Step 3 Flashcards
PUD then dysphagia and chest pain
E stricture
Diet, lots of chewing and liquids
SLE with chest pan and arrest, what cardiac issue does she have?
MI- they have accerlated athersclerosis
GBS asymptomatic bacturia TX now and then what?
Penicillin during labor ppx
Most common cause of hemoptysis?
Acute bronchitis
reasons to give abxin acute bronchitis in COPD
Worsening dyspnea, sputum produciton or purulence. If healthy then its viral dont give anything
<30 breast mass
>30 breast mass
US then needle if cyst or core biopsy if malignant looking
Mamorgram to core biopsy
PNA vaccine >65, HIV, CKD, sicklers
13 and then 1 week do 23
Just 23 in CHF, COPD, Liver, Smokers, Allocholics, DM2
Diagnosed Lupus and you think lupus nephritis, what next>
You need a biopsy to categorize it
Also get complement and asDNA Ab
Delayed motor milestones, hyperreflexic, clonus, leg posturing… what next/.
MRI brain for Cerebral palsy
Akasthesia Tx
Ethics flow
Joint decision>consult an expert> ethic comitte> transfer within hospital> transfer outside
Marine tank, Rapidly worse, Hemorrgahic bullaw/necortizing D x TX
Vibrio vulnificus
MIld high LFTs, young owman, Feels fine, heptomegaly- what next?
anti smooth muscle anitbodies, ANA for autoimmune heptaitits
at what age do you you take a testicle out if it hasnt dropped?
6 months
Tubular adenomas fq
3-10 adenoma or villous fq
>10 adenomas fq
1 polyp with adeenocarcinoma in situ fq
5 years
3 years
<3 years
2-3 months
Drug lupus
Anti histone
hydral, procain- get ANA testing!
Looks like hepatitc C or B after 1 eek but negative tests so far..
Get HCV PCR tests anyway it takes 2-4 weeks
Type 1 vs type 2 error
1- false positive (dad is preggo)
2- false negative (telling ellie she isnt preggo)
Hypergluycemia + modd swings + hypoK + increased bicarb= testing
dex test to supress free cortisol
feeding goals?
30 kcal/kg/day + 1 g protein is solid
less to rpevent refeed
more protein if malnutrition
Pregenancy rashes
Cholestasis- hands/feet and generalizeddeliverat 37 weeks, Urso acid and antihistamines, check LFTs
Pregenncy related- itchy to one spot NOT generalized. UV light, oatmeal baths, antihistmaines
pregnancy but looks like ring worm and HSV target?
pempigoid gestationis- topical tiamcinolin
PTH stuff
hyperPTH-MEN syndromes
HyperCa HypoPO4 (kidney always wins) andit makes you absorb from bone, kidney and gut
watch out for osteoporosis
Take it out even if aysmptomatic most of the time
Snoring maegnemt without OSa symtoms
stop smokgn and slcohol
Look slike depression but PCP visit an mentions bad sex life
ASK about sex life! number 1 50 + woman thing is vaginal atorphy
Old person with exertional dyspnea, HLD HTN DM2= Next test
CAD testing even if it asks you for a TEE- it is getting at an old person with risk factors
kid with decline in school, starting to have sex a lot and any mention of fidgety in the office…
sex abuse
Moderate to severe depression . CBT or SSRI difference
MOderate to severe, marked imapirment of life and no psycosocial stressors= SSRI first
You think RA but negative markers, X ray evdience of arhtritis and CRP that is elveated… what Rx next
Abdonainl surgery with now CVA tenderness 2 weeks out and a cough get…
Abodminal US- subprhenic abscess at shoulder tip
Gross hematuria after 3 days URI
iGA nephropathy
Warfarin and amiodarone now on together- what do you do with warfarin?
lower by 25-50%
bili of 10 in breastmilk jaundice Tx?
conitnue breastfeeding with weekly check ups shoudlgo away in 3 months
TURP complications
Ejaculate backwords
TB PPx 2 options
INH 9 months
R 4-6 months
If you have a smaller population size are you mor elikley to make a type 1 or type 2 error?
