Step 2 Flashcards
Once pt has PID, what to screen for?
HIV, syphilis, hep b, cervical cancer (pap). Hep C if Hx of IVDU
MOA of ondansetron
Serotonin 5HT3 antagonist
Pathogenesis of carpal tunnel syndrome
hypothyroidism - deposition of mucopolysaccharide protein complexes (matrix substances) pregnancy - increased fluid in tunnel amyloidosis - amyloid fibril deposition RA - tenosynovial inflammation acromegaly - synovial tendon hyperplasia
Disease to screen for w/ Dx of carpal tunnel
hypothyroidism, espec if bilateral
First indicator of hypovolemia
head injury with lucid interval
acute epidural
head injury w/ biconvex discs? semilunar?
Biconvex - epidural
Semilunar - subdural
Labs expected in menopause or primary ovarian failure?
elevated FSH and LH (FSH more elevated than FSH)
Down syndrome pt with UMN findings?
atlantoaxial instability
Tx of absence seizures
valproate or ethosuximide
Risk of bipolar manic episode
Gen pop - 1%
+Hx in first degree relative - 5-10%
Tx of idiopathic hypercalciuria -> kidney stones
In order of importance: incr fluid intake nl/increased calcium in diet dietary sodium restriction decreased dietary protein/oxalate
Medication used to induce spasms on diagnostic testing for either esophageal spasm or prinzmetal’s angina
Name 4 lacunar stroke syndromes & locations of lesions
Pure motor hemiparesis-Posterior limb of internal capsule
Pure sensory-VPL of the thalamus
Ataxic-hemiparesis-Anterior limb of internal capsule
Dysarthria-clumsy hand-Basal pons
Enzyme deficient in galactosemia. Mild version (cataracts only)?
Galactosemia - galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency
Cataracts only - galactokinase deficiency
Pathophysiology of hepatorenal syndrome?
portal hypertension -> NO release in splanchnic circulation -> generalized systemic vasodilation -> renal hypoperfusion and pre-renal renal failure
Enzyme deficient in galactosemia. Mild version (cataracts only)?
Galactosemia - galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency
Cataracts only - galactokinase deficiency
Pathophysiology of hepatorenal syndrome?
portal hypertension -> NO release in splanchnic circulation -> generalized systemic vasodilation -> renal hypoperfusion and pre-renal renal failure
Gestational age at which you attempt external cephalic version for breach presentation
37 weeks
Most common site of coronary artery occlusion
Left anterior descending artery
Posterior descending coronary artery derives from?
70%-R coronary artery
10%-L circumflex artery
20%-anastamosis of RCA and circumflex
During exercise, cardiac output increases by…
increasing stroke volume initially, then by increasing heart rate
Normal PR interval
<0.2 sec
Normal QRS complex
<0.12 sec
AE of statins
myositis, increased LFTs
AE of niacin
flushing, increased LFT, insulin resistance, gout
Medicines given in acute MI
IV morphine supplemental O2 Nitroglycerin Aspirin Heparin if PCI, LMWH if not B-Blocker Statin Anti-platelet (clopidogrel or ticagrelor) Keep K >4 and Mg > 2
DDx for chest pain
C - cocaine/costochondritis H - hyperventilation/herpes zoster E - esophageal spasm/esophagitis S - stenosis of aorta T - trauma P - PE, pneumonia, pericarditis, pancreatitis A - angina, aortic dissection, AAA I - infarction N - neuropsychatric disease
Dressler syndrome
fever, pericarditis, and increased ESR 2-4 wks post MI
What should you consider before cardioversion for a-fib?
If in A-fib > 2 days, TEE should be performed first to r/o mural thrombus formation. If present, anticoagulate for 3-4 wks prior to cardioversion
When are PVC’s concerning?
> 3 per min or Hx of CAD (Tx w/ b-blocker)
Drugs that decr mortality in CHF
ACE-I, B-blockers, and spironolactone
Hypertensive urgency vs emergency
Both w/ BP > 180/120. Urgency is asymptomatic. Emergency is w/ renal failure, pulmonary edema, aortic dissection, encephalopathy, papilledema
Tx options for hypertensive urgency/emergency
nitroprusside, nitroglycerin, labetalol, diazoxide
Causes of secondary hypertension
young men - alcohol intake
young women - OCPs, fibrous dysplasia of renal artery
elderly - atherosclerosis -> renal artery stenosis
Test for pheochromocytoma
24 hr urine for catecolamine products (metanephrines, vanillylmandelic acid, homovanillic acid)
Conn’s syndrome
Aldosterone secreting adrenal neoplasm. -> HTN, high aldosterone/low renin, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis
Which tests should be ordered on everyone with new Dx of HTN?
