Step 3 part 1 Flashcards
Tx for latent TB
9months isoniazid
MI: Lateral wall defect of LV means which coronary a. is occluded:
Left circumflex coronary a.
Recent trip to Africa
Periodic fevers, myalgias
Malaria (plasmodium falciparum)
Ppx: antimicrobial
Acute otitis bugs in kids: (3)
*if concurrent purulent conjunctivitis
Moraxella, strep.pneumo, non-typeable H. influenza.
(adenovirus less common cause-no purulent discharge)
*If concurrent purulent conjunctivitis: H. Influ
Tx: uncomplicated-10day course of amoxicillin
recurrent-amp/clavulanic acid (augmentin)
Myringotomy, tube placement if persistent >3mth or 3 and + occurrences in 6 mth
Kartagener syndrome
autosomal recessive disorder, situs inversus, chronic sinusitis, airway disease bronchiectasis. Primary ciliary dyskinesia
Common causes of recurrent or chronic sinusitis
Air pollution, second hand smoke, inadequately treated acute sinusitis, structural abnormalities, allergic rhinitis (seasonal allergies)
vertigo, unilateral hearing loss, tinnitus
Meniere’s disease
Loss of hearing with aging,
serous otitis media v.s suppurative otitis media v.s bacterial otitis externa vs. necrotizing otitis externa
- Serous otitis media: fluid in ear but not infected or inflammed, Exam= bulging tympanic membrane
- Suppurative otitis media: Infected fluid in middle ear, will drain purulent fluid tympanic membrane ruptures. Fever, cranky kids, No pain with manipulation of pinna. Staph Aureus.
- Bacterial otitis externa: Swimmer’s ear, pain with manipulation of pinna. Pseudomonas
- Necrotizing otitis externa: aggresive Pseudomonas infection affecting surrounding bone. Fever, pain, purulent drainage but usually elderly and diabetic and immunocompromised
Acute otitis media risk factors in babies
Second hand smoke, no breastfeeding, pacifier use, day care,
PPSV 23 vaccine (pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine) is given to kids with___
cochlear implants, asplenia, cardiac disease, sickle cell anemia (kids at high risk of pneumococcal diseases). **if less than 2 years old PPSV 13 is better to mount immune response
Tympanostomy for acute otitis media recommended for kids when
3 or + episodes in 6 months or 4+ episodes in 12mth, or high risk of speech and hearing impairment (craniofacial abnrmlaties kids or neurodevlpmtal disorders)
dysphagia vs odynophagia
diffculty swallowing vs pain with swallowing
Thyroglossal duct cysts
Common appearance of neck swelling that moves with protusion of tongue. 1/3rd appear after 20 yo. Thyroglossal duct connects tongue to thyroid. Ectopic tissue often only functional thyroid tissue so get imaging before considering cutting it out.
chronic rhinitis:
- allergic
- non-allergic
AR appears at <20yo w/ watery eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion, watery rhinorrhea. Identifiable triggers. Normal or pale blue mucosa with polyps.
NAR appears >20yo w/ nasal blockage, rhinorrhea and post-nasal drip. Cant ID trigger. Nasal mucosa: nrml or boggy and erythematous. Tx: intranasal glucocorticoids or antihistamines
ear pain
cleft lip +/- palate: repair at age___
3 mths of age, RUle of 10: 10lbs, 10 weeks of age, 10g of Hgb
Can be autosomal dominant or recessive or X linked
Negative exercise stress test means…
<1% risk of cardiovascular events in the next year
Factors associated with increased risk of CV event on exercise stress test: -Clinical variables v/s EKG variables
- Clinical variables: poor exercise capacity, angina at low workload, fall in SBP from baseline, chronotopic incompetence
- EKG variables: >1mm ST depression, ST depression at low workload, ST elevations without Q waves, Ventricular arrhythmias
Bronchoprovocation testing for asthma. Positive and diagnostic findings are:
Fall in expiratory volume in 1 sec>10% =positive
if fall >15%=diagnostic
> 20% reduction in FEV1 with methacholine
TCA overdose
list TCA:
amitriptyline, nortriptyline, trimipramine, desipramine. (SNRIs, antihistamine, anticholinergic activity)
Mental status change, seizures, respi depression
Anticholinergic effects: dry mouth, blurred vision, dilated pupils, flushing, hyperthermia, urinary retention
CV effect:sinus tachycardia, arrhythmias, hypotension–> cause most of the death in TCA overdose as it prolongs PR/QRS/QT interval–> V.tach, V.fib
Tx: Sodium bicarbonate, best tx for managing cardiotoxic effects: increases pH and neutralizes TCA (non ionized) making them less available to bind to rapid sodium channels and inhibit them. It also increases extracellular Na.
