Step 3 CCS Flashcards
25F w/ dysuria, urgency, and burning, + suprapubic ttp. Afebrile, hemodynamically stable. No vaginal discharge, no flank pain. Sexually active with husband, does not use contraception. LMP 24 days ago. Smoker.
Emergency orders (before PE): none
PE: general, chest/lung, CV, abdominal, genital exam
- UA,
- qualitative beta-hCG
- Ucx (with repeat in 1-2 weeks after initial to confirm eradication)
- then advance clock to see lab results
- pregnancy counseling
- prenatal vitamins, Iron, Folate
- Nitrofurantoin for 7 days (oral, continuous) (or augmentin if allergic)
Now - change location to “home”, schedule appt in 2 weeks, confirm move
Final orders:
- Urine cx at 2 week clinic visit to confirm clearance
Primary dx: uncomplicated acute cystitis and pregnancy
STAT: None
PE: Gen, HEENT, CV, chest, abd ext
Initial orders:
Pulse Ox, O2
Cardiac monitor, EKG
POC glucose
Amylase, Lipase,
IV ins, Serum Osm, Ketones
SX: phenergan
TRANSFER: admit to ICU
- VS
- A- bed rest,
- D- NPO
- *-** In/Out **- UOP
- Labs:HbA1c, IV KCl, Phos**
- BMP q2-4 hr
- ABG q2 hr x2
Orders after results:
- Stop NS and give 1/2 NS after 4 hr.s, add K as needed,
- d/c IV insulin, fluids and heart monitor and go with NPH, regular insulin, diabetic diet
- Final orders: F/u in 10 days
- Counseling: Diabetic teaching, education, foot care, home glucose monitoring, no alcohol, no smoking, safe sex, no drugs, regular exercise, seat belts
What is the treatment for uncomplicated cystitis? If Allergic?
What is the treatment for complicated cystitis?
What is the tx for cystitis in pregnancy? If allergic?
Uncomplicated cystitis:
- 3 days of TMP-SMZ;
- 3 days of FQ (Cipro) if allergic.
- 7 days of TMP-SMZ
- 7 days of Nitrofurantoin
- 7 days of Augmentin if allergic
Case: 24F w/ n/v and amenorrhea x 7 weeks, previously normal cycles. No medical problems, but smokes.
Emergency orders (before PE): none
Exam: complete PE
- Urine beta-hCG qualitative (serum or urine), STAT Clock: Advance to obtain result (positive)
- Routine prenatal labs: blood type and Rh type, atypical antibody titer, CBC with diff, BMP, pap smear, UA, ucx, rubella antibodies, RPR, hep B surface antigen, HIV (ELISA), chlamydia
- Treat: prenatal vitamins, iron sulfate, folic acid,
- Counseling (prenatal, listeria and toxo precautions, childbirth classes, breastfeeding, quit smoking and alcohol)
- Change location to “home” - schedule appt in 4 weeks (until week 28, then every two weeks until week 36, then every week), review test results, pelvic u/s confirms pregnancy
- Dx: pregnancy
What is Chadwick’s sign?
bluish discoloration of the vulva/vagina; demonstrates pregnancy
28M presents to the office with one week of BRBPR and colicky abdominal pain. No sick contacts, no recent travel, no systemic sx’s. Hemodynamically stable. He has an older brother with UC, and he is a smoker.
Emergency orders: none
PE: general, skin, HEENT/neck, chest/lung, CV, abdominal, rectal, extremities/spine
Bleeding: PT/INR, PTT, BT
Diarrhea: FEBCOW (Stool Fat, ESR, Blood/FOBT, Culture, Ova/parasites, WBCs)
Location: change to “home”
Clock: schedule appt in a week, and advance to obtain results - note elevated ESR!
- Diarrhea: Loperamide
Sigmoidoscopy, Rectal bx
Clock: advance to obtain results - UC dx confirmed -
Location: change back to “office”
Topical 5-ASA (mesalamine),
Loperamide, Dicyclomine (antispasmodic)
Dietary consult, counseling
Location: change to “home”
Clock: schedule appt in 2 weeks - Final orders: none Dx: UC, mild case involving rectum and sigmoid colon
26F presents to the office with lower abdominal pain, nausea, slight vag bleeding. LMP 7 weeks ago. Sexually active. Hx of PID x 2.
