STEP 2 CK Flashcards
Anti-jo-1 ab
Anti-mi-2 ab
Complement-mediated diseases
PAM IS Crying Post-infectious glomerulonephritis Atheroembolic dx MPGN Infectious endocarditis SLE Cryoglobulinemia
ACh receptor ab
Myesthenia gravis
Wegener’s granulomatosis (granulomatosis with polyangiitis)
ACE level blood test
Anti-smooth muscle ab
Autoimmune hepatitis
MELD Score
Prediction of 3 mo mortality - bili/INR/Cr
MELD=3.78[ln(serum bilirubin)]+11.2[ln(INR)]+[ln(serum creatinine)]+6.4
40+ = 70%
30-39 = 50%
20-29 = 20%
Lupus criteria
SOAP BRAIN MD (4/11) Serositis Oral ulcers Arthritis Photosensitivity Blood (any -penia, anemia) Renal dx ANA+ Immuno (+ anti-Smith/dsDNA/phospholipid) Neuro Malar rash Discoid rash
CA 15-3
Breast ca
Light’s criteria
Transudate versus exudate PFprotein:Sprotein > 0.5 PF LDH:S LDH > 0.6 PF LDH > 2/3 upper limit of nl for S LDH T: inc hydrostatic or dec oncotic pressure E: inc capillary permeability
CREST syndrome
Calcinosis Raynaud's phenomenon Esophageal dysmotility Sclerodactyly Telangiectasias
CEA tumor
Colon cancer
General adenocarcinomas
Anti-TPO ab
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
Cyclic citrallinated peptide (CCP) ab
Rheumatoid arthritis
Enolase tumor
Small cell carcinoma
AFP tumor
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Gonadal cancers
Beta HCG tumor
CA 19-9
Pancreatic cancer
Anti-jo ab
CHA2DS2-VASc score
0 low, 1 moderate, 2+ high risk CHF HTN Age (75+) 2 pts DM Stroke/CVA/VTE 2 pts Vascular dx Age (65-74) Sex (F)
Cryptosporidium parvum
Diarrhea in HIV, watery, emerging cause of traveler’s diarrhea too when considering a trip to somewhere with poor sanitation and exposure to wilderness and bodies of water
Tx nitazoxanide
Well’s criteria for DVT
Pretest probability of DVT (0-1 unlikely, 2+ likely [30%])
1 pt: active cancer, 3+ cm uneven calf swelling, swollen unilateral superficial veins, unilateral pitting edema, hx of DVT, swollen entire leg, tenderness along deep vein, immobilization, bedridden/post-op
-2 pts: other dx more likely
HIV ADR: indinavir
Crystal-induced nephropathy
Well’s criteria for PE
Pretest probability of PE (0-1 15%, 2-5 30%, 6+ 60%)
3 pts: clinical signs of DVT, other dx less likely than PE
1.5 pts: tachycardia 100+
Anti-centromere ab
HIV ADR: didanosine
HIV ADR: abacavir
Hypersensitivity syndrome
Lactic acidosis
Steven-johnson syndrome
HIV ADR: nevirapine
Liver failure
MI Classifications
- Ischemia due to plaque rupture
- Ischemia due to O2 demand mismatch
- Sudden cardiac death
- a/w angioplasty or stenting
- a/w CABG
Mississippi/Ohio river valley
Broad-based budding yeast
Wart-like skin lesions, ulcers, respiratory dx, osteomyelitis, prostate
Weakly acid fast Gram + rods, aerobic Filamentous branching Pna (cavitations), brain, soft tissue HIV, immunocompromised Tx w bactrim
Ovarian cancer
Multiple myeloma HyperCalcemia Renal impairment Anemia/marrow full of malignant cells Bone issues Dx immune electrophoresis THEN BM bx