Type 2- it needs a high power or large sample size. it wuolnt be as effective in seeing a differnce in the two groups so a false negatve is possible
asyompatic 2 cm incedintalmoa on adrenal gland- whats the next step
- functional testing to see if it is pheo
- if it is not and les than 4 cm thand follow up on it
if 4 cm, malignant loking or functional then take it out
ENDo stuff
MEN pituaitry tumors and pehos- get brain MRIs
17OH production seenin CAH bc of the lack of enzymes 21 and 11
hypomania pearl
see why they are doing so well, they are impuslive and will get married uick
ifromed conset, can it be verbal
yes if it is clearly understood. doesnt need to eb uhhsband if it comes down to that
st johns wort
anti dperessive, inflammaotyr and wound healing
interacts with drups/Serotnin syndrome
educate on this and companies
Viral ganstoreneritis on fruit juice an dmor ediarrhea?
fructose malbsorption bc more osmotic load and more diarrhea, stop the fruit juice
genu varum bwoing of leg deformities ona kid who is otherwise nroaml- check for rickets?
no this is nromal and iwll go away if no leg discrepencies and taking vitamin D
mobitz type 2 management ( looks like bigmey + bradycardia?)
Pacemaker it goes on to 3rd degree block
Hemorrhagic, umbillicated papulaes in HIV patient, How to make Dx and what is it?
Crypto cutaneous and Biopsy
Severe malnutrition management
Oral rehydate (not IV-CHF risk) with IVF and glucose and go slow if you ahve to go IV for shock. Avoid high calorie diets at first bc refeeds is fatal.
Marasmus- wasting
Kwashiokor- portien edemaotus
Bites that needs Abx
Hands or feets
Cat/human bites (excpet on face)
Body >12 hours or face >24 hours
Good gout anti-htn drug?
High dose steroids for 2 weeks with Anxiety, dperession for 1 week and modd swings no mania- CBT or lower predisnone?
Lower preidsnone- mood symptom from steorids can happen over any duration not just acute psychosis
Lung cancer screenign criteria
>30 pack years quit less than 15 years ago
stop if they can undergo or want to undergo theray for cancer
does a thiazide retain calcium?
how od you diagnose pakrnisons
Phys exam first
then MRI if equivocal
start on pramipexole or LEvo/carbisopa
concenusal photophobia, ertyhema nodosum, hilar LA, blurred vision
ocular sarcoid
look for ACE levels, hypercalcemia
You think she has psoriatic arthriris- MTX or prednisone
painless macules into bullae and quickly into ulcer with red margina and nectoric centers, immunocompromised
exthyma gangenosum- IV Abx
acute rash, oral lesions, Mono like illness
HIV- HI ag and 1/2 Ab and viral load
chornic alcoholic after a refeed has profound weaknes sin muselces why?
Refeed eads to Phospahte shift and possible rhabdo
Chronic diarrhea >4 weeks work up and celiacs
Stool anyalsyis
villous atrphy and lympgyctes= celiacs
- diet, give iron, calcium vit D and folic acid
- Get DXA scan
- Pnuemcocoall vaccine
- daposne for skin leasions
Frst time depression at age 65 is at risk for…
Sickle cell with fever and pain- first thing is to..
