Stomach Flashcards
ST 45
LiDui - Strict Exchange
Jing Well
ST 45
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Clears heat from the upper reaches of the channel
- Swelling of the face
- Toothache
- Lockjaw
- Throat painful obstruction
- Nosebleed
- yellow nasal discharge
- heat in the head
ST 45
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Clears heat, calms the spirt and restores consciousness
- Excessive dreaming
- Easily frightened with desire to sleep
- Insomnia
- Dizziness
- Mania-depression
- Desires to ascend to high places and sing, discards clothing and runs around, loss of consciousness.
ST 45
Dorsal aspect of 2nd toe, lateral border of nail, 0.1 cun from corner of nail
ST 44
NeiTing - Inner Courtyard
Ying Spring
Heavenly Star
ST 44
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Clears heat and fire from the upper reaches of the channel
- Toothache
- Pain of the lower teeth
- Pain of the eye
- Pain of the face
- Deviation of the mouth and eye
- Nosebleed
- Throat painful obstruction
- Tinnitus
ST 44
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Harmonises the intestines and clears damp heat
- Abdominal pain and distention
- Borborygmus
- Diarrhea
- Dysenteric disorder
- Bloody stools
- Thirst
- Constipation
ST 44
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For hands and feet counterflow cold
ST 44
On the dorsum of the foot, between the 2nd and 3rd toes, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web.
ST 43
XianGu - Sunken Valley
Shu Stream
ST 43
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Regulates the SP and dispels edema
- Classicaly emphasised for the treatment of facial edema
ST 43
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Regulates and harmonises the ST and intestines
* Abdominal pain
* Distention and fullness
* Borborygmus
* Fullness of the chest and lateral costal region
* Belching
Also for swelling and pain of th dosrum of the foot, difficulty in flexing the toes
ST 43
Between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, 1 cun proximal to ST 44
ST 42
ChongYang - Rushing Yang
Yuan Source
ST 42
ST 41 more commonly used
* Clears heat from the ST channel
* Harmonises the ST fu
* Calms the spirit
* Activates the channel and alleviates pain
ST 42
In the depression formed by the junction of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones and the cuneiform bones.
1.5 cun distal to ST 41
At the point where the pulsation of dorsalis pedis arterty may be palpated.
ST 41
JieXi - Stream Divide
Jing River
ST 41
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Clears heat from the ST channel
* Swelling of the face and head
* Frontal headache
* Eyebrow pain
* Redness of the face and eyes
* Dizziness
* Pain of the mouth
ST 41
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Clears heat from the ST fu
* Abd distention and fullness
* Belching
* Hunger w/ inability to eat
* Constipation
ST 41
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Calms the spirit by clearing ST heat transmitting to the HT
* Epilepsy
* Mania
* Agitation
* Sadness and weeping
* Fright palpitations
* ST heat w/ raving, ‘sees ghosts’
ST 41
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Activates the channel and alleviates pain
* Benefits the ankle and lower leg
* Swelling and pain of the ankle joint
* Atrophy disorder of the leg
* Heaviness of the knee and thigh
* Drop-foot
* Tendon and damp painful obstruction
ST 41
On the ankle, level w/ the prominence of the lateral malleolus in a depression between the tendons of extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum longus.
ST 40
FengLong - Abundant Bulge
Luo Connecting point
ST 40
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Transforms phlegm and damp
* The principal point to reslove phlegm anywhere in the body
* For phlegm-damp, swelling of the face, dizziness, headache, wind-phlegm headache, slackness and heaviness of the body.
ST 40
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Benefits the chest
* Cough w/ copious phlegm
* Wheezing
* Dyspnoe
* Asthma
* Fullness, oppression and pain of the chest
ST 40
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Clears phlegm from the HT and calms spirit
* Mania-depression
* Mad laughter, great happiness
* Likes to ascend to high places and sing, discards clothing and runs around
* Restlessness
* See ghosts
* Indolence
* Epilepsy
ST 40
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Activates the channel and alleviates pain
* For phlegm damp, swelling of the face
* Dizziness
* Wind phlegm headache
* Slackness & heaviness of the body
* Plumstone throat
ST 40
Midway between the tibiofemoral joint line (popliteal crease) and the lateral malleollus, 1 fingerbreadth lateral to ST 38
ST 39
XiaJuXu - Lower Great Void
Lower He Sea of Small Intestine
Sea of Blood
ST 39
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Moves Small Intestine Qi and transforms stagnation
* For SI pain and def cold
* Lower abdominal pain
* Lumbar pain that radiates to the testicles
ST 39
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Regulates and harmonises the intestines and clears damp heat
* Diarrhea
* Dysenteric disorder
* Pus and blood in the stool
ST 39
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Activates the channel and alleviates pain
* Painful obstruction
* Atrophy disorder
* Hemiplegia of the lower leg ( one-sided paralysis)
* Atrophy disorder of the foot, heel pain
ST 37
ShangJuXu - Upper Great Void
Lower He Sea of Large Intestine
Sea of Blood
ST 37
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- Regulates the intestines and transforms stagnation
- Clears damp heat and alleviates diarrhea and dysenteric disorder
- Regulates the SP and ST
Important point for a wide range of intestinal disorders whether deficient, excess, colf or hot.
ST 37
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Activates the channel and alleviates pain
* Hemiplegia
* Painful obstruction
* Atrophy disorder
* Numbness, coldness, pain, weakness, contraction and swelling
ST 37
3 cun inferior to ST 36, one finger breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
ST 36
ZuSanLi - Leg Three Miles
He Sea
Command point
Heavenly Star
Sea of Water and Grain
ST 36
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Harmonises the ST
* Essential point in any ST fu disorder, def or excess, hot or cold
* Epigastric pain
* Nausea
* Vomiting,
* Hiccuping
* Belching
* Abd distention and pain
* Hunger with no desire to eat
* Poor appetite
ST 36
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Fortifies the SP and resolves dampness
* Boryborygmus
* Flatulence
* Diarrhea
* Dysenteric disorder
* Undigested food in stool
* Cold in the intestines
* Heaviness of the 4 limbs
* Lower abd pain and swelling with inability to urinate
* Jaundice
ST 36
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Supports the Correct Qi and fosters the Original qi
* Primary point to tonify the qi and blood, Zheng qi, yuan qi and yin
* The five taxations and seven injuries
* Insufficiency of Yuan qi, ST qi
ST 36
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Clears Fire and calms spirit
* Mania-depression
* Manic singing, raving
* Abusive talk, anger and fright
* Tendency to sadness
* Outrageous laughter
ST 36
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Activates the channel and alleviates pain
* Treats breast abscess, swelling of the breast and chest pain
* Painful obstruction
* Atrophy disorder
* Hemiplegia
* Pain of the whol lower leg
ST 36
Below the knee, 3 cun inferior to ST 35 and one finger breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
ST 34
LiangQiu - Ridge Mound
Xi Cleft point
ST 34
Stomach channel pain
* Epigastric pain
* Breast pain or abscess
Adjacent point for knee disorders