Storage Flashcards
What is an AWS Hybrid Storage Service? What are some examples?
Hybrid Storage Services are services the connect on-prem storage, applications and workloads with the AWS Cloud. Some examples are:
- AWS Storage Gateway
- AWS Outposts
- Amazon File Cache
Describe the function of each of the following AWS Services:
- AWS Storage Gateway
- AWS Outposts
- Amazon File Cache
- AWS Storage Gateway: Connects on-prem storage with storage services in the cloud. Also provides connection management and caching
- AWS Outposts: Functions as an extension of the AWS Cloud inside your on-prem data center with connections to your on-prem network and systems
- Amazon File Cache: Provides a high speed cache on AWS that serves a temporary, high-performance storage for data on premises or with AWS
Complete the following statements:
- __________ functions as an extension of the AWS Cloud inside your on-prem data center with connections to your on-prem network and systems
- ___________ provides a high speed cache on AWS that serves a temporary, high-performance storage for data on premises or with AWS
- ____________ connects on-prem storage with storage services in the cloud. Also provides connection management and caching
- AWS Outposts
- Amazon File Cache
- AWS Storage Gateway
Describe the expected function of each of the following AWS Services:
- AWS Storage Gateway
- AWS Outposts
- Amazon File Cache
- On-premises gateway to AWS Cloud
- On-premises AWS Storage
- In-cloud caching of on-premises data
What are the expected use cases of AWS Storage Gateway?
- Move backups and archives to the cloud
- Reduce on-prem storage with cloud-backed file shares
- Provide on-prem applications low-latency access to data stored in S3
- Provide data lake access for pre-processing and post-processing workflows
What are the expected use cases of AWS Outposts?
- Low-latency, local data processing needs for on-prem locations, such as retail stores, branch offices, healthcare provider locations, financial institutions and factory floors
- Acces to cloud native services while fulfilling data residency requirements
What are the expected use cases of Amazon File Cache?
- Boost visual effects rendering and transcoding workloads to AWS to meet peak compute needs during media production
- Accelerate high performance compluting cloud bursting workloads
- Speed up access to your on-premises and in-cloud datasets
- Run advanced analytics on petabytes of on-prem data
What are the different types of storage gateway offered by AWS? Describe each of them.
- S3 File Gateway: Allows file storage on S3 buckets through both SMB and NFS protocols, while also performing local caching. Can acess all types of S3 data with the exception of S3 Glacier
- FSx File Gateway: Allows on-prem access to Amazon FSx for Windows File Server using SMB protocol. Useful for file systems in general.
- Volume gateway: Allows storage on S3 backed by EBS snapshots through the iSCSI protocol, and operates either in cached mode, where it maintains a local data cache while moving the data to Amazon S3 as its primary location, or in stored mode, where the primary storage location is the gateway and it is backed-up on schedule to S3
- Tape Gateway: Allows the storage of on-prem tape backups created using iSCSI to S3, on Virtual Tapes on a Virtual Tape Library (VTL),
How can you integrate storage gateway with active directory?
Using the SMB Protocol, since it has integrations with AD for user authentication
Declare True or False for the following statements:
- Tape Gateway by deafult stores data on S3 IA
- Storage Gateway uses a read-through write-back cache to store your data
- All data in transit is encrypted
- Pricing for Storage Gateway is calculated only based on the amount of data stored and the amount of data transfered out of AWS.
- For Storage Gateway to work, it is necessary to setup either the Storage Gateway Appliance or VM on-prem or EC2.
- Whenever you create a storage gateway, it works for any AWS Region
-False, it uses S3 Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive
-False, it is based on the gateway type, the AWS storage used and either the actual amount of storage or the allocated amount of storage that you use
-False, it works only for the region where it was setup
What does NFS and SMB mean?
Network File System and System Message Block
What AWS services are compatible with AWS Outposts?
- S3
- Elasticache
- EC2
- Application Load Balancer
What is the Snow family of services on AWS? What services make it up?
