Stomatological Medicine Flashcards
According to the World Health Organization, obesity is a chronic disease, characterized by increased body fat, associated with increased health risk.
Factor obesity (Risk Factors):
Physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle, consumption of foods with high energy density, soft drinks and sugary drinks.
Factor obesity (Protectors):
Regular physical activity, consumption of foods with low energy density, especially those high in dietary fiber such as whole grains and low-starch vegetables, and breastfeeding.
Clasificación de la obesidad (Normal)
18.5 - 24.9
Clasificación de la obesidad (Sobrepeso o pre-obeso)
25 - 29.9
Clasificación de la obesidad (Exceso de Peso)
> 25
Clasificación de la obesidad (Grado 1 o moderada)
30 - 34.9
Clasificación de la obesidad (Grado 2 o severa)
35 - 39.9
Clasificación de la obesidad (Grado 3 o mórbida)
> 40
Abdominal adiposity (H & M)
H: >102cm - M: >88cm
Obesity treatment
The objectives of weight reduction in adults with obesity are aimed at losing and maintaining weight in the long term and at improving the comorbidities associated with this pathology.
Recommended weight loss:
1kg per week
With the aim of achieving a 10% reduction in body weight in the presence of type I
Caloric intake of 500- 1000 calories per day , in order to achieve: Reductions of 0.5-1 kg of weight weekly
Nom for the prevention, treatment and control of hypertension
Force of blood ejected from the heart on the walls of the
Systolic blood pressure
Minimum value of blood pressure, distended state of
arterial walls
Diastolic blood pressure
BP regulation system:
- Vasopressin (retains fluid) so that it does not decrease (increases pressure)
Method to take the PA:
- Calm and seated, place the arm on the flat surface
- The humeral pulse should be identified by palpation and with the help of direct
ausultation (stethoscope). - place the cuff above the stethoscope and raise it between 160-180 mmHG and slowly and constantly release the pressure
- Listen carefully for the beginning and end of the heart sound
Clasificación de la PA (Etapa 1 - leve)
S: 140 a 159 mmHg
D: 90 a 99 mmHg
Clasificación de la PA (Etapa 2 - moderada)
S: 160 a 179 mmHg
D: 100 a 109 mmHg
Clasificación de la PA (Etapa 3 - grave)
S: 180 a 200 mmHg
D: 110 a 119 mmHg
Clasificación de la PA (Etapa 4 - muy grave)
S: <210 mmHg
D: <120 mmHg
Stage 1 → 140-159/90-99mmHg
No modifications to the treatment plan. Inform a patient, refer to a physician, or both. (Resina, Extracción, todo)
Stage 2 → 160-179/100-109mmHg
Selective dental treatment: Restorations, prophylaxis, non-surgical periodontal/endodontic therapy. Refer to a physician. Dental treatment should be continued until the patient is under control. (Restaurativo, Resina, Coronas)
Stage 3 → 180-209/110-119mmHg
Non-stress emergency procedures, pain relief, treatment of infections, masticatory dysfunction and consultation. Refer to doctor. (Solo procedimientos de urgencia. Sin tocar nervio dental)
Stage 4 → >210/>110mmHg
Refer immediately to the doctor. (Crisis de hipertensión)
Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, due to decreased insulin secretion or utilization, or both
DM Complications (Acute )
- Diabetic ketoacidosis.
- Nonketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemic coma (CHHNC).
- Hypoglycemic shock in the patient frequently controlled by skipping a meal or by unforeseen physical exertion.
DM Complications (Chronic)
- Retinopathy
- Nephropathy
- Coronary and peripheral atherosclerotic artery disease
- Autonomic and peripheral nervous system neuropathy
- Others such as reparative (foot ulcers), arthropathy and infection.
Mediated by Immune and Ac processes (formerly DMID or juvenile and is associated with
other autoimmune diseases such as Grave’s, Hashimoto’s, Addison’s, vitiligo and pernicious
Diabetes Type 1
Insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency or secretory defect (Before NIDDM or adult).
Associated with obesity or abdominal distribution of fat.