Give IV pain meds
Acute chest synrom Dx criteria and Tx
New infiltrates +1 of: fever, hypoxia, Resp distress, Chest pain
Infection, asthma or PE causes it
Start Ceftx, Azithro, pain and fluid control
low thryoid in a baby Tx
start right away levo
Absolute No ways in giving OCPs to a young owman
migraine with aura 15 cigs a day AND over 35 yrs old HTN 160/100 DM2 w/ organ damage Hx of stoke <3 weeks postpartum Brast/liver cancer CLotting disease
camping and then a GBS picture but no menigintis or fever…
Tick paralysis from dermacenotr toxins
remove the tic, no meds
Iron low, D low, calcium low, Phos low
Celiacs- malabsorption
Steroids and clacium bon etesting…
Add D and calcium and a done density every year for chronci steorids
urethral hyperobility
stress incontinence especially in a young female- keilgels and lfiestyle
If it is a sphincter then its vag birth
joint paint 1 week after a URI and now rash on face, and swelling of the hands
Parvo B19! Slef limtied
Encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke like episode inheritance
Mitochondrial- Only females can trasnmit it and they give it to all theri kids
DKA numbers: if there is still a gap but glucose is <200…
Dextrose + fluids and half the insulin
DKA numbers- when do you start to add subQ insulin and how long do you stop the inulin drip?
Stop inulin if Gucose <200, anion gap<12, Bicarb >15 and able to eat.
Start subQ inuslinand IV insulin will be stoppped 1-2 hours later.
DOnt do Insulin if K is <3.3
Add K if <5.3
Bicarb if <6.9
Add Po4 if <1 or cardio/pulm probs
PTX diagnosis
Quick and best is US
if there is no probability of Tension then Upright Posterior to ant X ray!
No difference in exp vs insp.
Dyhsagia work up
If it sound slike upper airwayand cancer fisrt do a fiberoptic layrnogcopy
- BArium swallow for upper and lower
- EGD if necessary
When do you do peritoneal lavage for hypothermia/.
when not responding to heated saling
*most lab abnoramliiies will correct with raising the temp!
Female with breasts but no period or pubic hair for years. HIgh testosterone (XY), Pelvic ultraousns with no uterus and blid vaginal pouch and crypt testes
Sex endocrine
Const delay puberty= Trevor
Functional hypthalamic amenprrhea- atheletes with weight loss
Mullerian agensis has overias so pubic ahir and sex charciteriscts are there but no uterus
Amenorrhea >15 is abnromal
preggo with hyeprpgomented macules on face after sun exposure….
Melasma- wear sunscreen
GBS but with specific level of sensory being out PLus urinary retnetion- get a …
MRI-transverse myeltiis
do a LP if there is a non compressive form of myelopathy
B-outpatiejt, Observation hospital, outpatient surgery/diagnsotics
C-Private health insurance to provide medicare beenfits
D- Drugs
Macroscytosis/hyponatremia and dementia like stuff, rule out…
THYRID! b12 and dperession
Syph nto routine but if risk facotrs
CT and MRI recommened down the line too
When to get the police in ED
anytime staff or atient safety is at risk
use pharm if descalations fail
HIV during pregnancy
COntinue ART tripel therpay thoughout
routine CD4 count and get resistance testing
Dont ROM or fetal eletrode
ART mom + zidovuidine kid + vaginal if <1000 copies
ART + zido mom + ART kid C section if greter than 1000 copies
Baby formula fed
Mom contiues art
<1000 copies give the kid zidovudine
>1000 copies give the kid triple AR
when do you not breastfed
HIV TB untreated HSV around boobs On chemo or radiation Drug abuse
What 3 drugs can you give in resistnat areas iwth p falciparum?
