Step 1 UW mix -A-1 Flashcards
HIV pt with pnuria, glucosuria: intacytoplasmic esoinophilic inclusion@ PCT, Dx?
Tenofovir- induced nephotoxicity: AKI + PT dysfunction
el via PCT interfere mito DNA synthesis + cellular damage
Exercise, increase expected at peak of exertion?
increase Venous blood mean CO2 content
inc oxidative metabolism of Glc + FA in skeletal muscle
Vasodilation skeletal muscle-> dec SVR, Ph
inc HR, SV, CO
Arterial O2 + CO2 remains constant
ARP in exp ?
ARP exposed= 100 * (risk in exp - risk in unexp) / risk in exp)
TOF, squatting position relieves child sym via?
inc SRV -> forces higher proportion of RV output to enter the pul circulation & oxygenate in pul capillary by inc arterial O2 concentration, relieve tet spell
Panic disorder, Rx?
acute : BZD ( risk for abuse pt)
paget dx, initial phase?
1st: inc Osteoclast
2nd: mix
3rd: osteoblast (lab: inc ALP)
pt with DM2, upregulation which will improve fibroblast proliferation + reepithelization in nonhealing wound?
inc IL-10 + GF: inhibits inflammation allow healing process
CDK 4/6 reg G1-> S phase ( cyclin D), SE?
inhibit hematologic cells in BM -> neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia
Test: Compare the diff btwn the MEANS of 2 or more gps?
t-test : use for 2 tests compare btwn the means of 2 gps
Meta-analysis: pooling data from several studies to perform analysis with greater statistical power than ind studies alone
Chi-square test: evaluate asso btwn 2 categorical variable ( quantitative)
Esophageal varies - chronic shunting blood thru vein?
Esophageal varices: left gastric vein ( portal) - esophageal vein ( systemic)
caput medusa: paraumbilical vein (portal) - sup + inf epigastric vein ( systemic)
traveler’s diarrhea , moa?
ETEC: self limited
plasmid-encoded heat labile - resembles cholera toxin (Gs- inc intracellular cAMP in gut mucosal cell)
/ heat stable enterotoxin
shiga-like toxin, moa?
inactivating 60S ribosomal subunit in human cell -> bloody diarrhea mucosal cell death
alterd FAS pn, moa?
alternative splicing - single gene code for unique pn by selective inc / excluding diff DNA exon
ubiquitination, moa?
small regulatory pn, making them pn degradation
WPW syn, moa?
accessory conduction pathway- accessory bypass AV node tract / bundle of kent - preexcitation of ventricles
nephrotic syn, frothy app urine moa?
dec plasma oncotic pressure, dec serum albumin
+ KIT ( CD 117) , excessive histamine , flushing, diarrhea, dx?
systemic mastocytosis- clonal mast cell proliferation + kit receptor TK mutation
needle along upper border 10th ribs @ rt omidaxillary line, injury what st?
Rt hepatic injury
- intercostal vein, artery, nerve lie in subcostal groove along the LOWER border of the rib- thoracentesis should perform just ABOVE the upper border of the rib
tolerance to med due to?
receptor internalization, tachyphylaxis -
alpha & beta adrenergic receptors undergo confirmation change on ligand binding, allow activate heterotrimeric G pn inv signal transduction.
confirmation change result binding arrestin, prevent further G pn activation
lateral epicondylitis - injuried causes?
wrist extension ( tennis elbow) injury - pt of attachement for extensor carpi radialis brevis & extensor digitorum
mannitol, moa ?
inc plasma / tubular fluid osmolarity -> causes water to move from interstitial space to vascular space/ tubular lumen
Eg. water redistribution from tix -> plasma -> reduce cerebral edema & dec ICP
se/ further water + K move out of cell & brain -> worsening pul vasculature - pul edema
Rx for pn + septic shock ?
isotonic crystalloid 0.9% saline / lactated ringer soln
vs/ 0.45% half normal saline hypotonic ;
5% dextrose in 0.45% saline -> hypertonic initially becomes hypotonic
—> use in low infusion rate for hypernatremia / maintenance hydration, not effective for rapid voln resusciaton cuz low Osm causing fluid voln shift into intracellular space
pseudomembranes consist neutrophil- predominant inf infiltrate, fibrin, bacterial, necrotic epi, organism?
clostridium difficile
moa/ toxin A ( enterotoxin) ; toxin B ( cytotoxin) - toxin disrupt cellular cytoskeleton + intercellular tight junctions
se/ dev non-ob colonic dilation - toxic megacolon -> colonic perforation
salmonella typhi, sym?
bloody diarrhea, abd pain, high fever, salmon- colored macules
lymphoplasmacytic inf infiltrate asso w/ hemorrhage
shigella flexneri, syn?
sudden onset severe abd cramping, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, high fever
cryptitis, ulceration, crypt abscesses
RNA no proofreading?
