STEP 1 – Receipt of mission and STEP 2 – Mission analysis Flashcards
Describe the seven steps of the military decisionmaking process (MDMP)
–Receipt of mission –Mission analysis –Course of action development –Course of action analysis (war-gaming) –Course of action comparison –Course of action approval –Orders production, Dissemination, and Transition
STEP 1 - Receipt of Mission
Input = Pre-planning (anticipation)
• Higher HQ Plan
• New Mission
• Anticipated MSN
Output =
•Commanders Initial Guidance
•Initial Allocation of Time
•Warning Order 1
Purpose of “Receipt of Mission” step?
–Alert all participants of pending planning requirements
–Determine time available for planning and preparation
–Decide on planning approach
–Guidance on design and how to abbreviate MDMP
Steps in the Receipt of Mission PROCESS are as follows:
–Alert the Staff – operations section alerts the staff who participates in mission analysis
–Gather the tools
–Update running estimate – especially status of friendly units and resources
–Conduct an initial assessment (time, organic assets, etc.)
–Issue the commander’s initial guidance
–Issue the initial warning order
STEP 1 - Receipt of Mission - PROCESS - Tools:
Tools included, but not limited to: –Higher headquarters’ OPLAN and OPORD (2 levels up) –Maps of the area of operations –Higher headquarters intelligence and assessment products –Own and higher headquarters’ SOPs –Appropriate publications –Existing staff estimates –Any design products
STEP 1 - Receipt of Mission - PROCESS - Running Estimates:
Each staff sections begins updating its running estimate
–Especially friendly units
–Resources and key civil considerations
Running estimates
–Compile critical facts and assumptions
–Include info from other staff sections and other military civilian organizations
Developing and updating is a continuous process throughout MDMP and the operations process
STEP 1 - Receipt of Mission - PROCESS - Conduct Initial Assessment
- Time available from mission receipt to mission execution (1/3 Rule : Parallel Planning)
- Time needed to plan, prepare for, and execute the mission for own and subordinate units
- Guidance on abbreviating the MDMP, if required.
- Which outside agencies to incorporate into planning process.
- Staff’s experience, cohesiveness, and level of rest or stress
- Includes allocation of available time for planning, preparing, and executing the operation
- One-third of time for commander and staff planning and two-thirds of available time to subordinate units for planning and preparation
- Continuously updated
STEP 1 - Receipt of Mission - PROCESS - Commander’s Initial Guidance
- Initial operational timeline
- Decision to initiate design or go straight into MDMP.
- How to abbreviate the MDMP, if required.
- Necessary coordination to perform, including liaison officers (LNOs) to exchange.
- Authorized movement and initiation of any information collection
- Collaborative planning times and locations
- Initial information requirements (IRs) or commander’s critical information requirements (CCIR) (as required)
- Additional staff tasks.
STEP 1 - Receipt of Mission - PROCESS - Initial WARNO
The initial WARNO will include at a minimum: –The type of operation –The general location of the operation –The initial operational time line –Any movements to initiate
STEP 1 - Receipt of Mission - Recap / Notes:
- Mission comes from higher headquarters or is derived from an ongoing mission.
- XO/COS issues a WARNO to the staff.
- The staff prepares for mission analysis (update staff estimates, maps of AO, higher headquarters SOPs).
- Commander and staff do a quick assessment with emphasis on an initial allocation of available time.
- Commander issues initial guidance; G3/S3 issues WARNO 1 to subordinate units. (Auth’s initial subordinate unit movements)
STEP 1 - Receipt of Mission - EW Tasks:
•Upon receipt of mission, the electronic warfare officer (EWO) will alert the staff supporting the EW working group.
•Gather the necessary resources required for mission analysis. Resources might include:
–Higher headquarters operation order or plan
–Maps of the area of operations (AO)
–Electronic data bases
–Required publications and SOPs
–Current running estimates
–Available reachback resources
• Provides input to the staff’s initial assessment.
• Updates the EW running estimate
–Identifies all friendly EW assets/resources and their statuses throughout the operations process
• Assists the commander and staff.
