Stimulants, Anorexigenics, + Hallucinants Flashcards
Which transporter does cocaine act on and what does it go?
DAT - prevents reuptake into the presynaptic cleft of dopamine, serotonin, and NE
What are the two functions of amphetamines?
1) compete with dopamine for uptake
2) compete w/ DA for VMAT -> dopamine released non-vesicularly
Which drug mech is the synthetic cathinones most similar to?
Amphetamines - Stimulate monoamine neurotransmitter release and inhibit reuptake
What happens if cocaine is administered systemically?
Increase in BP, HR, and heart contractility
coronary artery vasoconstriction
How long is the half life for cocaine?
1 hr (less if smoked or IV)
What metabolite of cocaine and for how long does it stay in your system after a binge?
Benzoylecogonine - 1 week
How does the nucleus accumbens react to the repeated exposure to cocaine and amphetamine-like drugs?
Anticipation - sensitization causes an earlier more intense peak (can even happen with saline)
What is the only drug labeled for obesity treatment?
What happens in stimulant withdrawal?
‘Crash’ period - depression, anxiety, agitation and craving
How long can stimulant craving last and what sets it off?
Craving can last for years after abstinence and can be set off by familiar people, places, or stressful situations (PTSD-like)
What happens after the crash period of stimulant withdrawal?
Intermediate period - fatigue, loss of energy and affect
What does amphetamines do to heart rate and why?
Induces a bradycardial reflex because it is increases blood pressure
How is cocaine metabolized?
Ester hydrolysis
How are amphetamines excreted?
Renal - unchanged
What is used to treat ADHD?
Amphetamines and methylphenidate