Beta-2 microglobulin
Multiple myeloma
Mississippi/Ohio river valley Asymptomatic or mild pulmonary infx Papular crusting skin lesions, non-caseating granulomas Bird/bat droppings Septated hyphae Dx w urine or serum antigen (fastest) Tx w itraconazole
Anti-topoisomerase-1 ab
Systemic sclerosis/scleroderma
Desert SW/central valley CA
Spore inhalation
Dimorphic fungus
CNS dissemination
Cosyntropin test
ACTH analogue testing for primary AI
Mold, lung involvement, immunocompromised patient
No skin lesions
Mobile cavitary lung mass
“Halo sign” or air crescent lesions on CT
Gram + rods, branching Anaerobic Head and neck abscesses Yellow sulfur granules Tx w penicillin
Celiac dz tests
IgA antigliadin
TSH immunoglobulin
Grave’s dx
Anti-mitochondrial ab
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)
Calcitonin tumor marker
Medullary thyroid cancer
FAMES warfarin drug interactions
Fluconazole Amiodarone Metronidazole Erythromycin Sulfa drugs
CA 27-29
Breast ca
Serum osmolarity
Sosm = 2Na + (BUN/2.8) + (Glc/18)
Normal 275-295
SIADH criteria
Euvolemic hyponatremia Decreased serum osmolarity Increased urine osmolarity Increased urine sodium concentration Failure to correct with NS IVF a/w small cell lung cancer
3 major post-MI complications
LV free wall rupture to pericardial tamponade
Papillary muscle rupture to MR
Interventricular septum rupture
Tumor lysis syndrome (K, PO4, Ca, uric acid)
Inc (intracellular)
Inc (intracellular)
PO4 binds Ca, K released, uric from protein degradation
Hyperkalemia tx
- Calcium gluconate if EKG changes
- Drive into cells w insulin/glc, beta2 agonist, NaHCO3
- Excrete with NS and loop diuretic, cation resin (kayexelate, sodium polystyrene sulfonate), hemodialysis
Hydatid cyst
a/w dog exposure
Eggshell calcifications
Surgery + albendazole coverage
Ankylosing spondylitis
Young female
Stiff in AM gets better
Anterior uveitis
Nephrotic syndromes
FSGS- black/hispanic, obese, HIV, heroin, crescent formation
Membranous nephropathy- adenocarcinoma, NSAIDs, HBV, SLE
MPGN- HBV, HCV, subepithelial spikes and domes
MCD- NSAIDs, lymphoma, podocyte effacement
IgA nephropathy- URI
Rotor syndrome
Benign hyperbilirubinemia, conjugated
No hepatic pigmentation
Hepatic storage defect
Gilbert’s syndrome
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Defect in conjugation within hepatocytes
No apparent liver dx
Crigler-najjar syndrome
Type 1 severe w neuro dx, death, encephalopathy, bili 25-50
Type 2 not as severe, bili
Bullous pemphigoid
Benign, itchy, tense blisters (not flaccid)
No oral
IgG and C3 at dermal epidermal junction (subepi)
Pemphigus vulgaris
Skin and mucous membranes Flaccid bullae, painful, erosive Positive Nikolsky's sign (sloughing) Anti-desmoglein abs form Intercellular IgG deposits in epidermis (intra epi)
Anti-desmoglein ab
Pemphigus vulgaris
Renal calculi diet recs
Increase fluids
Increase dietary calcium
