Stomach Flashcards
Stomach 45
Hard Bargain
Metal Point and Sedation Point
Lateral nail point on the 2nd toe.
Stomach 44
Inner Courtyard
Water Point
On the dorsal surface of the foot,
lateral to the 2nd toe, distal to the proximal head of the proximal phalanx.
Stomach 43
Sinking Valley
Wood Point
On the dorsal surface of the foot, in the depression distal to the proximal heads of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones.
Stomach 42
Rushing Yang
Source Point and Exit Point
On the dorsal surface of the foot, in the depression approximately halfway between ST 41 and the junction of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals (between the navicular, lateral cuneiform and intermediate cuneiform bones).
Stomach 41
Released Stream
Fire Point, Tonification Point and Point for ID’s
On the anterior flexure of the ankle, between the extensor digitorium longus and extensor hallucis longus tendons.
Stomach 40
Abundant Splendor
Junction Point
On the anterolateral surface of the leg, lateral to the tibialis anterior muscle, 8 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus (level with and lateral to ST 38).
Stomach 39
Lower Great Void
On the anterior surface of the leg, lateral to the crest of the tibia, 7 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus.
Stomach 38
Branch Opening
On the anterior surface of the leg, lateral to the crest of the tibia, 8 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the medial malleolus (level with and medial to ST 40).
Stomach 37
Upper Great Void
On the anterior surface of the leg, lateral to the crest of the tibia, 10 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus.
Stomach 36
Leg Three Miles
Earth and Horary Point 7am-9am
On the anterior surface of the leg, lateral to the crest of the tibia, approximately 13 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus (level with the inferior border of the tibial tuberosity).
Stomach 35
Calf Nose
With the knee semi-flexed, on the anterior surface of the knee, between the patella and the tibia, in the depression lateral to the patellar tendon.
Stomach 1
Receive Tears
Entry Point
On the cheek, on the infraorbital ridge, in line with the infraorbital foramen, (usually in line with the center of the pupil with the eye looking straight ahead).