acute vs cronic mitral regurg
Acute is rupture and sudden
chronic is a leaflet problem chornic dyspnea. 60% EF is nromal
can a Dr go to patietns wedding
painless blisters, Hep C, sunexposure causing them, fragiel skin, hyperpigmentation
Porphyia Cutanea tarda
Urinary uroporhyrins
Plhebotomy, hydorxy or interferon alpha
Colon cancer screening`
<60 years is the cut off and 2 familiy members with polyps or cancer:
If this is met then at risk and start at 40 q3-5 years
or 10 years before the fmaily member Dx (47 yrs old =37 screen)
old persone wiht depressive like symptoms but neck circumference is given and HTN…
OSA= sleep study
pulm nodule
<3 cm, round, surroudned by lung parenchmay no LN=needs to be stable for 2-3 years for no further wokr up
No imaging to compare to, gorwing, spiculated then you need to CT and then Brocnh them
Pulm nodule
BUT! nodules .8 + risk fctors need surgical excision
Questionable=PET for etboalic acitivtty
If it is centrally located a fiberoptic bronch for biopsy is possible
Bilateral nipple dischcarge
Normal phsycial exam > US + Mammogram> TSH,bhcg, Prolactin & med check> then discharge hoem if no toher risk factors
Proteinuria with renal failure no RBCs DDx
NSAIDS! MM would not have protien found in urine PSGN would have RBCs HTN would take years Drug lupus doesnt cause renal failure
How many weeks after MI can y abone?
about 3 weeks - after a cardiac cath you have 3-4 weeks of sensitive myocardium - dpedning on exertional syptoms Ect they can bone
WHta is latency period?
you see no effect of a medication on mortality and then you see a change in 5 yearswith no change at 3 years
takes tiem for effect to tkick in
Head CT high risk
Coagulaopthy agr 65 mechanism vomiting, severe headache LOC Skull Fx
PTU in first or second trimester?
methemizole is 2nd/3rd trimester
Normal glucose, cell count <500, 50% lympochytes, protein 80-100
Aseptic meninigitis
If Abx given before LP gram stain can be negative. HIgh opening pressure, low glucose, lots of PMNS
cruptococcus ag test is very reliable
look slike sundowing with high AST-
Turner syndrome
No recurreucre rate
Streak, hrosheow, coarct, Bicupsid, nirmal intellegience
Check with Echo and US for all these things and COarct can be life threatnign
DVT then stroke, what is going on?
Shunt form R to L in heart to enter arterial system
Herbals/adverse effects
Saw palmetto- BPH/bleeding Kava kava- AnxDepression/liver dont use St johns wort- depression/no evidence garlic- cholesterol EEchiniecea- coldflu/anaphylaxis blakc cohosh- menopause/liver ginesng- mental improvement/bleeidng
none have shown benefit
non purulent cellutlitis - stpah or strep?
Strep pyo
airway Tx
Heterophile monospot
BPH and HTN Rx
Doxasozin alpha blocker will give rleief and lower HTN
STEMI criteria for V2 and V3
1.5 in women
2 mm in men >40
2.5 in men<40
New LBBB w/ clincial correlation
1 mm elevation in all leads except v2/3
-90minutes door to baloon or 120 minutes if need transfer
t wave inversion in antomical area means heart strain (possibly PE)
R prime wave in V1 and widene s in v6=RBBB
GBS needing cbc and blood cultutres in newborn
No abx to mom and Premature or ROM >18 hours
If not, then just watch for 48 hours
New ADHD patient
need colattereal info to not let abuse happen
PCP complications?
Rhabdo- can cause seizures
RBCs with no RBC casts= myoglobinura
needs FLuids
pheyntoin what shoudl you do if you SE?
ANy ort of SNC or vision stuff just reduce the dose!
Hidranitis suprivita Tx
recurren tjndouels, cna have pus or serdangouios frianage- chronic inflammaotry dirosred by blocked follicles
All patients need weight loss and to stop smoking
1-topical clinda or steroids
2- (scarrign tracking now)= doxylycine
3- TNF inihivits or srugery
WHat is an emergency roder in CCS?
THings you want done BEFORE phsyical exam! think vitals ABC first
How to determine HCV active vs chornic infection
- Ab testing- screen (not sur eif new or chronic or false)
- NAT or RNA testing (not LFTs)- if positivve tehn give anitvirals
- liver biopsy for fibrosis and genotype
plantar warts
salasicayc acid tx for 2-3 weeks
if failed then top gun immunos or surgery
no concern for AMS, tried many therpaies but terminal illness but is tachcardic and wants to go home- ER or Home?