Decrease protein and oxalate
Decrease sodium
Philadelphia chr t(9:22)
Decreased leukocyte alk phos
Glycemia Lipidemia Uricemia Calcemia (HypoNa/K)
Fever, tender LAD
Blanching red maculopapular rash on face and spreads to trunk/ext within 24 hrs
Congenital cataracts/glaucoma
Class 1 antiarrhythmics
DQP LTM FP Na channel blocker Disopyramide, quinidine, procainamide Lidocaine, tocainamide, mexilitine Flecainide, propafenone
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia
IgM spike
Hyperviscosity of the blood, engorged blood vessels in eyes, mucosal bleeding
Visual disturbances
Class 2 antiarrhythmics
Beta blockers
Drug ADR: Cyclosporine
Nephrotoxic HyperK HTN Gum hypertrophy Hirsutism
Drug ADR: Mycophenolate
Bone marrow suppression
Drug ADR: Tacrolimus
Very similar to cyclosporine, same MOA
Drug ADR: Azathioprine
Class 3 antiarrhythmics
K channel blocker
Duke’s criteria for IE
Def: 2maj or 1maj+3min
Poto: 1maj+1min or 3min
Major: blood cx (s viridians, s aureus, enterococc), echo show vegetation
Minor: ivdu, fever, embolic dx, immune dx, blood cx not major
Class 4 antiarrhythmics
Ca channel blockers
Verapamil, diltiazem
Osmolar gap
Observed osm - calculated osm
Calculated serum osm = 2Na + glc/18 + BUN/2.8
Low frequency conductive hearing loss
Transmitted by ixodes tick
Northeastern US
Hemolysis, jaundice, renal failure
Giemsa-stain blood smear
High frequency sensorineural hearing loss
Bacillary angiomatosis
Bartonella gram neg bacilli Constitutional symptoms Exophytic skin lesions resembling pyogenic granuloma/cherry angioma Risk of biopsy is hemorrhage HIV association Tx erythromycin
Bloating, diarrhea, fatty foul smelling, malabsorptive
Ova and parasites in stool
Areas with poor sanitation
Tx with metronidazole
Spotless RMSF
Flu sx, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
Dx PCR or morulae in monocytes
Tx doxycycline
Whipple’s disease
T whippelii
Malabsorptive diarrhea, weight loss, athralgias, pigmentation, PAS positive staining in lamina propria, villous atrophy
Tx ceftriaxone then bactrims
Reversible causes of PEA
H: hypovolemia, hypoxia, hydrogen (acidosis), hypo/hyperK, hypothermia
T: tension pneumo, tamponade, toxins, thrombosis, trauma
Maddrey’s hepatitis discriminant function index
Index = 4.6(PT-ctrlPT)+bilirubin
>32 Prednisolone tx (or pentoxifylline)
RR > 30
CKD Staging
Stage eGFR Cockgroft-Gault (age, wt, Cr) 1 90+ 2 60-89 3a 45-59 3b 30-44 4 15-29 5
Rome criteria
> = 3 days/mo for 3 mos + >= 2 of following:
- Change in frequency
- Change in form of stool
- Sx improve with BMs
Child-pugh score
1pt 2pts 3pts
T bili 3
Serum alb >3.5 2.8-3.5 2.30
Ascites None Mild Mod-Severe
Hep Enceph None Ctrl w meds Refractory to meds
A: 5-6, 100% 1yr, 85% 2yr
B: 7-9, 81%, 57%
C: 10-15, 45%, 35%
Indications for hemodialysis
Refractory hyperkalemia
Hypervolemic/pulm edema non-responsive to diuretics
Refractory metabolic acidosis
RIPE Therapy
RIPE 2 mos, RI 4 mos.
