Step2CS Minicases Flashcards
Throbbing unilateral HA w/ visual aura, N/V, neuro symptoms
Severe unilateral HA w/ ipsilateral rhinorrhea, ear tearing, redness, with characteristic pattern
Older woman w/ severe intermittent unilateral temporal HA, fever, blurred vision in her right eye, and pain in her jaw while chewing
Temporal arteritis
W/u: CBC, ESR, CRP, temporal artery biopsy, doppler ultrasound
Frontal HA, fever, nasal discharge, & sinus tenderness
bilateral squeezing HAs
tension (also caffeine or drug w/d)
sudden severe HA, vomiting, confusion, hemiplegia, nuchal rigidly
W/u: NC head CT, LP
High fever, severe HA, confusion, photophobia, nuchal rigidity
W/u LP
young, obese F w/ pulsatile HA, N/V, blurred vision, on OCPs
W/u LP
electric, stabbing pain in R cheek
trigeminal neuralgia
w/u? ddx TMJ
step wise decline in cognitive function
vascular dementia
w/u (general for memory loss/delerium): CBC, electrolytes, VDRL/ RPR, serum B12, TSH, HIV?, MRI?
Progressive forgetfulness in older person
Common (on boards) HA ddx
Migraine, cluster, tension, GCA, pseudotumor, meningitis, carotid artery dissection (Horner), SAH, subdural, epidural
memory loss, ataxia, urinary incontinence
W/u CT
Rapidly progressive AMS, myoclonus, ataxia, +startle
W/u EEG, general AMS
Gradual AMS s/p trauma`
acute unilateral painless loss of vision, palpitations, SOB, w/ hx of afib
Retinal artery occlusion
sudden painless vision loss w/ hx of atherosclerosis
Retinal vein occlusion
sudden painful vision loss (?!?!)
Acute angle-closure glaucoma
curtain coming down over eye (??!?!)
Retinal detachment vs amargoix fugax??!?!
W/u: CBC, TSH, utox, beck depression inventory?
+4 SIGECAPS > 2weeks
W/u: CBC, TSH, utox, blood alcohol level?, beck depression inventory?
+/- full SIGECAPS
+ 3 DIGFAST x1 time
Bipolar 1
Ddx: Bipolar II (hypomania plus depression, no mania), cyclothymic d/o, schizoaffective, MDD
+positive sx: thought broadcasting, delusions of reference, paranoia,
+negative sx: catatonia
ddx: drugs, brief psychotic, depression w/ psychotic features, schiophreniform, personality d/os, schizoaffective