ECG - assess if heart has been affected (LV hypertrophy)
CMP & UA - clues to possible secondary causes of HTN
Lab to differentiate insulinoma vs exogenous insulin?
C-peptide level high in insulinoma, low in exogenous
Describe the Somogyi effect
If too much NPH is given at night, glucose level at 3am will be low -> stress hormone release -> hyperglycemia at 7am.
Describe the Dawn phenomenon
hyperglycemia caused by normal secretion of growth hormone early in the morning -> nl glucose level at 3am but high at 7am.
How to manage DM pt’s who are NPO for surgery?
1/3 to 1/2 of normal dose of insulin is given and glucose levels are monitored
How is LDL calculated?
LDL = total cholesterol - HDL - triglycerides/5
Differentiating AS and HOCM murmurs
AS - valsalva decreases murmur
HOCM - valsalva increases murmur
Both decrease with fist clenching
Causes of restrictive cardiomyopathy
Causes of dilated cardiomypathy
Idiopathic Alcohol Beriberi Coxsackie B, cocaine Doxorubicin HIV Pregnancy Hemocrhomatosis Ischemic heart disease Chagas
EKG in acute pericarditis
global ST elevation
PR depression
Causes of acute pericarditis
viral, tuberculosis, SLE, uremia, neoplasm, post MI inflammation (dressler), medicaitons (isoniazid, hydralazine), radiation, recent heart surgery
Causes of cardiac tamponade
acute pericarditis, chest trauma, LV rupture post MI, dissecting aortic aneurysm
Beck triad
hypotension, distant heart sounds, and distended neck veins seen in cardiac tamponade
Causes of myocarditis
Viruses - coxsackie, parvo b19, HHV6, adeno, echo, EBV, CMV, influenza
Bacteria - Rickettsia
Parasites - Trpanosoma cruzi (Chagas)
Drugs - doxorubicin, chloroquine, penicillin, sulfas, cocaine, radiation
Criteria for rheumatic heart disease
Hx of recent strep infxn w/ 2 major or 1 major and 2 minor criteria
Major (JONES): Joints - polyarthritis <3 heart - carditis, valvular damage Nodules - Subcutaneous nodules Erythema marginatum Syndenham Chorea
Minor (PEACE): Previous rheumatic fever ECG with PR prolongation Arthralgias CRP and ESR elevated Elevated temperature
Choice of HTN med in person w/ osteoporosis
thiazide diuretics - maintains high/normal serum calcium
Tx options for HTN in pregnancy
hydralazine, methyldopa, labetalol, nifedipine
HTN med to avoid in depression
B-blocker, may worsen sx
HTN med to avoid w/ gout
diuretic - increase serum uric acid
HTN med to avoid w/ asthma/COPD
nonselective b-blocker (propranolol, timolol) -> bronchoconstriction
HTN med to avoid in CHF
Ca channel blocker - reduced HR/contractility may exacerbate heart failure
HTN med to avoid in DM
thiazide diuretic - impaired glucose tolerance
B-blocker - mask signs of hypoglycemia
Differentiating septic vs neurogenic shock
In neurogenic shock, there is vasodilation + bradycardia
Risk factors for polyarteritis nodosa? vessels affected?
Hep B&C, young>elderly, men>women
small-medium (kidneys, heart, GI, muscles, nerves, joints)
Risk factors for temporal arteritis
> 50, women>men. 1/2 also have polymyalgia rheumatica
Risk factors for takayasu arteritis? vessels affected?
asian. women age 10-40
Aorta + branches (-> cerebrovascular/myocardial ischemia)
Small-medium vessel vasculitis with asthmatic Sx
Churg-strauss (allergic granulomatosis with angiitis or eosinophilic vasculitis)
Increased serum eosinophils, p-anca, lung biopsy may show eosinophilic granulomas
Risk factors for Henoch-Schonlein purpura? vessels affected?