Positive PPD - 9 mos isoniazid
Felty syndrome
Caplan syndrome
Lung nodules
Drug ADR: Anti-TNFi
Reactivation of latent TB
PPD screening required
Drug ADR: Hydroxychloroquine
Retinal toxicity
Drug ADR: Methotrexate
Lung and liver toxicity
Bone marrow suppression
Anti-phospholipid syndrome
Normal PT time
Prolonged aPTT time
Mixing studies do not resolve
Behcet syndrome
Painful oral/genital ulcers - sterile skin pustules
Erythema nodosum
MS-like symptoms, neurologic dysfn, nonspecific
Associated with Hep C
C4 mediated
Purpura, neuropathy, glomerulonephritis, arthralgias
Rheumatoid factor increased
Cold agglutinin associations
Dengue fever
Similar to malaria but 4-7 days from mosquito bite Retro orbital pain Fever HA Rash Muscle/joint pains
Human african trypanosomiasis
"Sleeping sickness" Tsetse fly Acute fever Trypanosomal chancre Myocarditis Neurological sx
Cyclical fevers ~2 weeks from insect bite
GI sx, anemia, thrombocytopenia
Meningococcal vaccine
First 11-12 yo
Booster before college-age assuming first dose before age 16
Chalazion vs Hordeolum vs BCC
C: rubbery nodule, r/o cancer, steroid inj
H: frequent hot compresses, drain
BCC: confirm biopsy, remove
UA Casts
Muddy brown ATN
RBC Glomerulonephritis
WBC Insterstitial nephritis or pyelonephritis
Fatty Nephrotic syndrome
Broad/waxy Chronic renal failure
Hyaline nl protein Tamm-Horsfall a/w dehydration
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Smoke inhalation- automobile, wood/furnace, charcoal
Seizure, AMS, wheeze, HA, bright red lips, abd pain
Skin pink/red hue
Dx carboxyhemoglobin levels
Tx 100% O2, pulse ox cannot differentiate from normal SpO2
IV adenosine
narrow-complex supraventricular tachy
slows sinus rate conduction
inc AV nodal conduction delay
- 3-1.0 normal
0. 9-0.4 PAD
IV amiodarone
wide-complex ventricular tachy
can also push lidocaine as alternative
Conn syndrome
Elevated aldosterone, low renin HypoK manifests as muscle cramping and weakness Metabolic alkalosis HAs, thirsty Tx with spironolactone
Renal osteodystrophy
Chronic renal failure, retain phosphate, abnl processing of vit D
Low calcium, high phosphate, parathyroid hyperplasia
Overflow incontinence
High postvoid volume
Cholinergic agonist, bethanecol
Stress incontinence
Increased intraabdominal pressure, cough, sneeze
Pelvic floor kegel exercises
Urge incontinence
Detrusor instability
Anti-cholinergic or TCA
ADR: Trastuzumab
Tx HER2 positive breast cancer
Combined with chemo tx leads to cardiotoxicity
Screening echo req’d prior to start
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
Hypercalcemia and UrineCa/Cr clearance ratio
Benign, asymptomatic
Bell’s palsy
Central: above facial nucleus, forehead sparing
Peripheral: below facial nucleus, non-sparing
Cat scratch disease
Bartonella henselae
Positive warthin-starry stain
Amebic liver abscess
Entamoeba histolytica Endemic mexico Hx bloody diarrhea Low grade fevers presently w vague abd pain Single thin wall cyst Tx w flagyl
Hep B birth weight vaccine req
2 kg
Exertional vs nonexertional heat stroke
E: strenuous exercise, ice water immersion
N: no stress, cool water evaporating only
Decreasing contrast-induced nephropathy
Non-ionic contrast
IV hydration w NS or isotonic bicarb
Meds during cardiac stress test
Hold: BB, CCB, nitrates
Ctn: ACEi, ARB, digoxin, statins, diuretics
Pharm vasodilator stress: hold dipyridamole 48hrs, caffeine 12hrs
Diffuse axonal injury
Traumatic brain injury
Vegetatuve patient
CT minute punctuate hemorrhages and blurry grey-white interface
Adult patient Unexplained hemolytic anemia Renal injury Uremic sx ADAMS-13 deficiency Tx w plasmaphoresis TTP, HUS self-limited
Pneumococcal vaccine
PCV13 adults >65 followed by PPSV23 in 6-12 mos
Respiratory distress and worsening
Bilateral lung opacities looking like pulmonary edema
No signs cardiac failure or fluid overload
Management of hypercalcemia
> 14: NS, calcitonin, then bisphosphonate long term, NO loop diuretics
12-14: NS, observe if asymptomatic
Melanosis coli
Biopsy finds dark brown discoloration of colon with lymph follicles shining through as pale patches. Result of laxative abuse with bisacodyl (anthraquinone-containing).
HIV esophagitis
Candida: oral thrush, oral fluconazole.
Herpes: small round/ovoid ulcers and intranuclear inclusions, acyclovir.
CMV: large linear ulcers and intranuclear/intracytoplasmic inclusions, ganciclovir.
