What chemical agents are used for gas sterilization?
Ethylene oxide, formaldehyde, beta-propiolacton (mutagenic, carcinogenic)
Temperature and process of plasma sterilization?
Low temps (46 C +/- 4 C), dry air, H2O2 steam transformed to low temperature plasma by radiofrequency microwaves, transformed to O2 and water, used on metals, plastics and heat sensitive materials
Methods of heat disinfection
Pasteurization, tyndallisation, boiling
Tyndallisation procedure:
85 C for 30 min with incubation at 37 C – repeated several times
Chemicals used for disinfection and their effects:
Cell membrane: detergents, alcohols (ethanol, propanol, isopropanol), isopropyl alcohol
Protein denaturation: organic acid (phenol, acetic acid, lactic acid), strong mineral (acid, alkaline)
Inhibit enzyme activity: heavy metal salts, alkylating agents
Oxidative agents: halogens (iodine, chlorine, chloramine), H2O2, KMnO4, dyes