Afebrile, hemodynamically stable.
Emergency orders: none
- urine or serum qual beta-hCG
Advance clock to “next available result” - positive Preg -
Location: change to “ward”
V- q1
A- bedrest
Diet- NPO
I- IV access, IV normal saline
DVT ppx?
L- CBC, BMP Quant serum beta, type and cross, blood group and Rh, CBC with diff, PT/PTT, BMP, LFTs, cervical gonococcal and chlamydia cultures - all should be “stat” - Clock: advance clock to see transvag u/s (tubal mass) and quant beta (2000), Rh+
C: OB/GYN consult, MTX, morphine
- Clock: advance to get OB recommendations
- Order: cancel “NPO, vitals, IV access, normal saline, and complete bedrest” - Order: rest at home, counseling - Location: change to “home” - Clock: appt in 4 days (for repeat serum beta) - Final orders: none Dx: ectopic pregnancy
When do you give MTX for an ectopic? When do you perform a lap?
MTX - beta < 5000, tubal mass < 3.5cm, no fetal cardiac activity laparoscopy - beta > 5000, tubal mass > 3.5cm, with fetal cardiac activity
Case: 27F presents to the office with 3 months of alternating diarrhea and constipation, colicky abdominal pain relieved by defecation, and 3 days of non-bloody diarrhea containing mucus. No sick contact, no travel, no weight loss, no systemic sx’s.
- Emergency orders: none - Exam: normal - Orders: CBC, BMP, ESR, TSH, FOBT, stool for ova/parasites/white cells/culture, 72-hr stool fat, pap smear - all “routine” - Location: change to “home” - Clock: schedule appt in one week, see normal results - Location: “office”, request interval/f/u - Order: lactose-free diet, high fiber diet, loperamide, biofeedback, reassurance, relaxation, exercise, pt counseling, advise to drive with seat belt - Location: change to “home” - Clock: schedule appt in 2 weeks - Final orders: none Dx: IBS
40F presents to the office with feelings of worthlessness, fatigue, insomnia, anhedonia, poor appetite, inability to concentrate, and feelings of guilt and hopelessness x 2 months. Sx’s have forced her to take a leave of absence from work.
- Emergent orders: none - PE: normal - Order: TSH, CBC with diff, BMP, vitamin B12 - “routine”, also fluoxetine, oral, continuous, and counseling (suicide contract, medication compliance, regular exercise, pt education) - Location: change to “home” - Clock: schedule appt in 10 days, see all normal lab results - Exam: interval f/u, general - Location: change to “home” - Clock: schedule appt in 14 days - Final orders: none Dx: major depression
39F presents to the office c/o thick, white vaginal discharge, also vulvar pruritus x 1 week. She finished abx for a UTI one week ago. PMH includes asthma, on inhaled betamethasone and albuterol. LMP 25 days ago. Afebrile, hemodynamically stable.
- Emergency orders: none - PE: vulvar erythema and edema, + thick, adherent white curd-like discharge with white patches along the vaginal walls - Orders: measure vag pH, wet mount, UA, gram stain - vagina, pap smear, GC culture, chlamydia culture - Clock: advance by 20 minutes to see pH and wet mount - Order: miconazole, vaginal, continuous, counseling - safe sex, no alcohol, patient education - Location: change to “home” - Clock: schedule appt in 2 weeks, see other labs that are normal - Final orders: none Dx: candida
How do candida, BV, and trich differ in terms of vaginal pH?
< 4.5 (normal) –> candida; > 4.5 –> Bacterial Vaginosis or Trichimoniasis (treat partner too!)
What is the tx for BV? Do you have to treat the partner?
PO or topical flagyl; NO need to treat partner
What is the tx for trich? Do you have to treat the partner?
Tx = flagyl 500mg BID for 7 days OR 2gm single dose; yes, you have to treat the partner
Case: 75M presents to the office with gradual onset of forgetfulness, difficulty with activities of daily living and money management, wandering behavior, and paranoia. He has no other medical problems. Non alcoholic. Eats well. + fam hx of dementia. Afebrile, hemodynamically stable.