No 3’ -> 5’ exonuclease activity
5’ -> 3’ exonuclease activity ?
DNA polymerase I to engage in nick translation, DNA repair + removal of RNA primers during replication
sick sinus syn- age degeneration loc?
older pt > 65 yo
exp progressive fatigue, syncope
SA node - RIGHT ATRIAL WALL initating normal cardiac conduction
moa/ bradycardia w/ delayed P waves, sinus arrest (prolong P wave -> P wave dropped), junctional escape beats ( narrow QRS complex preceded by long pause + no P wave)
sym/ dec CO, dyspnea, fatigue, LH, syncope
AV block, loc?
inf portion of INTERATRIAL SEPTUM contain the His bundle
mao/ + PPAR-gamma , dec insulin resistance
se/ fluid retention/ HF,
inc CO, inc VR , dx?
chronic AV fistula-
acutely: dec TPR -> inc CO & inc VR & inc Mean sys pressure
overtime SNS & kidney compensate for chronic fistula by inc cardia contractility, vascular tone, circulating BV
acute GI bleeding, physio change?
sharp dec circulation BV, shift VR to left
phenylephrine infusion, physio change?
inc SNS+ -> vasoconstriction, inc TPR
dec CO due to inc afterload along with dec VR
MI, physio change?
isolated dec CO, no change in BV/ VR
anaphylaxis, physio change?
widespread venous + arterial dilation with inc capillary permeability into 3rd space of fluid –> significant drop in VR
cavenous hemangioma ?
MC benign liver tumor, typically in 30-40 yo
piriformis syn?
pass thru greater sciatic foramen inv external hip rotation- sciatic nerve entrapment
Denosumab, moa?
works like OPG -> binds RANK-L (osteoblast) and prevents interaction with nuclear factor kappa B RANK receptor ( on osteoclast) -> dec osteoclast diff + activity -> dec bone resorption
aplastic anemia, hx?
hx/ profondly hypocellular BM infiltrated with adipose
sym/ pancytopenia
etio/ injury from drugs, radiation, viruses, multipotent hematologic stem cells
primary myelofibrosis, hx?
hx/ BM fibrosis with colonal expansion of megakaryocytes. dacrocytes
BM dry with fbrosis + atypical megakaryocytes
sym/ HSM, cytopenia,
girl with 46 XY, lack 2ndry sexual char’ + blind vagina, dx?
17a- hydroxylase def
CAH - unable to converts pregenolone -> 17- hydroxypregenolone + progesterone
impairs synthesis androgen, estrogen, cortisol
does NOT inhibit mineralocorticoid production -> inc aldosterone
high ACTH cuz low cortisol
5a- reductase def, causes?
hormones def conversion of testosterone -> dihydrotestosterone
resp fusion of labial folds in male fetal dev
phy/ male infant: ambiguous genitalia at birth, normal sexondary sexual char at puberty
rivaroxaban, apixaban, mao?
direct oral anticoagulant-direct Factor Xa inhibitors
- less variability in therapeutic effect compare to warfarin
- lab monitoring is NOT required vs. warfarin need monitoring w/ INR
rx/ DVT
prophylaxis/ AF, stroke
eptifibatide, moa?
inhibits pt aggregation + thrombosis : blocking Gp2b/3a receptor, binding site for fibrinogen
rx/ ACS + PCI
Dabigatran, moa?
oral direct thrombin inhibitor that inactivates both circulating + clot asso thrombin
Rx/ thromboembolic dx + stroke prophylaxis
terbinafine, moa?
inhibiting enz squalene epoxidase : inhibits synthesis of ergosterol of fungal membrane
nystatin, amp B, moa?
binding to ergosterol
flucytosine, moa?
inhibits fungal protein synthesis by replacing uracil with 5-FU in fungal mRNA
rx/ systemic fungal infection
griseofluvin, moa?
binds to polymerized microtubules and disrupts fungal mitotic spindle, preventing fungal cell mitosis
rx/ dermatophytosis
fungemia: candida systemic infection, moa?
low neutrophil count, hematogenous spread via indwelling CV catheter
** DOES NOT spread to resp
superificial Candida inf ( oral/ esophageal/ cutaneous/ vulvovaginitis), moa?