dilated pupil
refeeding syndrome is due to which electrolyte being low:
As dextrose present in TPN is given it shifts Phosphate into cells causing hypophosphatemia–> seizures, rhambdomyolysis, arrhythmias, CHF
obstructive vs. restrictive PFT
Obstructive: decreased FEV1 and decreased FEV1/FVC
Restrictive: decreased FEV1 and FVC but increased FEV1/FV, it will be > 80%
bacterial endocarditis ppx
High risk cardiac conditions: previous IE, prosthetic valve, structural valve abnormality in transplanted heart, unrepaired/repaired congenital heart disease
Indicated procedures: Dental, GU and GI if active infection, infected sin and muscle surgery, prosthetic cardiac material placement.
asthma or cystic fibrosis pt w/ recurrent exacerbation of fever, malaise, cough with brownish sputum, wheezing and bronchial obstruction
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: pt become hypersensitive to Aspergillus antigens w/ intense IgE and IgG immune responses.
-CT shows bronchiectasis
-positive skin test for Aspergillus
-elevated Apergillus specific and total IgE
tx: steroids and antifungal
DVT treatmt
Oral Xa factor inhibitor (rivaroxaban) for > or = to 3 months for pt with DVT or PE and no cancer. If malignancy LMWH has better outcome.
harsh holosystolic murmur in 4th left intercoastal space
Ventricular septal defect (enlarged RV, LA, LV, pulm arteries)
mid-systolic ejection murmur over the LSB
wide and fixed splitting of S2
Atrial septal defect (enlarged RA, RV)
Hypertrophic cardiomyophathy murmur is
Harsh cresc-decresc systolic murmur at apex and L left sternal border
Beck triad
hypotension, JVD, decreased heart sounds
Cardiac tamponade most spe finding is: Early diastolic collapse on echo
trastuzumab-related cardiotoxicity is irreversible or reversible
TIMI score:
assess mortality for patient with unstable angina or NSTEMI: 1pt each
-Age> or = to 65
-> or = 3 risks factor for CAD (Family history of CAD, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, or current smoker)
-Known CAD (= or >50% stenosis)
-Aspirin use in last 7 days
-Severe angina (2 or + episodes in 24hr)
-EKG ST changes greater or equal than 0.5mm
-positive cardiac enzymes
0-2 Low risk: stress test
3-7: coronary angiogram w/in 24h
Hemo unstable: immediate coronary angiogram
Aortic dissection tx
Adequate pain control (morphine), lowering SBP to 100-120; decreasing LV contractility to reduce aortic wall stress (beta blocker first line: esmolol/propranolol/labetalol, +/- Nitroprusside if SBP still >120), emergent surgical repair
**hydralazine (arterial vasodilator), nitroprusside (arterial and venous vasodilator) cause reflex sympathetic stimulation–> tachycardia, increased LV contractility and increased aortic wall shear stress which could increase propagation of aortic dissection
Kerley B lines represent:
interstitial edema
Maternal hyperglycemia can cause what on babies heart?
Poorly controlled glucose–> glycogen deposit on myocardium–> hypertrophy of heart w/ septum most often affected–> outflow tract obstruction
Condition resolves after birth!