More common in children
IgA immune compelx-mediated vasculitis affecting arterioles, capillaries, and venules
S/Sx of Kawasaki disease?
fever for >5 days, lymphadenopathy, conjunctival lesions, mucositis, maculopapular rash, edema of hands/feet
Tx of Kawasaki disease?
If temporal arteritis is suspected…
Do not wait for biopsy to start prednisone
Dx/Tx of legionnaire’s disease
cough, fever >39 w relative bradycardia (80-90), GI Sx, confusion
Urine antigen or culture on charcoal agar
Tx: axithromycin/levofloxacin
Elevated L mainstem bronchus on radiograph
L atrial enlargement (i.e. from mitral stenosis 2/2 rheumatic heart disease)
Tx for human/dog bites
Most common organ injured in blunt abdominal trauma
- spleen 2. liver 3. kidney
Duodenum/pancreas are less commonly injured
Decreased DTR in pt with pre-eclampsia
Mg sulfate toxicity. Discontinue and give calcium gluconate
Infant with hypoglycemia, macrosomia, macroglossia, hemihyperplasia, umbilical hernia/omphalocele
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (chromosome 11p15 anomaly)
Screen with abd US for wilm’s tumor and hepatoblastoma
Most common congenital cause of aplastic anemia? Other findings?
Fanconi anemia (chromosomal breaks)
Short, microcephaly, abnormal thumbs, hypogonadism, abnormal ears, hypopigmented spots
(note: it is a macrocytic anemia)
Breath holding spells seen in kids 6-18 months are a/w?
iron deficiency anemia
Complications of orbital cellulitis
Orbital abscess, intracranial infection, cavernous sinus venous thrombosis
Chromosome 5p deletion
Cri-du-chat. Microcephaly, hypotonia, short, cat-like cry
Colon cancer screening in UC pt’s
Start 8 yrs after Dx, then repeated every 1-2 years. Done w/ random blind biopsies to detect dysplasia
“worst headache of life” with negative CT. What next?
lumbar puncture to r/o subarachnoid hemorrhage
Iron studies in iron deficiency
low iron, low ferritin, high TIBC, and low transferrin saturation
Most common causes of microcytic anemia
iron deficiency, anemia of chronic disease(micro or normocytic), thalassemia
Electrolyte abnormality seen in subarachnoid hemorrhage
hyponatremia 2/2 cerebral salt wasting and/or SIADH
DDx/Tx of pulmonary-renal syndromes
Wegeners - steroids and cyclophosphamide
Goodpasture’s - plasmapheresis
Others: severe polyarteritis nodosa, idiopathic rapidly progressing glomerulonephritis
Labs in tumor lysis syndrome
hyperphosphatemia, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia
RSV infxn increases risk of…
asthma later in life
Management of pt w/ sign of infxn (ie fever/sore throat) in pt on antithryoid drug (propylthiouracil/methimazole)?
Stop drug and draw CBC to determine if infection from agranulocytosis (i.e. WBC <1000)
Lab finding with antiphospholipid antibody (lupus anticoagulant)
spuriously prolonged PTT (actually causes prothrombotic state)
Corneal vesicles and dendritic ulcers
herpes simplex keratitis
Tx of Giardia
MEN syndromes
I: pituitary, parathyroid, pancreas
II: medullary thyroid, pheo, parathyroid
III: medullary thyroid, pheo, mucosal neuromas, marfanoid habitus
Complication of giving glucose to an alcoholic
precipitating Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Give thiamine first
Wernicke vs Korsakoff syndromes
Both 2/2 thiamine deficiency
Wernicke - reversible. ophthalmoplegia, nystagmus, ataxia, and/or confusion
Korsakoff - irreversible. psychosis with anterograde amnesia + confabulation
Tx of aspirin overdose
Alkalinization of the urine with sodium bicarbonate
water restriction
demeclocycline (induces nephrogenic DI)
What causes spurious (false) hyponatremia?