T lymphocytes - Th cells
eg. HIV low T cell count inc risk
riboflavin def, effect on TCA cycle ?
succinate dehydrogenase ( complex II) affected : FMN + FAD
atypical pn - mycoplasma pn/ chylamdia pn, moa?
completely lacks a cell wall
rx with/ bacterial pn synthesis inhibitor
eg: macrolide/ tetracycline
TB, rx isoniazid, moa?
isoniazid: mycolic acid synthesis inhibitor - cell wall of mycobacterium
pul arterial HTN hereditary, moa?
dysfunctional endothelial + SM cell proliferation
–> vasoconstriction, anti-proliferative meditators ( NO, Prostacyclin)
Heart sound: sound S2 , RVH, elevate JVP, hepatic congestion, peripheral edema
Rifaximin, moa?
dec inraluminal ammonia production
rx/ hepatic encephalopathy, cirrhosis, asterixis, astrocyte dysfunction, neuroinflammation, edema
combine + lactulose -> cat’ by intestinal bact flora to short chain FA -> lowering colonic Ph + inc conversion of ammonia -> ammonium
azathioprine, moa? check lab?
inhibits purine synthesis pathway
azathioprine -> 6-mercaptopurine converted to 6-thioguanine met
lab/ pancytopenia monitor complete blood count
montelukast, zadirlukast, moa?
leukotriene receptor antagonists:
inhibit the CysLT1 receptor ( LTC4, LTD4, LTE4) at target cell
PECAM-1 gene delection, causes?
absent of Transmigration
P-selectin / E-selectin def?
Margination- increase vascular leakage in the microvasculature / Rolling on endothelium viz Sialyl-Lewis X
ICAM-1 (CD34) def?
tight adhesion
neck mass w/ Sq cell CA, primary site?
nasopharynx - anterior cervical LN
unilateral middle ear effusion - eustachian tube obstruction
vs/ vocal cords , bast tongue, piriform sinus - not ob eustachian tube
orthomyxoviruses, transmitted to human thru animals via?
Genetic reassortment: segmented genome, HA, NA
antigenic drift?
point mut HA, NA genes slightly alter product pns
frameshift mutation?
number of bases that are NOT multiple of 3 are added / deleted from coding region of a gene- premature termination of translation + truncated pn containing wrong AA
phenotypic mixing?
2 viruses infect the same cell and progeny viruses exhibit coat / env
pn NOT coded for by genetic material
QT prolongation causes?
Antiarrhythmic: Class IA (quinidine), III (dofetilide)
aB: macrolides, fluoroquinolones
anti-psyChotic: haloperidol
Anti-Depressant: TCAs
anti-Emetics: ondansetron
electrolytes abnormalities
isopropanol 70% disinfect skin, moa?
disruption of cell membrane, denaturation of pn- no sporicidal
Iodine, moa?
halogenation of pn & nucleic acids, sporicidal
H2O2, moa?
produces destruction free radicals that oxidize cellular components, sporicidal
formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde , moa?
alkylating + cross linking DNA + pn
Mullerian aplasia ( mayer -Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser) syn, moa?
variable uterine dev, no upper vagina ( short), primary amenorrhea, normal ovaries, regular secondary sexual char’, 50% coexist unilateral renal agenesis
*normal dev fallopian tubes, uterus, upper vagina
46XX female
CAH- 21 hydroxylase def?
female : virilization, salt wasting ( dec BP)
male: precocious puberty , salt wasting
androgen insensitivity syn ( AIS) ?
46 XY male, appear phenotypically female due to androgen receptor defect
sym/ minimal axillary / pubic hair, cryptochid testes, no uterus/ ovaries
integrase inhibitor, moa?
disrupts the ability of ds HIV DNA to integrate into host cells chrm
inhibits viral mRNA production- viral genome cannot be transcribed by host cellular machinery
IgE independent mast cell + due to?
more common:
opioids, radiocontrast agents, VNC- induce mast cell degranulation by activation of pn kinase A + PI3 kinase
IgE -dependent mediated degranulation due to?
food, vespid stings, beta-lactam + sulfonamide ab
Donepezil, moa?
