Stomach Point Actions Flashcards
St44 - ying spring, water
Harmonize Intestines Treat diarrhea/constipation Toothaches Pain in Face/eyes Febrile dx Calms spirit
St45 - Jing well, metal
Loss of consciousness Excessive dreaming Nose bleeds Pain/swelling in face Hangovers
St43 - Shu stream, wood
Harmonize St and Intestines
Edema in face
St42 - yuan source, exit point
Harmonize stomach
Deviation in mouth/eyes
Swelling/pain in face
Calms spirit
St41 - Jing river, fire
Clear stomach heat
Swelling in face/head
Frontal headache
Calms spirit
St40 - Luo connecting
Clear phlegm from lungs and heart
Transforms phlegm
Calms spirit
St39- lower Hu sea of SI
Move/regulate SI
Treat diarrhea
Lower limbs
St37 - lower Hu sea LI
Regulate LI (sp/st) Treat diarrhea/constipation
St36 - Hu sea, earth (horary) and GAO Wu
Harmonize stomach Tonify spleen Move blood/yin Tonify qi Calms spirit
St34 - Xi cleft
Harmonize stomach
Acute dx of the Stomach
Pain/swelling in breasts
St30 - meeting of stomach and Chong
Qi in Lower Jiao
Subdues running piglet qi
Regulate Chong
St 28/29
Regulate and warm lower jiao
Menstrual problems
St 25 - front my LI
Regulate intestines, spleen and stomach
St 23/24
Transform phlegm
Calms spirit
At 16/18
Local points for breast problems
St9 - window of heaven
Regulate qi + blood
Lower rebellion
Benefit throat and neck
Ears, jaw,teet
Eyes and eye dx
St1 - meeting of stomach, yang Qiao and ren and entry point
Eyes and eye dx