Lab value is low, but total body sodium is normal
Classic cause of hyponatremia in pregnant patients
Oxytocin, which has an anti-diuretic hormone like effect
When hypokalemia persists after replacement
check Mg levels. hypomagnesemia blocks retention of potassium
Correction for hypocalcemia in the setting of hypoalbuminemia
For every 1 unit decrease in albumin below 4, add 0.8 to calcium level
AE of MAOI’s
serotonin syndrome
hypertensive crisis with consumption of foods high in tyramine (aged meats/cheeses)
Diamond Blackfan Syndrome
macrocytic pure red cell aplasia a/w congenital anomalies including short stature, webbed neck, cleft lip, shielded chest, and triphalangeal thumbs
Defect -> incr apoptosis of erythroid progenitor cells
Concern for high flow O2 in COPD exacerbation
bringing O2 sat above 95% decreases resp drive ->hypercarbia -> lethergy/seizure/arrhythmia.
For same reason, use benzos/narcs sparingly
MOA of cyclosporine and tacrolimus
calcineurin inhibitors -> decreased IL2 production
Major AE of cyclosporine/tacrolimus
nephrotoxicity, hyperkalemia, HTN, tremor
Cyclosporine: add gum hypertrophy and hirsutism
Tacrolimus: add neurotoxicity
Major AE of azathioprine
diarrhea, leukopenia, hepatotoxicity
Major AE of mycophenolate
bone marrow suppression
Tests to order prior to starting lithium
Creatinine, thyroid function tests, pregnancy test
AE of nephrotoxicity, hypothyroid, ebstein anomaly in fetus
Left sided varicocele that fails to empty when recumbent
Renal cell carcinoma
sinusitis is most common in which sinuses?
Lab for mycoplasma pneumonia
positive cold agglutinin test
Differentiating emphysema with chronic bronchitis
Dlco is normal with chronic bronchitis but decreased in emphysema
COPD pt w/ resting O2 sat <88%
home O2 program
AE of clozapine (antipsychotic)
Tx of nondisplaced scaphoid fx? displaced?
wrist immobilization for 6-10 weeks. ORIF.
b-HCG level where you should see intrauterine pregnancy
Murmur of endocarditis in IVDU
tricuspid regurg -> systolic murmur that increases with inspiration
Which part of DTaP is a/w anaphylaxis, encephalopathy, or seizure?
Pertussis. give DT instead for next shot
headache, vision changes, and pulsatile tinnitus with normal head imaging
think of pseudotumor cerebri and order LP for high opening pressure
Use of d-xylose test
tests passive diffusion ability of small intestine. If it shows up in stool instead of being absorbed, think celiac disease, whipple disease, bacterial overgrowth
If normal, think pancreatic insufficiency
CT finding in huntington’s
atrophy of caudate nucleus and putamen
Which medications may cause folate deficiency?
methotrexate, phenytoin, trimethoprim
Med to give if pt with MI gets vtach or vfib
Lung cancer metastasizes to
BLAB: bone liver adrenals brain
Paraneoplastic syndrome a/w squamous cell lung cancer
PTHrP -> hypercalcemia (others are all small cell)
Lab test in wegener’s (granulomatosis with polyangiitis)
noncaseating granuloma on biopsy
Time cutoff for tracheostomy
if intubation required for >3 weeks
Steeple sign
subglottic narrowing on neck radiographs seen in croup
microbe that usually causes croup?
Tx of croup?