MEN Syndromes
1: primary hyperparathyroid, enteropancreatic tumors, pituitary tumors
2A: MTC, pheo, parathyroid hyperplasia
2B: MTC, pheo, mucosal/intestinal neuromas, marfanoid habitus
McCune-Albright syndrome
Triad: cafe au lait spots, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, endocrine hyperfunction (precocious puberty)
Aromatase deficiency
Cannot convert testosterone to estrogen
Masculinization, normal internal genitalia, ambiguous external
Gestational mother resolves after delivery, virilized XX child
Human rabies exposure
Rabies vaccine and immune globulin following exposure to high-risk animal
Amyloidosis dx and tx
Biopsy abdominal fat pad
Colchicine as ppx and acute tx
Fetal hydantoin syndrome
Phenytoin in utero
Hypoplastic fingers/nails/distal phalanges, cleft lip/palate
Congenital CMV
Periventricular calcifications, microcephaly, chorioretinitis, retarded, blind, deaf, jaundice, HSM, petechiae
Tx ganciclovir
SIRS criteria
T >38.5 or 90
WBC >12,000 or 10% bands
Saline-responsive and unresponsive metabolic alkalosis
SR: urine chloride 20, tx underlying dz
Congenital rubella
PDA, deaf, cataracts, microcephaly, blueberry muffin purpura rash, HSM, thrombocytopenia, retarded
Parasitic infx of brain, multiple cysts
tx albendazole
Cauda equina vs conus medullaris syndrome
CE: severe LBP unilateral radiculopathy, saddle anesthesia, hyporeflexia (LMN), asymmetric weakness, late B/B dysfn
CM: lesser degree of radiculopathy, symmetric, perianal anesthesia, hyperreflexia (UMN), lesser weakness early B/B dysfn
Both tx emergent steroids, MRI, surgery
Methanol intoxication
HA, nausea, emesis, epigastric pain
Coma, optic disc hyperemia, vision blurred/loss
Tx fomepizole
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
CD55/59 deficiency Overactive complement system Dark urine first of the day Pancytopenia and iron deficiency Death by thrombosis Tx prednisone
Auer rods
Smudge cells
LAD, fatigue, HSM, infections
Warm autoimmune antibodies
Tx fludarabine
Fever, night sweats, splenomegaly, pruritus
Tx imatinib/gleevec
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Pelger-huet cells, bilobed
Ringed sideroblasts
CHOP therapy
Non hodgkin lymphoma
Prolif of lymphocytes in lymph nodes and spleen
Painless LAD, no warmth or erythema
B cell symptoms fever, sweats, weight loss
Cannot aspirate nodes, must excise bx
CHOP therapy
ABVD therapy
For HL
ADR: doxorubicin
Hodgkin lymphoma
Reed sternberg cells, painless LAD, B cell sx. Localized around cervical area. Minimal change disease association
ABVD therapy
ADR: vincristine
ADR: bleomycin
Pulmonary fibrosis
ADR: cyclophosphamide
Hemorrhagic cystitis
ADR: cisplatin
Hairy cell leukemia
Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase stain
Dry tap for bone marrow aspiration
Tx cladribine
5 Ts cyanotic congenital heart defects
Transposition of great vessels Tetralogy of fallot Tricuspid atresia Truncus arteriosus Total anomalous pulm venous return
Complete mole vs partial mole
C: 2 sperm, lacks genetic material, no fetal tissue, theca lutein cysts, snowstorm/grapes on US
P: triploid, +fetal tissue on US
Tx evacuation and suction curettage, serial B-hCG levels
Retinal detachment
“Curtain down over eyes”
Tears, gray-appearing retina, floaters, light flashes
Proteus mirabilis
UTI with alkaline urine
Secretes urease
Struvite stones (staghorn calculi)- coffin shaped
Associated with indwelling catheters
Perivalvular abscess
IV drug abuse
Diastolic murmur, aortic (Tricuspid would be systolic)
AV conduction abnormality
Central retinal artery occlusion
Sudden painless loss of vision Pallor of optic disc Cherry red fovea Segmentation of blood in vessels Tx ocular massage and high flow O2
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Valveless system so uncontrolled skin/sinus/orbit infection can cause
