Stimulus to Premises Flashcards
Rewrite the Following Concisely
People must assess
!(all assess = positive)
But judgmental = bad
assess negative + !(effortUnderstand) –> judgmental
Therefore, can criticize for being critical
Rewrite the following concisely
human & specificMotive –> intentional
!(specificMotive) + !(explainNormal) –> random
Rewrite the following concisely
If proving ground –> only mostCommit pass
Some !(enthusiastic) pass
Therefore !(proving ground)
Rewrite the following concisely.
!(advertFund) – > cancelled
!(manyWatchers = buyers) –> !(advertFund)
Therefore !(manyWatchers = buyers) –> cancelled
Therefore if TV worthPreser –> should buy
Break the following into premises and conclusions.
- If !(AuthPleasure can’t ImpTru) –>
- (if popular) –> Some !(True)
- Therefore, = AuthPleasure Can ImpTru
(AuthPleasure = Authors who write in order to give pleasure, ImpTru = impart truth to readers, !(X) = not X.
Interpret the following in terms of premises and conclusions, including any inferences we can make from the stimulus; then write in symbolic logic.
BuildCent –> SevCon
LarCon –> More Visitors
More Visitors –> ++TR
BuildCent –> ++TR
(BuildCent = build convention center, SevCon = several conventions, SLC = several large conventions, ++TR = more tax revenues)
Identify key premises in the following inference problem
- IncomeSat = !(correlated w/ amnt of $$)
- If same econ class –> tend to live together
- People’s IncomeSat depends on neighbors’ income
(IncomeSat = satisfaction with personal income, !(x) = not x)
Break the following down into short premises and conclusion, then represent it using symbolic logic
If Immunity –> !(HarmSym)
Therefore Immunity
(HarmSym = harmful symptoms, !(x) = not x)
Parse the following in terms of conditional premises. Represent symbolically.
NewPlan –> annual ++ $2billion
Reasonable to spend $$
Tourism plan costs less
(NP = new tourism plan, annual ++ $2 billion = annual increase of $2 billion dollars of revenue)
Break the following into premises and conclusions
55 specExtin
!(one disease cause 55 specExtin)
Therefore !(human borne-diseases caused specExtin)
[! (x) = not x, specExtin = species to go extinct]
Rewrite the following concisely
If obtFraud –> Penalty offset Profit
(obtFraud = corporation obtains funds fraudulently)
Rewrite the following concisely.
knowlyMisft –> shouldBlamed
!(foresee) & unwittMisft –> !(shouldBlamed)
(knowlyMisft = a person knowingly brings about misfortune, ShouldBlamed = should be blamed, !(X) = not x, unwittMisft = unwittingly brings about misfortune)
Write the following concisely
Oldest frag = microDia
microDia = 50 microns, formed 4.2BYA
4.2 BYA = 300 MY after Earth formation
(microDia = micro diamonds, BYA = billion years ago)
Rewrite the following concisely
critique oneFactor –> critique enhanceOutcome
(oneFactor = the critique is just one factor of many)
Write the following concisely and draw out any inferences.
Some 20Art = Great
If Great –> originId
If Great –> Influential
Some 20Art has original ideas
Some 20Art is influential
All Great = originId & Influential
Only originId & Influential = Great