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors - reduction in Ach breakdown
se/ slowing cardiac conduction: bradycardia, AV block , dec CO -> syncope, LH
diphenhydramine, moa?
first gen histamine -1 blocker - alpha 1 receptor blocking : orthostatic syncope via inhibit vasoconstriction
succinylcholine, moa?
competitve agonist nicotinic Ach receptor of motor endplate- persistent depolarization-> desensitization + skeletal muscle paralysis
rapidly hydrolyzed by plasma pseudocholinesterase
** pt with pseudocholinesterase def will unable to met’ succinylcholine -> paralysis for hrs
DRE, prostate biopsy ?
85% peripheral zone - prostate adenocarcinoma
transrectal route US, multiple random biopsies of prostate
** central zone: surrounds vas deferens, stroma elements
** transition zone: surrounds urethra - primary site for BPH
** FNA - not recommended- tix architecture lost in sampling
prostate adenocarcinoma MTS, hx?
osteoblastic mts, related to advancing age.
sym/ late stage of hematuria + urinary ob (dysuria)
hx/ IRREGULAR glands with enlarge nuclei + prominent nuclei, cellular atypia
-osteoblast differentiation factor ( endothelin 1, ILGF, PDGF, bone morphogenic
osteolytic bone lesion, dx?
moth eating appearance: pleomorphic cells - melanoma ( brown melanin pigment)
- MM ( effacement marrow with plasmablasts + plasma cell
- RCC ( abundant clear cytoplasm)
- thryoid papillary ca ( complex papillary pattern, psammoma bodies)
prostate ca, gleason grade, stage?
Gleason grade- degree of cancer cell atypia
highest is 5 - poorly differentiated: sheets of invasion cells with no glandular elements
stage: degree of spread from site of cancer origin
higher stage- mts to LN / organs
beta -adrenergic activity ?
inc Na/K/ATPase pump -> endogenous catecholamines + b2 agonist -> transiet hypokalemia -> inc transport K+ intracellulary
andexanet alfa , moa?
rx/ life threatening bleeding while on factor Xa inhibitor (rivaroxaban, apixaban) but no proteolytic effect
moa/ function to decoy that binds to factor Xa inhibitors -> restores IV coagulation by inc available endogenous FXa -> converts prothrombin -> thrombin generates fibrin clots
ticagrelor , moa?
blocks P2Y12 adenosine diphosphate receptor on surface of pt, prevents pt aggregation
Dabigatran, moa?
direct oral anticoagulant inhibits circulating + clot bound thrombin.
reverse by idarucizumab ( monoclonal ab fragment that binds & inhibits dabigatran)
supersaturation of gallstone, moa?
- inc cholesterol synthesis - hypercholesterolemia: OBESITY ( inc HMG-CoA reductase activity), med, DM, diet, genetics
- gallbladder hypomotility - pregnancy, med, prolong fasting
- inc ca+/ mucin concentration- rapid WL inc ca+/ mucin conc in bile, trap cholesterol crystal + promote stone formation
- dec bile acid synthesis/ recirculation- fibrates inhibit BA syn, inc chol conc in bile, dec bile resorption at ileum
buserelin/ goserelin/ leuprolide, moa?
GnRH analogue: stimulates pituitary gland in continous fashion lead to down regulation of GnRH receptor -> subsequently drops LH secretion, lowers androgen production by testes.
bicalutamide, moa?
androgen -receptor inhibitors - to prevent the surge in androgen during the first few weeks to block the activity of androgen on tumor cells
heparin, lab? thrombin time/ PTT/ FXa ?
moa/ anticoagulant effect indirectly by binding to antithrombin III (AT), serine protease inhibitor that irreversibly neutralizes clotting factor.
- thrombin time prolong
- PTT prolong
- activity factor Xa dec
abiraterone, moa?
irreversibly inhibits 17-a hydroxylase
prostate adenoCa - androgen sensitive tumor, mainly produced from tested + some from adrenal glands via exp 17-a hydroxylase , c-p450 enz that converts pregnenolone/progesterone into DHEA/ androstenedione
true GFR, compared to Cr?