Antecedent nasal congestion/discharge, cough
Age <2yo now presenting with wheezing/crackles, respiratory distress
Bronchiolitis, caused by Respiratory Syncytial virus
Tx: respi isolation and supportive care or Palivizumab if Preterm, chronic lung disease or heart disease
-> associated with reccurent wheezing and reactive airway disease in up to 30% of kids
Number needed to treat NNT
number of pts needed to be treated in order to prevent or cure one disease or medical condition
NNT: 1/ARR (absolute risk reduction)
-ARR: risk of “something” in exposed/treated group - the risk in UNexposed/placebo/control group
Initial treatment for HCOM
Beta blockers best initial tx
Negative inotropes: also verapamil and dysopyramide
(slow HR for more filling of LV)
Wolf Parkinson White syndrome sx, tx
Wide QRS, delta waves
Kid becomes dizzy, dypsneic, passes out and recovers with not other sx
tx: procainamide, quinidine, ablation of pathway
Sudden cardiac death risk is low but increases in pt with episodes of tachyarrhytmias.
CHF (1pt) HTN (1pt) Age>75yo (1pt) Stroke or TSA (2pt) Vascular disease (1pt) Age 65 to 74yo (1pt) Sex female (1pt)
First degree AV block
Prolonged PR interval
Second degree AV block
- Mobitz 1
- Mobitz 2
Mobitz 1: Wenckebach: PR progressively longer until QRS droppes
Mobitz 2: no PR prolongation, QRS dropped intermittently
third degree AV block
none of the P waves conduct to ventricle
Noncyanotic congenital heart defects
Cyanotic congenital heart defect
Truncus arteriosus, Transposition of great vessels, tricuspid atresia, Tetralogy of fallot: VSD, RVH, pulm stenosis, overriding aorta, total anomalous pulm venous return
Calcium channel blocker names and SE
amlopidine, nifedipine (dihydropyridine)> non-DHP CCB (verapamil, diltiazem)
SE: peripheral edema in 25% after 6mth of use
HTN prevention
- weight loss best non pharmalogical measure
- Dash diet next
- Exercise
- Low sodium diet
- Reduce alcohol intake
Severe aortic stenosis criteria:
- Aortic jet velocity
- Mean transvalvular pressure gradient
- Valve area
-Aortic jet velocity > or = 4.0m/sec
-Mean transvalvular pressure gradient> or = 40mmHg
-Valve area < or = to 1cm cubed
Valve replacement if onset of sx, EF<50% or getting cardiac surgery for other stuff (CABG)
Causes of acquired long QT syndrome
- Meds: Diuretics, antiemetics, antipsychotics, TCA, SSRI, antarrhythmics, antiangical , Antimicrobial
- Met disorder: HYPO K, Mg, Ca, starvation, hypothyroidism
- Bradyarrhythmias: Sinus node dysfxn, AV block
- Others: Hypothermia, MI, Intracranial disease, HIV
- -> Mg Sulphate tx
Brugada syndrome EKG findigns
pseudo-RBBB and persistent ST elevation of V1 to V2
- pt die from V.fib not exertional related
- Quinidine, 1a
Marfan mutation in ___ gene
fibrillin gene
Hazard ration that are significant
HR>1 is significant
Sensitivity analysis
Repeating primary analysis calculations after modifying certain criterias or variable ranges. The goal is to determine whether such modifications affect the results initially obtained.
Common CNS infection in AIDS
Cryptococcus neoformans
rhomboid shape and positive birefringence under polarized light
Pseudogout. Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals, 50% of pt with hemochromatosis have these crystals. So does hyperparathyroidism, hypoparathyroidism. Tx: colchicine and NSAIDS
disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs DMARDs
RA tx
-methotrexate, steroids than use infliximab or etanercept (anti-cytokine such these last 2 can reactive TB so screen with PPD skin test prior to giving)
Microcytic anemia
Lead poisoning, Thalassemia, sideroblastic anemia, iron deficiency
TP/(TP+FN) Ability to detect disease
High sensitivity test: Screening test (catch them all, how many signals have to go off before pt deemed to have disease, good to catch as many even if negative to r/o disease)
Ability to detect health TN/(TN+FP)
High specifity: disease confirmation
(ok well you might loose people that have the disease but you wont have a test + if someone doesn’t have the disease)