Stocks Vocab. 1 Flashcards
Annual Report
An audit report to shareholders produced yearly. This report is produced by all publicly quoted companies.
After-Hour Deal
The stock market usually closes at 4:00pm. After this scheduled time, deals can also be made but the transaction is dated the next day, known as an after-hours deal.
Balance sheet
The financial statement which shows the liabilities and assets of a company.
Regarding sale or purchase in the stock market, bargain is a common word.
Bearer stocks
This is the stock that is unregistered with the owner’s name.
Bed and Breakfast deal
This refers to the sale of share and repurchase on another day. It’s done to set up profit or loss for the purpose of tax.
Bid Price
This term indicates the sale price of stocks or shares.
Blue Button
Refers to the stockbroker’s clerk. Only a blue button is allowed on the trading floor.
Blue Chip
These are shares of big and reputed companies.
Book value
The net worth of the company as listed on the balance sheet.
A person who considers the share price of the stock exchange to be on the rise.
An extra installment due on shares.
The amount of money used for setting up a new business.