Steriotip Flashcards
Kaj so Stereotipi?
Sterotypes, opinions, judgements
Stereotipi za otroke
young are flexible, hardworking, lazy, arrogant, irresponsible
Stereotipi za odrasle
old are useless, slow to learn
Word formation. It is a process how new words are created and become part of the language.
Vrste besedotvorja.
There are many kinds of word Formations: prefixes, suffixes, conversion, compounds.
Predpone uporaba
We add prefixes before the base or steam of a word.
Katere predpone poznaš
mono-one, multi-many, post-po, un-not
po vojni
post war
Končnice uporaba
We add suffixes after the base or stem of a word. The main purpose of a suffixes is to show what class of word it is(noun or adjective).
Katere končnice poznaš
ism and dom are used to form nouns,
er and or form nouns to describe people who do things,
en and ify form verbs,
ly is a common suffix form adverbs
terorizem, sexizem
terorism, sexism
delodajalec, igralec
employer, actor
razširiti, poenostaviti
widen, simplify
razumen, nedonosno
reasonable, unprofitable
nesrečno, naravno
unhappily, naturally
Conversion uporaba
It involves the change of a word from one word class to another.
Primeri konverzacije
Can you text her( verb from noun text, meaning to send a text message).
They are always jetting somewhere(verb from noun jet).
konverzacija iz download
If you are not careful, some downloads can damage you computer(noun from verb download).
Compounding uporaba
When we use compounding, we link together 2 or more bases to create a new word. Normally, the first item identifies a key feature of the second word.
Primer sestavljanja
The two bases back and ache can combine to form the compound backache. The 2 bases post and card combine to form the compound noun postcard.
Compounds uporaba.
Compounds are found in all word classes. The most common types of compounds are nouns: car park, rock band.
Compounds pridevniki.
heartbreaking, sugar-free, airsick
Compounds glagoli.
oven-bake, baby-sit, chain-smoke
Compounds prislovi.
good-naturally, nevertheless
Zakaj se učimo besedotvorja?
We learn new words because we learn the whole clusters.
It helps us to guess the meaning of unknown words when reading.