The Snow family a group of services offered by AWS to perform the transfer of data on locations with limited internet bandwidth or to serve as storage on edge locations. It’s made-up of 3 services: Snowcone, Snowball Edge and Snow Mobile
What are the differences between Snowcone, Snowball Edge and Snow Mobile
- Their storage capacities are differente, with Snowcone accepting between 8TB HDD and 14TB SDD, Snowball Edge 80TB and Snow Mobile up to 100PB
- Their migration capacity is different, with Snowcone accepting upt to 24TB, Snowball Edge Petabytes and Snow Mobile Exabytes (better than Snowball afte 10 PB)
- Snowcone can perform migrations of either online or offline data, while the other ones accept only offline
- Snowcone comes with DataSync agent installed (what possibilitates online transfer)
True or False: The best Snow service to use on ML on Edge Locations is generally Snowcone
False, it is Snowball edge (Better computing, GPU Support, can be clustered)
What is AWS DataSync?
It is a service that allows you to move large amount of data between AWS, other clouds, edge locations and on-prem while mantaining high performance and security
How does AWS DataSync pricing work?
You pay a flat amount per GB transferred
True or false: When using DataSync, you need to configure the DataSync client on a VM before hand regardless of the trasnference type
False, you only need to configure a DataSync agent if you are not transfering from AWS to AWS
What are the possible destinations inside AWS used by DataSync?
What are the services offered on the File Transfer Family?
-File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Data transfer over TCP/IP
-File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS): Data transfer over TCP/IP using SSL/TLS encryption
-Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP): File transfer protocol using SSH
- Applicability Statement: Using HTTPS to transfer messages, especially Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) messages
What is the AWS Transfer Family? Where can it send data to?
It is a group of services that allow you to transfer file data into S3 or EFS using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
When should you se DataSync over the Transfer family?
DataSync is recommended for larger workloads and migrations while Transfer Family is recommended for more conventional application transfers
What is the cache type of Storage Gateway?
Least Recently Used (LRU)
True or False: The only type of FSx that Storage Gateway can connect to is FSx for Windows File Server
True or False: FSx File Gateway needs site-to-site VPN or Direct Connect to your FSx to work on-prem
What kind of Storage Gateway Endpoints are there?
- Public Endpoints: Connection with Storage Gateway over the internet
- VPC Endpoints: Connection through a VPC Endpoint over a private connection on AWS
- Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 compliant endpoints—Storage Gateway connects to a public endpoint over the internet. This endpoint complies with FIPS standards to further protect sensitive information for regulated workloads in AWS GovCloud (US) AWS Regions.
Explain the differences between the control plane connection and the data plane connection on FSx File Gatteway
-The control plane connects the on-prem to the FSx File Gateway system and is used to manage it
- The data plane connects the on-prem to the FSx for Windows File Server, and is the connection through which the data travels
How long does the FSx FIle Gateway cache takes to refresh?
You can configure between 5 min and 30 days
True or False: FSx File Gateway can connect to FSx on other accounts
False, it can only connect to FSx on the same account
What kinds of S3 object are compatible with S3 File Gateway?
-Standard Access
-Standard IA
-One Zone IA
-Inteligent Tiering
True or False: You can create S3 File Gateway read replicas by creating new gateways connected to S3 buckets already on Storage Gateway and performing only read operations on them
True (might need object lock on S3)
True or False: to configure the S3 file gateway on an EC2 instance it is recommended to pass the necessary File Gateway image through EC2 metadata
False, there alsready pre-configured EC2 EMIs ready to be used as gateways for this task
What are the S3 data storage types?