Home- right to refuse if no AMS
or VP shunt
MIler fisher LP test to see if there is improvement- if there is then VP shunt can work for them.
dysnea on exertion, no signs of HF or PE but vascular ocngestion on X ray… get..
Echo for Pulm pressures for pulm HTN
time frame on erythem imgrans to devleop?
3 days or more
<36 hour of tick on skin is no big deal
When do you need to wash cells before transfusion?
iGA deficient patients or continued allergic reactions despite antihistamines
When do you leukoreduce blood?
When do you irradiate blood?
AIDS, chronic transfusion, potential trnasplant candidates, previous nonhemolytic fever
BMT or 1st/2nd relative blood
what is serumsickness like reaction and when does it happen?
Acute Hep B
New drugs like antibiotics
fever, rash, joitn paint
what age is the last month a kid should walk?
16 months
6 months to roll over is fine. stranger danger at 15 months is ok too
MM suspected and bone pain, next best test is…
Skeletal surveyr
CT MRI and PET reserved for x ray negavite and still bone pain
watch out for kidney funtction
hyperviscoisty syndrome tx
oral, nose bleeding and vertigo, lburry visiona nd headache
Nomral EKG, mitral valve repair and CABG 6 months ago- now a bunch of RHF signs and calcifcation on xray near the heart…
COnstriitve pericarditis - NSAIDs or pericardectomy
DHT 123 oxidative tests for CGD for what presentation?
adneosine deaminase for what disease?
SCID- early on in life
get Igs if lots of infections
clahmydia testing and rpeat testing is urine or lesion testing?
reactive arthritis following infection treatment
abx and NSAIDs
Pituitary adenomas
Prolactinoma >200 levels! cabergoline first!
prolactin 50, hypogonadism, blurry vision= spehnidal srugery first
best way to test for diabetic nueropahty first?
tuning fork test and nerve condsutciton is used to confirm the dx
duloextiine for pain
asymptomatic low TSH normal T4 levels, next step…
recheck in 6-8 weeks
transfusion trhesholds
8 and up if you have stable cornary artery disease
tachy, chest pain, syncope then it doesnt adequatel refelct and mro ebleeding going on
low ACTH
dex doesnt suppress
cushings.. enxt step
CT adrenals
MRI brain (or CT chest) if ACTH is hgih !
Thyroid nodule
- US and TSH
B. unelss LOW TSH then get Idoine 123 and then FSH
treat a hto ndouel and ysmptoms with BB and mehtimazole bc liver risk? (PTU better in first timester)
girl cuts hereself wihtout intent to kill, what do you do?
OUtatient Psych eval
When is accpeting a gift okay
When it is not excessive
not attempted to get prefertianl treatment
a fruitbasket is ok and best for the patient
Acute stress is 3 days to 1 month
PTSD is 1-6 months
Adjutment is nto fitting PTSD but depression and anxiety like symptoms
12 horus post stroke with current symptoms and yspahgia need…
Swallow eval!
12 hours post stroke not on tpa, need ot give them
Low dose heparin to prevenet DVT s bc they are high risk
allergic vs viral conjuvitivits
Burning and sore throat/prodrome= viral
neds itching of eyes for ellergic
contagious aspect resolves when eye dicharge resolves
HHS swithced to Subq regular insulin and glucose in the 200s
need to either increase regualr or add long acting?
add long acting
dialysis indications
uremia high
7.1 acidosis
if ATN and still no good UOP but has got a tone of fluids (but not fluid overload jsut euvolemic) you can stop the IVF
R sided Hepatic hydothorax POst treatment and refractory treatment
Loops, spiro and low salt
TIPS if not
what is swiss cheese model
many holes an dlayers and if they line up then a medical erorr happens
doucle checks and reudndancy to improve
TPN- watch out for what lyte problem?
low phosphate and CHF liek sypmtoms
MVP murmur
more blodo return the later it is and may disappear the NONEJECTION click an murmur/////??