GFR 20% lower that Cr
GFR - ideal filtration marker that is freely filtered acaross glomerulus not metabolized, secreted/ reabsorbed
Cr- waste product generated from breakdown of creatine kinase in SKELETAL MUSCLE MASS- actively secreted by PCT; overestimates the GFR
defect in TTN gene exon result truncated titin pn, dx?
dilated CMP - dec in contractile function of one/ both ventricles with consequent increase in ventricular cavity size
idiopathic DCM/ familial DCM- AD
causes SCD from vent arrhythmia (vent tachy , V fib)
** titin: elastic pn that anchors the beta- myosin heavy chain to Z discs and contributes to passive myocardial tension, absence of complete titin pn leads to myocardial dysfunction
HOCM, moa?
AD, mut genes encoding beta- myosin heavy chain / myosin binding pn C
restrictive CMP, moa?
infilitrative dx, inc mut in genes encoding 1/ several sacromere/ cytoskeletal on
property of elastin?
interchain cross - links inv lysine
a-1 antitrypsin def conseq dev excessive alveolar elastin degration
** after tropoelastin formed, secreted into ECS interact with microfibrils ( fibrillin) function as scaffold.
lysyl oxidase , Cu-dep enz, oxidatively deaminated some lysine residues of tropoelastin, facilitating formation of desmosine cross-links to hold elastin molecules tog
ECG: ST elevation in lead I + avL, which arteries occlusion?
left circumflex artery- lateral limb leads : also in v5-v6
ecg/ st elevation/ q waves
LAD arteries, leads?
supply left vent + IVS septal branches: v1-V4 ( promixal occlusion)
distal occlusion spares V1-2
left main coronary artery, leads?
give rise to LAD + LCX : v1-4, v-6, I, avL
RCA , leads?
lead II, III, avF
chancroid , haemophilus ducreyi, hx?
sym/ multiple + deep ulcers, base have gray to yellow exudate, PAINFUL lesion
hx/ RAGGED BORDERS asso with grey exudate + inguinal LAD
granuloma inguinale ( donovanosis), hx?
klebsiella granulomatis
hx/ extensive & progessive ulcerative lesion W/O LAD, base have granulation-like tix, deep staining gram - intracytoplasmic cysts (Donovan bodies)
NOT painful
Lymohagranuloma venerum, chlamydia trachomatis, his?
hx/ small, shallow ulcers, large, painful, coalesced ingiunal LN ( buboes), intracytoplasmic chlamydial inclusion bodies in epi cell & leukocytes
NOT painful
Zidovudine, moa?
enz grows DNA by adding nucleotides to terminal 3’- hydroxyl gp using 3’-5’ phosphodiester bond.
NRTI: dec risk of perinatal transmission by inhibiting Phosphodiester bond formation
- NRTI: must be phosphorylated within host cell to form the functional triphosphate moiety.
- ** NNRTI: bind directly to + inactivate RT without being phosphorylated
GFAP + stain for, Dx?
neoplasms of glial origin : astrocytomas, ependymomas, oligodendrogliomas
synaptophysin, stain for dx?
transmembrane glycopn found in presynaptic vesicles of neurons, neuroendocrine, neuroectodermal cells
anastrozole, moa?
dec androgen aromatization: dec syn of estrogen from androgen, suppressing estrogen level in PM woman
rx/ slowing progression ER + tumor
basophilic cytoplasm + proliferation fraction Ki-67 fraction , dx?
EBV - asso with Burkitt lymphoma ( induce B cell proliferation)
hx/ starry sky appearance , benign macrophages
t( 8,14) translocation, overexp c-MYC, transcriptional regulator controls cell proliferation, high mitotic index
HHV-8, hx?
primary effusion lymphoma, large cells, big nuclei, prominent nucleoli
case fatality rate?
fatal / fatal + nonfatal cases
cilostazol, moa?
reduce pt activation by inhibiting pt phosphodiesterase, enz resp for breakdown of cAMP
direct arterial vasodilator, dec claudication sym PAD
destroy ectopic focus rx arrhythmia, nerve close proximity site?
phrenic nerve- PSVT radiofreq ablation
crista terminalis loc @ RA
injury cause elevation of rt hemidiaphram CXR
Sym trunk injury?
parallels spina column on both sides provide sym innervation throughput body.