Severe HA, bilateral periorbital edema, CN3/4/5/6 deficits
Increased intracranial pressure
Schizoaffective disorder
Mood episode (depression or mania) w psychotic sx and pd of psychosis without mood sx for at least 2 weeks
Diagnosing hepatitis B
Acute: HbsAg and IgM anti-HBc
Chronic: HBV DNA
Cluster headache
Awakening w severe retroorbital pain Unilateral Ipsilateral horner's Red eye, tearing, rhinorrhea Tx 100% O2
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
JC virus, immunocompromised patient
Focal neuro sx, hemiparesis, dysarthria, visual abnl, gait abnl
Multiple demyelinating non-enhancing lesions
No mass effect
Decrease mortality COPD
Home O2
Smoking cessation
Hypertensive complications
Severe htn: >180/120
Malignant htn: severe w end-organ or life threatening complications
HTN encephalopathy: severe w cerebral edema/focal neuro deficits
Herpes simplex keratitis vs herpes zoster ophthalmicus
HSK: pain, photophobia, dec vision, dendritic ulcer, clear vesicles on cornea
HZO: vesicular rash in trigeminal distribution, dendriform corneal ulcer, conunctivitis
Mom: triple antiretroviral tx
Baby: zidovudine 6 wks w serial HIV PCR
Zinc deficiency
Result of chronic TPN
Alopecia, skin lesions surrounding orifices, abnl taste, impaired wound healing
Selenium deficiency
Result of chronic TPN
Most impt complication is cardiomyopathy
Malabsorption, malnutrition
Pulsus paradoxus
Drop >10 in blood pressure on inspiration
Pericardial effusion or severe asthma/COPD bc inc lung volume
Cyanide poisoning
Smoke inhalation- plastic, rubber, paint, house fire
blocks ATP production, leads to anaerobic and lactic acidosis
Neurologic and cardiorespiratory stimulation acutely followed by depression and arrest
Anoxic brain injury
Bitter almond breath
Tx hydroxocobalamin or sodium thiosulfate
Friedreich ataxia
Most common spinocerebellar ataxia
Neuro: ataxia, dysarthria, posterior column degeneratiom
Skeletal: scoliosis, foot deformity, hammer toes
Cardiac: CMO
Respiratory compromise
Uric acid kidney stone
Low urine pH, hyperuricosuria, needle-shaped crystals on UA
Dx w ultrasound or CT (preferred)
Tx hydration, alkalinize urine, low-purine diet, potassium citrate
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
IgM overproduction
Hyperviscosity- lethargy, blurry vision, retinal vessels engorged, mucosal bleeding
Tx plasmapheresis
Ristocetin cofactor assay
Von willebrand dx, tx DDAVP
Russel viper venom test
Lupus anticoagulant
Pain worse w food
Gastric ulcer
Pain better w food
Duodenal ulcer
H. pylori
Assoc’d w duodenal ulcer 90%
Assoc’d w gastric ulcer 60%
Tx PPI + clarithromycin + amoxicillin
Can add bismuth/flagyl/doxycycline
Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy
Most accurate for gastrinoma bc somatostatin receptors so upregulated against gastrin
Dopamine pathways
Mesolimbic: anti-psychotic efficacy
Nigrostriatal: extra-pyramidals, dystonia/parkinsonism/akathisia
Tuberoinfundibular: prolactin
Diamond-blackfan anemia
Macrocytic anemia, low retics, congenital anomalies
Pure red cell aplasia
Most common complications anorexia nervosa
Pregnancy: SGA baby, infertility not as common
Wiskott-aldrich syndrome
Eczema, thrombocytopenia (small platelets, production dysfn), hypogammaglobulinemia (infections)
Sturge-weber syndrome
Unilateral cavernous hemangioma along trigeminal distribution
Radiographic intracranial calcifications, “tramline”
Tx skin w argon laser
Tx seizures and decrease intraocular pressure
Unilateral cervical lymphadenitis
Most commonly staph or strep
Tx clindamycin - lymph node penetration and adequate coverage
Winter’s formula
(Bicarb x 1.5) + 8 +/-2
Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
Gait dysfn, truncal ataxia, dysmetria, intention tremor, dysdiadochokinesia. Negative babinski.
