STM,LTM, Semantic&Consciousness Flashcards
delayed recall
this happens within 2-20 seconds
stimulus driven
this is where current/recent info is held
executive controller in charge of conscious processing to other components in memory system
working memory
verbal rehersal takes place in
working memory
grouping of info held in STM
grouping items into units so we can remember them better
ex:area codes, social security
interference takes away
digits are over learned
3 types of recall
- free
- serial
- recognition
mental recycling
rehearsal buffer
increases likelihood of transferring to LTM
rehearsal buffer
display of accuracy in recall across original positions in “to be learned” list, bow tied shape
serial position curve
early, first position of list
last few items of list
list of items may be recalled in any order
free recall
participants must recall list of items in the order they were presented in
serial recall
Y/N task in which participants are asked to judge whether they’ve seen the stimulus before and their Y/N response is timed and measured
recognition task
verbal rehearsal and conscious processing takes place, executive controller is in charge of conscious processing
Baddeley’s working memory model
mechanism responsible for assessing attentional needs of different subsystem & furnishings of said subsystems.
central executive
any executive component of the memory system keeps track of processes completed, diverting attention from one activity to another
executive controller
part of phonological loop involved in active refreshing of info
articulatory loop
component responsible for recycling verbal material via rehearsal
phonological loop
visual and perceptual component of Baddeley’s working memory model
visual-spatial sketch pad
portion of working memory where info from different sources are bound together to form new episodic memories
episodic buffer
method in which 2 tasks are preformed simultaneously
dual task paradiagms
interference during recall b/c of some previous activity
proactive interference
interference from recent event/experience that influences memory for an earlier event
ex: trying to recall items from list1 but instead recalling items from list2
retroactive interference
LTM retrieval that entails deliberate recollection or awareness
explicit memory
LTM performance affected by prior experience with no necessary awareness of the influence
implicit memory
LTM knowledge that can be retrieved then reflected on consciously
declarative memory
general world knowledge is stored
semantic memory
personally experience info is stored
episodic memory
mental activation of a concept by some means or spread of activation from one concept to another
activation of some target info by action of a previously presented prime
info subjected only to maintanence rehearsal isn’t being processed more deeply into meaning based levels of memory system and isn’t being recalled/recognized as accurate info
Craik and Lockhart’s levels of processing
task in which pairs of items(stimulus/response) are to be learned and upon presentation of stimulus the response term can be recalled
paired associate learning
memory loss caused by brain damage/injury
loss of memory for info before the damage
retrograde amnesia
loss of memory for info after the damage
anterograde amnesia
specific nature of an item’s coding including all the context that it was encoded in, determines how effectlivly the item can be retrieved
encoding specificity
concrete words can be encoded into memory twice, one as verbal symbols and once as image based symbols. this increases the likelihood they’ll be remembered
dual coding hypothesis
momentary retrieval failure, with the sense of being on the verge of retrieving the concept
tip of the tongue (TOT)
input or take into memory
accessing info stored in memory whether or not that accesss involves conscious awareness
LTM knowledge is accessed/retrieved. some form of mental excitation is believed to be passed along the pathways that connect concepts in a memory network
spreading activation
point/location in LTM, a concept or representation in memory
reaction time is sped up for judgments are made easier when the concepts are closer together in semantic distance when they’re closely related
semantic relatedness effect
a task in which subjects must respond t/f to simple sentences
sentence verification tasks
typical members of a category tend to be judged more rapidly than atypical members
typicality effect
typical or average member of a category
simple y/n task in which subjects are timed as they decide whether the letter string being presented is a word
lexical decision
disruption in which a person loses access to 1 semantic category of words/concepts while not losing others
category-specific deficit
positive/negative effect on processing b/c of prior presentation of related info
active suppression of mental representations of salient but irrelevant info so that the activation level is reduced
of intervening trials between a prime and a target