-Infrequent Access (IA)
-Inteligent Tiering
-One-zone Infrequent Access
-Glacier Instant Retrieval
-Glacier Flexible Retrieval (Former Glacier)
-Glacier Deep Archive
Complete with minimum time a obejct has to be stored on each S3 Storage Class before being deleted or transitioned to another class (you can delete before the duration, but you are billed for the entirety of it):
-Standard :___________
-IA :___________
-Intelligent Tiering:___________
-One-Zone IA:___________
-Glacier Instant Retrieval:___________
-Glacier Flexible Retrieval:___________
-Glacier Deep Archive:___________
-0 Days
-30 Days
-0 Days
-30 Days
-90 Days
-90 Days
-180 Days
True or False: All S3 Glacier and IA Storage Classes have a retrieval fee when their data is requested
Explain the difference between the S3 Glacier Storage Classes
-Glacier Instant Access: Good for data accessed once a quarter, with retrieval in milliseconds
-Glacier Flexible Access: Good for data accessed once a year, with retrieval ranging from minutes to hours
-Glacier Deep Archive: Good for data accessed less than once a yera, with retrieval taking hours
COmplete the following Statement regarding S3:
It is possible to use _______________ to automatically change S# objects’ storage classes based on their access patterns and time in storage
S3 Lifecycle configuration rules
How many tags can an S3 Object have?
S3 IA is recommender for files bigger than 128 kb and that will be used for at least 30 days. What happens if you delete an object smaller then 128 kb and tha lasted less than 30 days?
You are billed as if the object had 128 kb and it lasted 30 days
What options does S3 support for data security? Answer for data at transit and at rest.
SSL for data in transit and encryption for data at rest.
You are planning to store the backup of video thumbnail data that you can easily replicate if needed. This data has to occasionally be accessed. What is the best S3 Storage Class for this use case?
-One-Zone IA
What is the minum object size fo S3 Intelligent Tiering?
128 KB
S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval has 3 types of retrieval that you can configure. What are those types?
-Expedited (1–5 mins)
-Standard (3–5 hours)
-Bulk (5-12 hours) free
True or false: Both Glacier Flexible Retrieval and Glacier Deep Archives accepts only files with at least 128KB
False, the minimum file size accepted is 40KB
S3 Glacier Deep Archive has 2 types of retrieval that you can configure. What are those types?
-Standard (within 12 hours)
-Bulk (within 48 hours)
What are the encryption types accepted by S3?
-SSE-S3: AWS responsible for managing key and encrypting data.
-SSE-KMS: Uses KMS to encrypt data.
-SS3-C: Encryption Keys managed by the customer.
-Glacier: All data is AES-256 encrypted, key is under AWS Control
Additionally, you can manually incrypt data on your side, not depending on S3 to do it.
True or False: Whenever an action is performed on S3, an event can be triggered on SNS, SQS or Lambda
What are the S3 resource based security features?
-Bucket Policies: Bucket wide rules for the objects in the bucket
- Object Access Control List (ACL): Finer grain
- Bucket Access Control List (ACL): Less common
What are some uses of S3 Bucket Policies?
-Grant public access
-Grant cross-account access
-Force objects to be encrypted at upload
What is an S3 pre-signed URL?
It is a URL that grants security credencials to whoever uses it, allowing the download and upload of private S3 objects
True or False: A pre-signed url’s default ttl is 3600 seconds
What is S3 Object Lock? What is it useful for?
It is a feature that blocks object deletion for a specific amount of time after its write. Useful for enabling WORM (Write once, read many) model
What is Glacier Vault Lock?
It is an S3 Object Lock that lasts indefinitely. Files written to it cannot be edited anymore. It is useful for auditing purposes.
What are S3 Access Points?
It is a feature that allows fine-grain control access to an S3 Bucket. Each access point can access one specific bucket prefix, and they each have their own DNS name and access point policy
What is S3 Object Lambda?
It is a feature you can setup where before being retrieved from an S3 bucket an object is first processed by an AWS Lambda Function. Commonly used alongside S3 Access points.
True or False: The only S3 Storage Class abailable in AWS Outposts is Standard
False, Outposts has its own Storage Class called S3 Outposts
True or False: S3 can replicate its files to S3 Buckets in any region
Correct, S3 supports both Same-region Replication (SRR) and Cross-Region Replication (CRR)
Uma aplicação bate no S3 com muita frequência, batendo no limite 3500 PUTS e 5500 GETS por segundo por prefixo. Como resolver esse problema?
Usar mais prefixos.
Wat is the number of GETS and PUTS and S3 prefix can accept per second?