CMV pneumonitis
Post-bone marrow transplant
Pneumonitis and colitis
5-a reductase deficiency
46 xy
M internal genitalia, F or undermasculinized ext genitalia
Masculinize at puberty due to testosterone
No breast tissue, diffs from andr insens
Androgen insensitivity
46 xy
Resists androgens, M int genitalia
+breast tissue separates from 5-a reductase deficiency
Premature ovarian failure
Estrogen deficient
LH and FSH inc
FSH moreso due to slower clearance
Location of broca’s, wernicke’s, and arcuate fasciculus
B: left frontal
W: left temporal
A: left temporal
Leukocyte adhesion defect type 1
Delayed separation of umbilical cord
Recurrent bacterial skin/mucosal infx
Leukocytosis w absence of leukocytes in inflamed/infected tissue
Acute angle-closure glaucoma
Sudden onset eye pain, HA, nausea, conjunctival erythema, photophobia, non-reactive pupil
Associated with decongestant use
Dx tonometry, GS=gonioscopy
Tx acetazolamide, mannitol, timolol, pilocarpine
NEVER use atropine, dilating agents
Chagas disease
Trypanosoma cruzi
Latin america
Megacolon, megaesophagus, myocarditis
Trousseau syndrome
Migratory thrombophlebitis assoc’d w cancer (pancreas MC)
CT looking for neoplastic dz
Thyroid in pregnancy
Total T4: inc x1.5
Free T4: inc
TSH: dec
TH production inc, TBG inc and binds T4, so- much inc’d TT4, some inc’d FT4, suppresses TSH
Distinction btwn anorexia and bulimia
A: maintain weight below minimal acceptable level
MC Down syndrome cardiac defects
- Endocardial cushion, complete AV septal defect: loud S2 2/2 pulm HTN, systolic ejection murmur, holosystolic VSD murmur
- VSD: harsh holosystolic murmur LLSB
- ASD: fixed split S2, systolic ejection murmur
Rhizopus species
DM immunocompromised
Nose, maxillary sinus
Low fever, bloody nasal dc, congestion, eye involvement, necrotic turbinates
Thickening of the lens
Due to oxidative damage
Opacification of lens, blurry vision, difficult night vision
Open angle glaucoma
Insidious loss peripheral vision
Increased intraocular pressure
Cupping of optic disc
Cancer-related anorexia/cachexia
Tx progesterone analogue, then steroids
Cannibus has insufficient evidence
ASC-US management
HPV DNA test
Pos: colpo
Neg: pap and HPV in 3 yrs
CMV retinitis
MC ocular complication of HIV
Painless, fluffy/granular retinal lesions, hemorrhages
Tx ganciclovir, foscarnet
vs HSV/VZV which cause painful conjunctivitis/keratitis and vision loss
Cocaine-induced chest pain
IV benzos
Also aspirin, nitro, CCBs
BBs contraindicated, unopposed alpha
Psych neuroimaging
Autism: inc brain vol OCD: orbitofrontal cortex and striatum Panic do: amygdala PTSD: hippocampus Schizo: enlarged ventricles
Brain mets
Lung>breast>unk primary>melanoma>colon
Purulent vs non-purulent cellulitis
Staph vs strep
Differentiate folic acid from B12 deficiency
Both inc homocysteine
B12 inc methylmalonic acid
FAP and HNPCC colorectal cancer screening
FAP: sigmoidoscopy every yr begin 12yo
HNPCC: colonoscopy every yr begin 25yo
Buerger’s disease (thromboangiitis obliterans)
Small vessel vasculitis
Black gangrenous fingers
Digit autoamputation
Takayasu arteritis
Large vessel vasculitis
Pseudo coarctation symptoms from aortic arch vasculitis
Gardner syndrome
Colon ca
Bone ca
Turcot syndrome
Colon ca
CNS ca
JONES criteria
rheumatic fever
joints, heart/carditis, nodules, erythema marginatum, syndenham chorea
Universal pregnancy screening
HIV, syphilis, Hep B