sym/ horner syn ( miosis, ptosis, anhydrosis)
CHF , moa?
dec CO in HF, dec renal perfusion, dec baroreceptor –> + neuroendocrine compensatory mech to maintain organ perfusion
–> inc afterload, inc preload
compensatory mech –> inc SNS + inc arteriolar resistance & inc vasoconsriction + voln retention –> RAAS –> inc ANP/BNP -> vasodilation, salt water excretion
delay ASA toxicity, lab?
primary resp alkalosis - stimulate medullary resp center -> inc ventilation + loss CO2 in expired air
primary AG met acidosis - toxic salicylate inc lipolysis , uncouple oxidative phosphorylation, inhibits citric acid cycle. Acc organic acids in blood ( ketoacids, lactate) inc AG
lab/ Ph normal Paco2 dec ( inc RR) plasma Hco3 dec ( met acidosis)
hepatic steatosis, moa?
dec free FA oxidation : secondary to excess NADH production by alcohol dehydrogenase & aldehyde dehydrogenase
**impaired lipoprotien assembly ass with alcohol -induced hepatic steatosis
bisacodyl/ senna, moa?
stimulant laxatives - activates enteric nerve in myenteric plexus to stimulate peristalsis
se/ abdominal disturbances
dousate ( surfactant), moa?
dec stool surface tension, enabling water to enter stool
methynaltrexone, moa?
mu -opioid receptor antagonist , rx opioid induced constipation
mg hydroxide, polyethylene glycol, lactulose, moa?
osmotically active agents that are poorly absorbed by the intestines.
draw water into intestinal lumen, softening stool + make stool easier to pass
Lupiprostone, moa?
agonist of CIC-2 chloride channel loc at apical membrane of intestine, inc Cl secretion into intestinal lumen
diabetic neuropathy, moa?
endoneurial arteriole hyalinization –> narrowing arteriole lumen + ischemia nerve damage, glycosylation end products are directly toxic to nerve tix
GB syn, moa?
endoneurial inflammatory infiltration of peripheral nerve, rapid ascending paralysis , segmental demyelination
CTS, moa?
entrapment of nerve w/in anatomic compartment leads to compression neuropathy
beam radiation ( gamma, x-ray), moa?
Double strand DNA breaks - breakage of both strands is generally req
free radical formation: ROS formed by ionization of water, oxygen free radicals are then able to caouse cellular and DNA damage
UV light radiation, non-ionizing radiation, moa?
pyrimidine-pyrimidine dimers ( thymine dimers)
ionizing radiation has higher energy to remove electron leaving more cell damage
cephalosporins resistance , moa?
extended spectrum beta lactamase ( ESBL) - producing e. coli
genes encoding these enzymes often located on plasmids + transferred btwn organism + diff species thru conjugation
Rx/ carbapenems - ESBL producing orgamism
methicillin resistance in S. aureus, moa?
PBP alternation- reduced AFFINITY for b-lactam anti-microbrial agents: resistant to all b-lactam agents
fluoroquinolone resistance, moa?
mut DNA gyrase, not impact beta-lactam ab activity
VNC resistance , moa?
D-ala-D-ala cell wall precursor – D-ala-D-lac
personality, behavior change, brain injury which loc?
orbitofrontal cortex
lateral prefrontal cortex injury?
injury result unable to executive function, motivation , organizing, planning purposeful action
irreversible myocardial cell injury, moa?
mitochondrial vacuolization - permanent inability to generate further ATP via oxidative phosphorylation
** mito swelling -> reversible cellular injury
dissociation of rRNA from mRNA reversible ischemic/ hypoxic injury, moa?
disaggregation of polysomes denotes the dissociation –> into monosomes–> impairs pn synthesis
single brain abscess @ lateral temporal lobe, loc entry?
ring enhancing lesions with HA, fever, seizure
single abscess - spread to mastoid air cells –> invade temporal lobe leading to temporal lobe abscess
** frontal lobe abscess –> direct spread of ethmoid / frontal sinusitis
** multiple brain abscess - hematogenous dissemination from a distant infection ( endocarditis/ empyema)
ependymoma, ob where in brain ?
arise from ependymal cells of ventricular system + central canal of SC produce CSF –> ob non-communicating hydrocephalus –> inc ICP, dilated ventricles
hx/ ependymal cells palisading around BV ( perivascular pseudorosette)
choroid plexus tumor also found in lateral ventricles
statin + cholestryamine, : hepatic cholesterol synthesis ?