Diabetes Type 2
It is defined as some degree of “intolerance” to glucose that manifests itself during
pregnancy, which may be transient or may exacerbate hidden DM.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
Control tests DM2
Glycosylated hemoglobin (GHb, HbA1c)
Major depression during pregnancy or after child birth (postpartum depression)
Perinatal depression
The most common oral manifestation of eating disorders:
Tooth erosion
Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia):
When you have symptoms of depression that last for at least two years
A type of depression that comes and goes with the seasons, usually beginning in late fall or early winter and disappearing in the spring and summer
Seasonal affective disorder
Optimal blood pressure
Do not carry out procedures that involve bleeding with platelet numbers less
Change in organs and systems during pregnancy except
Increase BPM until tachycardia
The characteristics of anorexia nerviosa are all except
Compensatory behaviors to not gain weight
The clinical characteristics, signs and symptoms of the diabetic patient
- Polyuria (as the main initial manifestation)
- polydipsia
- polyphagia
Mainly post-surgical, of an immediate nature due to the poor quality of the wound
The effects of eating disorders are not limited to a single sphere of the life of the person who suffers from them and not only is she affected, but her family environment also suffers the consequences
Eating disorders
The ages of onset or onset of the disorder
range from 12 to 25 years
Why do eating disorders occur?
Multifactorial etiology:
Cultural - Familiar - Personal
- Refusal to maintain normal minimum body weight
- Intense fear of gaining weight
- Significantly impaired perception of body shape or size
Anorexia nervosa:
2 subtypes of anorexia nervosa:
Compulsive / Purgatory
Recurrent episodes of voracious eating, at least 2 weekly for 3 months
Compensatory behaviors to not gain weight, with a sustained character: self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives, diuretics, enemas or other drugs, excessive physical exercise.
- Recurrent periods of voracious ingestion. An episode of voracious ingestion is characterized by two of the following characteristics:
o eating in a discrete period of time a quantity of food definitely greater than
what most people would eat in a similar period of time, under the same
circumstances, o feeling of lack of control over eating, for example, the feeling of not being able to stop eating, or not being able to control the amount of food eaten.
Bulimia nervosa
” Is a mood disorder
that causes symptoms of distress, affecting how you feel, think, and coordinate daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working.
The physical examination should contain?
-Outer habitus
-Vital signs
-Weight and height
-Data of head, neck, thorax, abdomen, etc.
NORM historia clinica
NOM 004 SSA3 2012
What scale can we use to assess?
What are the vitamins that keep the gums healthy and regulate blood loss?
Vitamin C and K
What arre the three “P” of the diabetic patients symptoms?
Polyphagia, Polydipsia, Polyuria
Characteristic of bulimia is:
Compenstory behaviors to not gain weight
Part of the baumanometer that we hold in our hand and that we press to fill the bracelet
Rubber Pump
DM2 Diagnostic Test
Fasting and postprandial blood glucose at two hours
Are consequences of obesity except:
. With which drugs is there a risk of drug interactions when applying a local anesthetic with
an adrenergic vasoconstrictor?
What is the test that is sent to a patient medicated with anticoagulants)
Sound hear through the stethoscope when taking blood pressure
Korotkoff sounds
All are acute complications of DM except:
Who is a patient with cardiovascular risk referred to?
How is it recommended rinsing prior to any treatment?
0.12 for 1 min chlorhexidine
What is the appropriate fixative solution formaldehyde?
What is the main cause of death in Mexico prior to 2020?
Heart disease
It is part of the anamnesis?
Interrogation by body systems
What is the test used to detect anemia?
Hematic biometry
What is auscultation?
It is a technique that uses the sense of hearing. It is usually done indirectly
What is inspection?
It is done visually, during the entire time
Parts of the questioning?
Filiation, reason for consultation, hereditary family history, pathological personal history, non-pathological personal history, current condition
and interrogation by body systems
What are the indications for performing a biopsy?
Diagnosis of potentially malignant
lesions, the lesions and precancerous states require clinical and histopathological
criteria, signs of orientation are color changes and changes in consistency
What are the vital signs?
Blood pressure 120/80
Pulse heart rate 60-80,
Respiratory rate 12-18
Temperature of 36.2° a 37.2°
What factors does the dental management of mal nourish patients?
Degree of malnutrition, type of oral procedure to be performed, extension of the dental treatment and place where the treatment will take place
According to the treatment to be carried out, what do you need to do on this patient?
Antibiotic prophylaxis 1 hora before treatment
What are complementary studies?
Radiographs, tomography, magnetic resonance,
studio models, clinical photography, diagnostic wax up, lab tests and consultations with doctors or specialists
Why should we make referrals?
Because it ensures the quality care to another with
grater capacity