Stomach Flashcards
epigastric think…
key stomach s/s
epigastric (pain, discomfort etc)
epigastric is the give away for boards/comps
key s/s for what pattern? **epigastric** - uncomfortable feeling lack of appetite or taste loose stools, weak limbs tired in AM (time of
T: pale
P: weak
stomach qi def
cause diet, chronic illness
rx: si jun zi tang
best points for what pattern: St 36 Ren 12 Ren 6 Bl 21
stomach qi xu
rx: si jun zi tang
St 36 tonify st qi
Ren 12 tonify st/sp
Ren 6 tonify qi
Bl 21 tonify st qi
key s/s for what pattern:
***epigastric discomfort + pain*** better with warmth + pressure + food no appetite, may not have thirst want warm drinks and food **vomiting of clear fluids** tired, pale (bright white) cold and weak limbs
T: Pale + Wet (maybe swollen)
P: weak + deep (maybe slow)
stomach yang xu (aka stomach def and cold)
for gio - stomach was def, then external cold got in, actually not a yang xu
huang qi jian zhong tang
xiao jian zhong tang
best points for what pattern:
Ren 6
St 36 - Ren 12
Bl 20, 21
Stomach deficient and cold
michelle says li zhong wan ok here
Key s/s for what pattern? (all over michelle’s state board)
hungry, no desire to eat
sometimes no appetite
***epigastric - either burning pain, dull
dry mouth
thirst - small sips of warm water, thirst in afternoon or pm
malar flush, 5 center heat, night sweats, feeling of heat in afternoon/evening
T: red, without coat, especially in middle
P: thready + rapid (also Superficial + Empty)
stomach yin xu
sha shen mai dong tang
shen ling bai zhu san
yi wei san
remember lung yin xu - coughing with small amount of sputum, maybe blood tinged
best points for what pattern?
st 36 - ren 12
sp 3, 6
stomach yin xu
st 36 tonify st
ren 12 front mu of st, tonifies st
sp 3 yuan source, tonifies st yin, nourishes fluids
sp 6 (cam uses for yin xu also), nourishes fluids
*michelle would add Ki 6, Ht 6 for def heat
coating on the tongue tells us about the
stomach yin fx
pulse thready and rapid means
yin xu
pulse superficial and empty means
yin xu
ALL gio def stomach patterns what what two points
st 36
ren 12
key s/s for what pattern? **burning epigastric pain*** **Foul breath** (dead river breath) thirsty for cold drinks mental restlessness ~> insomnia ***bleeding gums (st channel is gums), mouth sores/ulcers*** dry mouth, stools feeling of heat counterflow: regurgitation, burping stinky stuff might vomit after eating nausea
T: red, yellow coat (might change to dark yellow, then black)
P: rapid, overflowing
stomach fire
(also stomach phlegm fire: + s/s of phlegm: MUCUS heaviness in epigastric, vomit mucus, mucus in stools, mental derangment)
for stomach phlegm fire
T: red, STICKY yellow coat (might change to dark yellow, then black)
P: rapid, SLIPPERY overflowing (aka full)
tp: drain stomach fire, and stimulate the descending of stomach qi
tiao wei cheng qi tang
qing wei san
liang ge san
black tongue means what?
it has been there for a long time, in the interior.
black + dry = heat
black + moist = cold
best points for what pattern? St 44 St 34 St 21 Ren 11, 12, 13 Li 4, 11 Sp 15
stomach fire
St 44 - clears stomach heat St 34 - accumulation pt of st, for full conditions, stops bleeding (xi cleft - acute) St 21 - clear st heat, descend st qi (in all excess st patterns) Ren 11 - clears st heat Ren 12 - subdue rebellious st qi Ren 13 - subdue rebellious st qi Li 4, 11 - clears stomach heat Sp 15 - stimulates bowels
which cheng qi tang is for heat but not mass
Michelle’s go to rx for stomach fire
tiao wei cheng qi tang
key s/s of what pattern: epigastric fullness sour regurgitation relieved by vomiting nausea, vomiting of sour fluids, belching FOUL breath INSOMNIA
poor appetite, loose stools or constipation
T: THICK coat (white or yellow)
stomach food retention
tp: resolve retention of food and stimulate descending qi of st
rx: bao he wan or zhi shi dao zhi wan
best points for what condition: Ren 10, 12, 13 St 19, 21, 40 44, 45 Sp 4 - P 6 K 21
retention of food
Ren 10 stimulates descending St qi Ren 13 Subdues rebellious St Qi St 21 stimulates descending St qi + resolves food stag St 44 resolves stag food + clears heat St 45 resolves stag food + calms mind Sp 4 resolves stag food P 6 stimulates descending St qi St 40 restores descending St qi St 19 stimulates descending St qi + resolves stag food Ki 21 stimulates descending St qi Ren 12 resolves stag food
bao he wan
zhi shi dao zhi wan
key s/s of what pattern:
epigastric PAIN (severe, boring, stabbing)
dislikes pressure
vomiting food and/or dark blood like coffee grounds
maybe worse at night
maybe dark blood in stools
stomach blood stasis
tp: invig blood, dispel stasis, descend st qi
shi xiao san (severe pain)
dan shen yin (heat s/s radiating up)
ge xia zhu yu tang (palpable masses)
tong you tang (moisten intestines, unblock bowels)
best points for what pattern?
Si 6
GB 34-Ren 12
St 19, 21, 40
Li 4 - Ren 11
Bl 17-Sp 10
Ki 21
P6 - Sp 4
St 34
stomach blood stasis
move qi in middle jiao
Si 6
GB 34-Ren 12
descend st qi
St 19, 21, 40
Li 4 - Ren 11
invigorate blood
Bl 17-Sp 10
chong points: descend st qi + invig blood
Ki 21
P6 - Sp 4
xi cleft: moves qi & blood
St 34
St 21 is the main gio point for full patterns and is does what to the stomach qi?
it also resolves food stag
key s/s of what pattern **hiccups or vomiting** hard to swallow belching nausea (all of these s/s could also be LQS)
T: no change
P: wiry or tight
stomach qi counterflow
causes: eating too fast, eating while working, eating while standing, eating while upset, anger, frustration, resentment
tp: descend st qi
points for what pattern?
St 21 (in all excess st patterns)
Sp 4- Ren 6
St 19
Ren 10, 13
rebellious st qi
huo xiang zheng san
ban xia huo po tang
ding xian shi di ttang
key s/s sudden severe pain in epigastrium vomiting of clear fluids, nausea worse after swallowing cold fluids, quickly vomited feeling of cold, preference for warmth ** might have cold limbs
T: thick white coat
P: deep - tight - slow
full cold invading the stomach
- be careful looks like yang xu in the stomach
best points for what pattern:
St 21
St 34
Sp 4
Ren 13
full cold in stomach
St 21 all stomach full
St 34 xi cleft acute pain
Sp 4 for all stagnations except heat
Ren 13 stomach full condition
key for what pattern:
nasal congestion + facial pain
all SP DH s/s
stomach DH