IV methrylprednsione and then PLEX for refracotires exacerbations
LONG TERM: Interferon
Preggo: C sections vs forceps, higher risk of kdis having it, still use IV methylpred for exacerbations
Muscle spasms are baclofen or tizandiine
25 yo w/ 1 cm smooth diticnt round hair loss no scaing or redness
alopecia areta
it will recur
Intralesional steroids (refracotry tacrolimus)
Scleroderma extra testing
Echo for cardiac fibrosis?
PFTs for interstitial fibrosis*** intial tesitng
HTN and renal crisis for kidney
Proximal muscle weakness, 40, on statins for 4 years, ESR 40, LFTs high
polymositis need a muscle biopsy
ANA and Anti Jo
Need PFTs
Echo if HF symptoms
statins not after you are on it for 4 years
polymagia rheyamtica is more stiffness
Anorexia and then refeeding syndomre woiht bibasialr cracklers
CHF- cant handle fluid and lytes shifts
NEED phosphate and other lytes
vag bleeding, bad pain, hemo unstable =
Surgery - no imaging neeeded
hypoNA, hyperk, hyperpigmented, alkalosis- test neeeded?
Cortsiol morning and low ACTH
HTN vs HYPOTN CHF exacerbation
both get oxygen and loops
HTN:Nitro tolower preload
HYpo: pressor
Menigitis + UMN +/- rash after camping
West nile- need IgM ab and uspportive care
type 1 diabetic norml asugars but vimtining a lot bc he is sick
do you keep long acting or do you stop it all and check sugars/
Keep long, stop short
looks terrible but doesnt have unstable angina or severere aortic stenosis- surgery or more testing?
go on to surgery?
acute mania in a preggo- haloperidol or lamaotigine?
lamotrigine for chronic
absoltue risk of ebsteins fo rlltihium is low
chronic fatiuge, LA, Bells palsy, hepaotmegaly, joint pain needs what test and cofnrigaotry test?
LN biopsy
Extrapulmonary sarcoid
barotrauma PTX- dsiconnect and bag or chest tube?
Chest tube
disocnnect and bag if breath stacking
new psych but marijuana in the UDS…
need to rule out deug psycohsis before pshycotic illness
neurosyph can cause
sharp shooting pains in legs
pain an dtemp to be out as well
frequesnt trnasfusions and then you cant cross match these people, why?
looks lik kidney stone, CT is negative, gross ehamturia, lots of NSAIDS
NSAID nrophopathy with renal papilla necorsis causing obstruction and renal colic- it can present acutely, with heamturia and pain
Stone, cancer or renal papilla obsturction ]
acute glomerolneihgirits doesnt cause pain
Uretric clacluous wont have AKI
DVTPE with malignancy=Rx
DVTPE No malignancy= rx
Xa inihbitors
aspirin not needed
DVT and Hormonones RT, next line,,,,
when to abort a febrile seizure?
5 minutes
30% recurrence
3 months ot 6 years old
no long term sequela
Looks like brain death, no reflexes- what do you need to do to ocnfimr it?
Apnea test for 8-10 minutes
30 minutes of moderate exercise fo rwomen for preggos- if they are laready 90 minutes intesnse can they continue it?
no scuba diving
weight loss, old, vascular risk, epigastric pain after eating fo rmonths…
chronic mesenteric ischemia! DC2!
inferior MI and bradyardia that doesnt reposnd to atropjne… need to do what next?
Pace them until PCI
KOH (+/- culture if negative) shows fungus of toenail- what first line?
preventing fat emoblisms
Early immoblization and srigical fixation of bones!
Birth and infections Pencillin to mom for: Ampicillin to mom for: Erythmycin to baby eyes for: Macrolide for:
prevent gonorrhea
prevent chalmydia in mom - onyl give to baby if they have it