statin: inhibit HMG Co reductase –> DECREASE hepatic chol synthesis –> inc hepatic clearance LDL –> inc LDL receptor recycling
se/ statin induce MYOPATHY
cholestyramine: binding bile acids in GI tract –> inc BA excretion –> INCREASE hepatic syn of new BA –> INCREASE TG level
diabetic ketoacidosis , TG metabolism?
glycerol kinase : glycerol + FA ( via beta -oxidation –> Ketone acids) –> glycerol 3- phosphate –> DHAP –> energy + glucose
pleiotrophy, moa?
single genetic defect causing different organ system affected
eg. homocystinuria
Polyploidy, moa?
more than 2 complete sets of hormones w/in an organism / cell
eg. 69 XXX. XXY, XYY - partial hydatidiform mole
rituximab, moa?
express CD20 surface Ig monoclonal ab
rx/ lymphoma immunotherapy
** transtuzumab - also monoclonal ab rx breast cancer
imatinib, moa?
CML - phil t (9, 22) - BRC-ABL fusion gene pn TK
chylothorax , injury to ?
throacic duct, due to cervial LN removal - milky white, inc TG
orginates at level T12 in abdomen - superiorly thru mediastinum ( posterior to esophagus) and drains into the junction btwn left subclavian + JV in lower neck
**Thoracic duct collect lymph from most of the body, all left tix and inf rt tix)
** right lymphatic duct : drain right side head, arm, thorax
phrenic nerve injury?
elevation of hemidiaphragm
isoniazid toxicity, cause?
hepatotoxic, hepatitis
lab/ inc ALT/ASL
serum sickness drug HS causes?
Type 3 HSR
5-10 days after exposure the drug, fever, proteinuria, LAD, urticaria, arthralgias,
autoimmune hepatitis, hx?
high anti-smooth muscle ab titers + hypergammaglobulinemia
hx/ hepatocellular pattern of liver injury, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in portal and periportal region
primary sclerosing cholangitis, hx?
MC male
periductal FIRBOSIS + luminal obliteration of biliary ducts –> cholestasis
high ALP level , near normal aminotransferase
chronic HBV, hx?
ground glass heptocytes, acc hepatitis B surface Ag w/in cytoplasm, central balloon degeneration, hepatocyte apoptosis
viral HBsAg + HBcAg express conjunction with MHC I : activate cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes respond by destroying the infected hepatocytes
acetaminophen overdose, ,hx?
hepatic inflammation + necrosis w/ neutrophilic infiltration
prolactinoma, lab - GnRH, LH, testo?
GnRH - dec
LH- dec
testo- dec
all dec due to high prolactin level supporess GnRH secretion
muscle contraction, ATP attach to sarcomere causes?
myosin head detachment from actin filament
** calcium binding to Troponin-C shifts tropomyosin away from myosin binding site on actin, NOT directly on ATP
prolong use, beta blocker withdrawal?
up-regulation of beta adrenergic receptor -> inc sensitivity
inc HR, tachycardia, palpitation, inc BP due to inc CO, inc oxygen demand cause ischemia (angina pain)
** circulating catecholamines is unchanged from baseline
ascites in cirrhosis , moa?
portal HTN ->
- NO release , stimulated by bacterial products ( endotoxin) –> easier translocate from GI tract to reduce host defense
- splanchnic vasodilation –> dec splanchnic resistance & lowers effective arterial BV
- low perfusion pressure –> + RAAS –> retention of na + water
- low plasma oncotic pressure , reduce fluid resorption from interstitium
- portal capillary permeability UNCHANGED –> hypervolemia and 3rd spacing, promoting formation ascites + peripheral edema
- Portal capillary hydrostatic pressure : increase
nephrotic syn, lab change?
inc permeability of glomerular capillary wall -> loss of albumin
dec capillary oncotic pressure -> defect in Na excretion , and retention inc Effective arterial BV
splanchnic vascular resistance unaffected
histoplasma capsulatum, hx?
Hx/ oval / rounf yeast w/in MACROPHAGES
Via/ bird + bat droppings
dimorphic fungus - impaired immunity ( advance AIDS) risk of dissemination thru reticuloendothelial sys
sym/ HSM, LAD, pancytopenia