aerosolized epinephrine and inhaled corticosteroids in severe cases
Bleeding tendency with normal coagulation studies
uremia (causes platelet defect), vit c deficiency, chronic steroid use
Tx of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
beta blockers and verapamil allow ventricle to fill
young person or one with minimal smoke exposure with emphysema
alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
pneumoconiosis that predisposes to TB
Cause of normal pressure hydrocephalus
decreased CSF absorption
Dx of gitelman/Bartter syndromes
hypok, alkalosis, and increased urinary K/Cl concentration (defect is in Cl and K resorption)
renin and aldosterone are high due to hypovolemia
bilirubin in the urine indicates
conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
EKG findings in RV infarct
usually seen along with inferior infarct (II III aVF), but ST depression in I and aVL point to RV infarct
Medications to avoid in RV infarct
diuretics and nitroglycerin. W/ SA node involvement in RV infarct, they are dependent on preload for CO and are therefore given fluids
Tx of pagets
if symptomatic, bisphosphonates
dysphagia with decrease in lower esophageal sphincter tone and absence of peristaltic waves in the lower two-thirds of the esophagus
erythema nodosum in AA female
think sarcoid
diabetes, diarrhea, necrotic migratory erythema, weight loss
time to do external cephalic version
after 37 wks gestation
Tx of cholangitis
supportive care and broad spectrum abx. if they worsen, biliary drainage with ERCP
Steroid dose where there is concern for acute adrenal crisis
prednisone >20mg (or its equivalent) for >3 weeks
when is the odds ratio close to the same value as relative risk
rare disease
Risk of TPN on gall bladder
no CCK release -> no gall bladder contraction -> stasis, stones. decreased enterohepatic circulation in small bowel resection also contributes (-> altered composition of bile)
Surveillance in compensated cirrhosis
US for hepatocellular ca +/- AFP q6 months
EDG for varices
Tests for fetal lung maturity
lecithin:sphingomyelin ratio > 2
phosphatidyl glycerol present
Complication of meningococcal meningitis
waterhouse-friedrichsen syndrome (adrenal hemorrhage -> vasomotor collapse)
Thyroid study results in normal pregnancy
Pregnancy -> incr TBG -> increased total T3 and T3, normal free T3 and T4, and normal TSH
How to calculate anion gap? Normal?
Na-(bicarb+Cl). Normal = 6-12
Hx c/w celiac (Event blunting of villi), but + travel history
tropical sprue
DDx for spherocytes on smear? How to differentiate?
HS, autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Coombs test
Vesicles on palm of hand
herpetic whitlow
Nocardia Tx
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (SNAP)
Actinomyces Tx
penicillin (SNAP)
Drug for emergency contraception? When can it be given?
levonorgestrel. up to 120 hours after intercourse
Tx of cerebral septic emboli (from endocarditis)
Meds a/w pancreatitis
diuretics - furosemide, thiazides IBD - sulfasalazine, 5-asa(mesalazine) immunosuppresives - azathioprine, l-asparaginase seizures - valproic acid AIDS - didanosine, pentamidine Abx - metronidazole, tetracycline
Dx of acute angle glaucoma
test that determines presence of feto-maternal hemorrhage ?
test for amount of hemorrhage? (to determine rho-gam dose)
presence - rosette test
amount - Kleihauer-Betke stain
Tx of heavy, active vaginal bleeding in DUB
high dose estrogen
Management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
intubate, then decompress stomach/bowel w/ ng tube
Bag valve/blow by O2 contraindicated as it can inflate stomach/bowel and worsen resp status
AE of all 2nd generation antipsychotics
metabolic syndrome
AE of ziprasidone
metabolic syndrome
QT prolongation
Tx of h. pylori
amoxicillin, clarithromycin, PPI
amoxicillin, metronidazole, bismuth, PPI
serologic test for autoimmune hepatitis
anti-smooth muscle antibody
serologic test for primary biliary cirrhosis
antimitochondrial antibodies
management of penile fracture
urethrogram (assess for urethral injury) then surgery
Dx/Tx of hairy cell leukemia
Dx: TRAP stain
Tx: Cladribine
illicit drug causing hallucinations and vertical nystagmus
Choice of anticoagulation in AFib
CHADS2 score CHF, HTN, age>75, DM, Stroke(2pts) 0: no anticoag(preferred) or aspirin 1: anticoagulation(preferred) or aspirin 2+: anticoagulate
Location of gastrin producing tumor in zollinger ellison syndrome?
duodenum (70%) or pancreas
Serology for celiac disease
What if negative?
IgA antiendomysial and antigliadin antibodies
if negative, think of concurrent IgA deficiency
Tx of tropical sprue
folic acid replacement, tetracycline
removal of gluten has no effect
Biopsy results in whipple’s disease
jejunal biopsy shows foamy macrophages on periodic acid-schiff stain and villous atrophy
Negative sudan test (no steatorrhea) and low stool pH
lactase deficiency
serology in inflammatory bowel disease
crohns - ASCA (anti yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies) frequently positive
UC - pANCA frequently positive
sites of carcinoid tumor
bronchopulmonary tree, ileum, rectum, appendix
Lab test for serotonin syndrome
urine 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA)
mutation in FAP, gardner, and turcot syndromes
adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene
cancers seen in Gardner syndrome
FAP(colon) + bone/soft tissue tumors