3500 PUTS, 5500 GETS
S3 Multi-part upload is useful for optimizing uploads of large objects to S3. From what file size is Multi-part upload recommended and from what file size is Multi-part upload obligatory?
-Recommended: >100MB
-Obligatory: >5GB
What is the max file size accepted by S3?
5 TB
Explain S3 Transfer Acceleration
On S3 Transfer Acceleration, you increase the upload speed of a file to S3 by loading it to an AWS Edge Location first, which will then forward the file to the correct AWS Region. This strategy takes advantage of the increased speed inside the AWS network.
S3 Byte Range fetches are commonly used to increase S3 performance. Explain how they work.
S3 Byte Range Fetches download only the contents of a file inside a predefined byte range (ex: 100-200). This is helpful because it allows you to et only the part of the file you need and to parallelize the GET of an S3 object by performing multiple Byte-Range fetches at once.
What is S3 select?
S3 select allows you to filter the data from your GET by performing SQL operations before loading your data.
Storage Class Analysis is an S3 feature that allows you to scan your S3 obejcts and recommend a Storage Class for them. Which Storage Classes can be recommended?
What is S3 Requester Pays?
It is an option you can enable for an S3 Bucket where the requester pays by the requests made to the bucket instead of the owner.
True or False: S3 Object versioning can incur heavy costs for overwrite-heavy applications, because all versions of the overwritten file stay stored on S3.
True or False: S3 Versioning can only be disabled, not unmade
True or false: Replication on multi-AZ RDS DBs is assynchronous
False, it is synchronous
True or False: Assynchronous DB replication happens whenever new data is written, while Synchronous replication happens periodically
False, Assynchronous replication happens periodically and Synchronous happens whenever new data is written
What are the 3 types of Storage Gateway modes?
What is S3 Batch Operations?
S3 Batch Operations is an S3 functionality that allows you to run a batch job that performs an S3 operation on a collection of S3 files
What are the object types you can use to declare S3 batch operations?
CSV and Amazon S3 Inventory Report
True or False: EFS can be mounted on-premises
How can you enforce in-transit encryption using HTTPS for S3?
You add a BucketPolicy with aws:SecureTransport
True or False: SSE-C S3 encription allows both HTTP and HTTPS usage
False, it allows only HTTPS
True or False: An EBS Volume can only be attached to one instance at a time
False, there are EBS volumes with Multi-Attach feature
True or False: EBS Volumes do not have an AZ or Region attached to them
False, they have both
What are the EBS Volume types?
-gp2/gp3 (General Purpose)
-io1/io2 (Input/Output Optimized)
-st1 (High frequency data)
-sc1 (Low Frequency data)
Which EBS Block types are SSDs and which are HDDs?
SSDs: gp2, gp3, io1, io2
HDDs: st1, sc1
True or False: Only SSD EBS Blocks can be used as boot volumes
The most recommended EBS Block Type for use cases such as low-latency, high-thoroughput and in-memory dbs is ________
True or false: EBS Snapshots take IO to be generated, so they must be created in times where they won’t impact the application
True or False: EBS Snapshots region locked, and cannot be copied to different regions
False, Snapshots can be copied to different regions
Where are EBS Snapshots stored?
True or False: EBS Snapshots can be moved to a Snapshot archive that makes storing these Snapshots cheaper
True or False: You can use Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to create, retain and delete EBS Snapshots, even those created outside of Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager
False, can be used only to interact with Snapshots created by the Lifecycle Manager
Whats the use case difference between Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager and AWS Backup?
AWS Backup can be used to monitor backups accross multiple AWS Services, while The Lifecycle Manager can only be used to monitor EBS Snapshots
True or False: EBS Volumes are not encrypted by default, with there being an account-level configuration needed to be accessed to change this
Which EBS Volume Types can perform Multi-Attach?
io1 and io2
True or False: To use Multi-Attached EBS Volumes it is needed to use a Cluster Aware File System
What is the EC2 Local Instance Store and what are its benefits?
The EC2 Local Instance Store is an EC2 storage strategy that uses a physical disk attached to the server where your EC2 instance is. It’s main advantage is it’s very high IOPS
What are the main disadvantages of EC2 instance store?