- Emergent orders: none - PE: cognitive impairment c/w dementia, normal thyroid, no focal neuro deficits, no rigidity, no tremors - Orders: head CT, vit B12, TSH, CBC, BMP, LFTs - “routine” - Location: change to “home” - Clock: schedule appt in 3-7 days, see normal lab results - Order: donepezil (oral, continuous), vitamin E (oral, continuous), olanzapine (oral, continuous), counseling (of pt and family, cognitive rehab, OT, support groups, ensuring good nutrition and med compliance, no driving, medic alert bracelet, advanced directives) - Location: change to “home” - clock: schedule appt in 6 weeks - Final orders: none Primary dx: Alzheimer’s disease
What 3 types of medications should you give to pts with Alzheimer’s to slow progression of the disease?
cholinesterase inhibitors (i.e. donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine), NMDA receptor antagonist (memantine), vitamin E
Case: 65M w/ hx of smoking and COPD presents to the ED with progressively worsening SOB and wheezing. + worsening cough productive of yellow sputum. Vital signs stable. + one previous hospitalization for COPD exacerbation, medication = inhaled albuterol.
- Emergency orders: elevate head of bed, cardiac monitor, pulse ox, oxygen, IV access - PE: moderate resp distress, accessory muscle use, inc AP chest diameter, dec breath sounds, diffuse rhonchi and wheezing, prolonged expiration. No peripheral edema, no JVD. - Orders: PEFR q1hr, CXR - PA and lateral, ABG, EKG, CBC, BMP, albuterol nebulizer - continuous. all “stat” (if you’re in the ED, it’s stat!) - Clock: advance by 30 minutes - see low PEFR, low o2 sat, abnormal CXR - Order: ipratropium nebs, IV methylprednisolone, oral or IV abx (if oral - bactrim or doxy; if IV - levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime) - Clock: advance by 4 hours, pt improves - Location: transfer to “ward” - Orders: as pt improves, convert steroids from IV to PO, convert albuterol and ipratropium from nebs to MDI, if PaO2 55 or SaO2 88% –> d/c on home O2 - Final orders: Counseling - smoking cessation, flu vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine Dx: COPD exacerbation
Case: 40F presents to the office complaining of a mobile, painless mass in the upper outer quadrant of the L breast discovered 2 months ago on self-exam. The mass does not vary with menses, there is no nipple discharge, she denies systemic sx’s, and there is no family hx of breast cancer. + 10 pack year smoking hx.
- Emergency orders: none - PE: general, breast, lymph node, HEENT/neck, chest/lung, CV, abdominal - Order: “routine” mammography, FNA - Location: change to “home” - Clock: schedule return appt in 1 week, see dx of fibroadenoma on mammography and FNA - Exam: interval f/u - Order: reassurance, counseling - pt counseling, contraception advise, safe sex, smoking cessation, limit alcohol intake, safety plan, seat belt use, regular exercise; pap smear - Location: change to “home” - clock: schedule appt in 4 months - Final orders: none Dx: fibroadenoma of L breast
Case: 45M w/ hx of HTN and noncompliance with medications presents to the ED with nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and headache, found to have BP of 230/140. No chest pain, no focal neuro deficits. + 25 pack-year smoking hx.
- Emergency orders: IV access, oxygen, pulse ox, cardiac monitor, BP monitor - PE: general, HEENT/neck, chest/lung, CV, abdominal, ext/spine, neuro/psych - Order: “stat” - 12-lead EKG, head CT, CBC, BMP, UA, CXR-PA - Clock: advance clock to see head CT results, will see all lab results - BUN/creat elevated; CT neg for hemorrhage; LVH on EKG - Order: Nitroprusside, IV, continuous; arterial line - Location: change to “ICU” - Order: NPO, complete bed rest, monitor urine output - Clock: advance 15 minutes to reevaluate the patient; see that BP has improved - Clock: advance clock to check BP every 30-60min until BP is under control and pt is sx-free - Location: once a 25% drop in BP is achieved, transfer to “ward”, d/c arterial line, change to PO anti-hypertensive - Location: change to “home” - Final orders: lipid profile, routine; counseling (medication compliance, smoking cessation, exercise, limit alcohol intake, low salt diet) Dx: hypertensive emergency