Congenital toxoplasmosis
Chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications, multiple ring-enhancing lesions
Tx pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine
Cirrhosis surveillance
ultrasound liver for HCC q6mo
AFP q6mo
EGD for varices q6mo
hypoglycemia, weight gain
add to metformin
ex: glipizide
GLP-1 receptor agonist
used w desired weight loss
add to metformin
ex: exenatide
ADR: TZDs (pioglitazone)
worsening cardiac fn in CHF pt with DM
DPP-4 inhibitors
inc endogenous incretins, stimulate natural release of body’s insulin
hyperactive DTRs, cramping, convulsions following multi-transfusion surgery
citrate in transfused blood binds free calcium and magnesium
ADR: isoniazid
peripheral neuropathy, tx vit B6
Sodium thiosulfate
cyanide poisoning antidote
> 1.1 indicates portal HTN, inc hydrostatic pressure
benzo OD antidote
alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor
ethylene glycol poisoning antidote, also methanol antidote
Wernicke’s encephalopathy
encephalopathy, ataxia, oculomotor dysfn (nystagmus, gaze palsy)
add irreversible amnesia, confabulation = korsakoff
ADR: risperidone
hyperprolactinemia, gonadal dysfn
Rheumatic fever PCN ppx
no carditis: 5 yrs pcn
carditis but resolved: 10 yrs or 21yo
carditis and persistent: 10 yrs or 40yo
vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheoesophageal, esophageal, renal, limb
Oral succimer
mild lead poisoining antidote
NF 1 (von Recklinghausen dz) NF 2
1: cafe au lait, axillary freckling, lisch nodules (eyes), optic glioma
2: bl acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas)
IV calcium EDTA
severe lead poisoning antidote
Anti-phospholipid syndrome
high aPTT, thrombocytopenia, arterial/venous thromboses
false positive VDRL
Paraneoplastic small cell lung cancer
Paraneoplastic squamous cell lung cancer
Coxiella burnetii
Q fever, inhaled, a/w livestock or unpasteurized milk.
Hepatitis, pneumonia.
Von-gierke’s dz
glucose 6-phosphatase deficiency
“doll-face”, thin extremities, short, distended abd w enlarged liver/kidneys
hypoglycemia, seizures, lactic acidosis
Pompes’ dz
acid maltase deficiency
“floppy baby”, cardiomyopathy/failure, hepatomegaly
Diabetic retinopathy
microaneurysms, hemorrhages, edema, exudates
+/- cotton wool spots
+/- neovascularization
Management acetaminophen overdose
charcoal, serum acetaminophen levels
can be asymptomatic 24 hours, use levels to guide NAC
Carcinoid syndrome
episodic flushing, chronic diarrhea (secretory), valvular heart disease (tricuspid), weight loss, “pounding sensation”
a/w niacin deficiency
dx 5-HIAA levels 24hr urine
tx octreotide, resection
HIV-associated mass brain lesion
ppx w bactrim, tx w sulfadiazine/pyrimethamine
Hyperthyroid-induced afib w RVR management
BBs, propranolol
Schizoid personality disorder
social detachment, rather be alone than with others
restricted affect
no magical thinking
Schizotypal personality disorder
eccentric behavior, difficulty w normal relationships
magical thinking, bizzare
Schizophreniform disorder
“diet schizophrenia”
same sx, just not long enough i.e.
bHCG level seen on US
if lower, wait 48-72hrs and re-US
Brutons agammaglobulinemia vs CVID
BA: dec Ig’s, B cells and lymph tissue absent, tx IVIG
CVID: dec Ig’s, B cells and lymph tissue present but don’t work, inc risk lymphoma, tx IVIG
Cushing reflex
HTN, bradycardia, resp depression
suggests brainstem compression