-The storage is ephemeral (lost upon termination or stopping of the instance)
-Backups must be manually operated
-Cannot be resized
How many instances can be multi-attached using EBS?
Up to 16
How do you encrypt an unencryted EBS Volume?
1- Create Snapshot
2- Create encrypted copy of snapshot
3- Restore encrypted copy
What connection pre-requisites are there for you to be able to mount EFS on-premises?
Direct Connect or Site-to-site VPN
True or False: EFS can be attached to multiple instances in the same or different AZs
False, EFS can be attached to multiple instances, but only one in each AZ
True or False: EFS Size scales automatically and uses a POSIX File-System
What are the EFS Performance Modes (Set at creation)?
-General Purpose (Default)
-Max I/O
What are the EFS Throughput Modes?
-Bursting: Can burst the I/O
-Provisioned: The same regardless of storage size
-Elastic: Automatically scales based on workload
Which EFS Throughput mode is good for unpredictable payloads?
What are the EFS Storage Tiers?
-Infrequent Access
What is the pricing diference for EFS IA in relation to standard storing?
The storing itself is cheaper, but retrieving data has an added cost
What are the EFS Durability types?
-Regional (Multi-AZ)
-One Zone
What is the main use case of an EFS access point?
Restircting user access to only a specific subset of file paths
True or False: EFS does not possess cross-region replication
What are the existing FSx types?
-FSx for Lustre
-FSx for Windows FIle Server
-FSx for NetApp ONTAP
-FSx for OpenZFS
What protocols are compatible with each FSx type?
-Windows FIle Server: SMB NTFS
True or False: FSx for Windows File Server cannot be mounted on Linux EC2 instances
Complete: FSx for Windows Server can scale up to _______ of GB/s, ________ of IOPS and ________ of data
-100s of PBs
True or False: Only FSx for Lustre and FSx for Windows FIle Server can be setup on either SSDs or HDDs
True or False: Only FSx for Lustre and FSx for Windows FIle Server can be setup on-prem
True or False: FSx for Lustre has an integration with S3 setup by default
What are the 2 FSx for Lustre File System deployment options and what is the main difference between them?
Scratch File System and Persisten File System, with the main difference between the 2 being that the former is recommended for temporary storage and short-term processing and the latter for long-term storage
True or False, despite not being used for persistent storage, FSx for Lustre Persisten File System alos replicates the data within the same AZ
True or False: The FSx for Lustre Scratch File System is highly burstable
True or False: All FSx types have Point-in-time instantaneous cloning
False, only FSx for OpenZFS and NetApp ONTAP do
True or False: All FSx types ca be configured in higly available mode (Multi-AZ)
False, only FSx for Windows File Server
It is not possible to decreas FSx storage size. What is a workaround to solve this?
Create a smaller FSx, use DataSync to transfer the data and point the app to the new FSx
If you perform an SFx for Lustre data processing job with S3 as an input, the FSx can perform Data Lazy Loading. Explain what that means.
It means that only the data that is currently being processed is loaded onto FSx, reducing costs and latency
What is AWS Data Exchange?
It is a service that allows you to load 3rd party data into your AWS account
Where can AWS Data Exchange send data to?
S3 and Redshift
True or False: S3, besides S3 Select, also offer Glacier Select, which works the same, but for Glacier
What are the S3 Inteligent-Tiering tiers?
-Frequent Access
-Infrequent Access
-Archive Instant Access
-Archive Access
-Deep Archive
What S3 Intelligent-tiering tiers are automatically enabled and whic are optional?
-Automatic: Frequent, Infrequent, Archive Instant
-Optional: Archive, Deep Archive
How long does it take to transition to each tier of S3 intelligent tiering based on the time since last access?
-Frequent access: Default
-Infrequent Access: 30 Days
-Archive Instant Acess: 90 Days
-Archive Access: Between 90 days and 700+ days
-Deep Archive Access: Between 180 days and 700+ days
FSx File Gateway has a local cache for frequently accessed data
If you want to increase the Snow Family transfer performance, what are some actions you can take?
