that can be attached to an EC2 instance for data storage.
How many EC2 instances can an EBS volume be attached to?
1 (except for io1/io2).
Where is an EBS Volume locked to?
Availability Zone (AZ).
How do you move an EBS Volume to a different AZ?
Create a snapshot and restore it to the new AZ.
What does the “Delete on Termination” attribute control?
Whether the EBS volume is deleted when the instance terminates.
What is Amazon EFS?
A managed network file system that can be mounted on multiple EC2 instances.
What protocol does EFS use?
Which type of AMI is EFS compatible with?
Linux-based AMIs.
What EFS Storage Tiers are available?
Standard, Infrequent Access (IA), Archive.
What is EFS One Zone?
EFS storage within a single AZ, offering lower cost.
Compare EBS and EFS in terms of the number of instances they can be attached to.
EBS: 1 (except for io1/io2), EFS: multiple.