From most impactful to least:
- Perform multiple writes ate the same time (multiple terminals)
- Transferm small files in batches (zipped into at least 1MB files)
- Don’t perform other operations on files until transfer
- Reduce local network use
- Eliminate unecessary hops (connect directly to computers)
Using the file interface for Snow Family, the transfer rate is between 25-40 MB/s. How can you increase this rate to 250-400 MB/s?
Use Amazon S3 Adapter for Snowball
True or False: DMS works over VPC Peering, Direct Connect and VPNs
True or False: DMS cannot be used to replicate OpenSearch data because it is not an acceptable target
False, it is impossible but because OpenSearch is not an acceptable source
What are the steps taken for a Snowball assisted DMS data migration
-Migrate Edge location data to Snowball using SCT
-Send Snowball to AWS
-Snowball data saved to S3
-Import S3 data using DMS
True or False: you can configure S3 object lock only when you create the bucket
True or False: EBS Multi-attach can work for different availability zones
False, only for the same zone
What is the EBS “Delete on Termination flag”?
It is a flag that indicates if the EBS Block should be deleted if the instance it is attached to is deleted.
What is the EBS Snapshot Archive?
It is a feature that allows you to move an EBS Snapshot to an archive tier that is 75% cheaper
How long does it take to retrieve an EBS Snaphot from the Snapshot archive?
Between 24 and 72 hours
What is the Recicle Bin for EBS Snapshots?
It is a feature you can setup so you can recover EBS Snapshots after accidental deletes. You can specify retention from 1 day to 1 year
What is EBS Fast Snapshot Restore?
It is a feature that allows you to force full initialization of an EBS Snapshot to have no latency on first use
True or False: EBS Fast Snapshot Restore is useful for large snapshots that have to initialize quickly, but it is expensive
True or False: You can use Security Groups to control EFS access
True or False: EFS is only compatible with windows AMIs
False, only Linux AMIs
True or False: EFS is more expensive than EBS
True or False: Read-replicas for RDS in different regions do not incur data transfer accross regions charges
True or False: If a RDS master instance is not encrypted, it’s read replicas cannot be encrypted
What is a trick you can use to payless if you are not going to use a RDS DB for a long time?
Create a Snapshot and delete the DB. This is because you still pay for a stopped RDS DB.
True or False: RDS supports IAM authentication
What is Aurora Database Cloning and what are it’s advantages?
It is an Aurora functionality to create a new DB from an existing one, and it’s main advantage is that it is very fast and cost effective
How does Aurora Database Cloning work?
The new database uses the original DB’s data, and only when new data is written to it is new storage space allocated to it.
What is Snow Ball Edge’s Estimated data transfer speed?
Approximately 80TB/week
What are the types of S3 Object Lock modes that can be configured?
-Compliance mode: No one can edit or delete the objects created
-Governance mode: Some users can delete objects or change their retention
What is S3 Storage Lens?
It’s an S3 functionality that analises the S3 buckets on your account organization and generates dashboards and recommendations
What are them main differences between free Storage Lens metrics and premium
-Premium has more metrics
-You can only query free data for 14 days
-Metrics can be published to Cloudwatch on Premium
-Metrics can be collected at a prefix level on Premium
True or False: Enabling S3 Bucket Replication copies all present and future files from the origin bucket to the destination bucket
False, it conly copies new files. If you want to copy old file you should use S3 Batch Replication
True or False: You cannot replication chain S3 buckets (Bucket 1 -> Bucket 2 -> Bucket 3)
True or False: S3 Lifecycle rules can be used to delete old file versions or only files with specific tags or paths
When must CORS be enabled on S3?
When an S3 Website must be accessed from a different origin
True or False: S3 has an MFA delete feature that can be adjusted for specific paths, but it needs versioning enabled to work
False, it works for the entire bucket
True or False: MFA Delete on S3 buckets can be disabled by the bucket owner
What is S3 Access Logs?
It’s an optional feature that logs all S3 accesses to a bucket on another bucket
True or False: For S3 object lock to work, object versioning must be disabled
False, it must be enabled