–Monitors, tracks, and seeks information relating to EW operations
Step 2 – Mission Analysis
Input =
•Mission from Higher HQ
•Time Analysis
•CDR’s Initial Guidance
Output = •Problem Statement •Mission Statement •Initial Commanders Intent •Initial Planning Guidance (Time) •Initial CCIRs and EEFIs •Updated IPB and Running Estimates •Assumptions
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis:
- Most important step in MDMP
- Refines commanders’ situational understanding and determines their mission
- Enables better commander’s visualization of the operation
•Requires input from: –Higher HQ plan or order –Higher HQ intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) –Updated running estimates –Initial commanders guidance –COA evaluation criteria
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 1 – Analyze the Higher HQ Order
•Commander and staff must ensure they completely understand: –Higher headquarters’ •Commander’s intent •Mission •Concept of operation •Available assets •Timeline –Missions of adjacent units –Mission of interagency, intergovernmental organizations that work in the operational area –Assigned area of operations
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 2 – Perform the Initial IPB:
Systematic Continuous Process
Step 1:
Define the Operational/ Battlespace
Step 2:
Describe the Environment/ Battlespace effects on Operations
Step 3:
Evaluate the Threat/ Adversary
Step 4:
Determine Threat/ Adversary COAs
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 2 – Perform the Initial IPB – EW Tasks: IPB:
• EWO and EW working group support the G-2/S-2 in IPB:
–Determine the threat’s dependence on the EMS
–Determine the threat’s EW capability
–Determine the threat’s Intelligence System collection capability
–Determine which threat vulnerabilities relate to the EMS
–Determine how an operational environment effects EW operations using the operational variables (PMESII-PT) and mission variables (METT-TC) as appropriate
–Determine friendly vulnerabilities related to use of the electromagnetic spectrum
–Initiate, refine and validate information requirements (IRs) and RFIs
–Identify and list high-value targets (HVTs) that can be engaged by EW capabilities
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 3 – Determine Specified, Implied and Essential Tasks
(Para 3 - Execution, Ops Annexes)
•Specified Tasks – specifically assigned to a unit by its higher headquarters
•Implied Tasks – must be performed to accomplish a specified task or mission, but is not stated in the higher headquarters’ order
•Essential Tasks – a specified or implied task that must be executed to accomplish the mission (task and purpose)
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 3 – Determine Specified, Implied and Essential – Tasks EW Considerations:
EWO and EW working group identify and list:
–Tasks that EW forces perform according to EW divisions: EA, ES, EP in support of the warfighting functions
•Specified and implied tasks
–High-value targets engaged by EW
–Constraints relevant to EW
•Actions EW operations must perform
•Actions EW operations cannot perform
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 4 – Review Available Assets and Identify Resource Shortfalls:
- Examine additions to and deletions from the current task organization, support relationships, and status of all units.
- Determine if assets are sufficient to perform all specified and implied tasks.
- Identify additional resources needed for mission success. (Requesting effects: STO assets / higher and adjacent assets)
- Identify any deviations from the normal task organization.
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 4 – Review Available Assets and Identify Resource Shortfalls – EW Considerations:
(Have in mind that EW will develop 3 “Concepts of Support” for the 3’s “CONOP COAs” - not the COAs themselves)
•EWO and EW working group analyze the initial EW force structure to determine:
–If forces have sufficient assets to perform the identified EW tasks (EW running estimate)
•If assets are insufficient:
–Draft requests for support and augmentation
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 5 – Determine Constraints:
•A constraint is a restriction placed on the command by a higher command. It dictates an action or inaction, thus restricting the freedom of action of a subordinate commander. •Constraints relevant to EW: –Actions EW operations must perform –Actions EW operations cannot perform –Other constraints
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 6 – Identify Critical Facts and Assumptions:
•FACTs are statements of truth or statements thought to be true at the time.
–Facts need to replace assumptions as soon as possible
- Assumptions are suppositions about the current or future situation that are assumed to be true in the absence of positive proof.
- Assumptions are probably correct, but cannot be verified.
- Assumptions must be logical, realistic, and considered likely to be true.
•Appropriate assumptions used during planning have two characteristics:
–They are likely to be true
–They are necessary, that is essential, to continue planning
CATEGORIES: OP Environmental, Friend / ENE Capabilities
TO VALIDATE FACTS / ASSUMPTIONS: Request for Info (RFI) to the “2” developes an Information Requirement (IR) / Priority Information Requirement (PIR)
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 7 – Begin Composite Risk Management:
Composite Risk Management During the MDMP:
Assess Hazards –> Make Decisions –> Implement
Controls –> Supervise –> Identify
Hazards –> Assess Hazards…
- Is not an add-on feature to the decisionmaking process
- Must be fully integrated into other battle command processes
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 8 – Develop Initial Commander’s CCIR and EEFI:
•Information requirements (IR) – all information elements the commander and staff require to successfully conduct operations
•Commanders critical information requirements (CCIR)
–Priority intelligence requirements (PIR)
–Friendly force information requirements (FFIR)
-> Decision Points or CDRs “Wake Up” criteria
•Essential elements of friendly information (EEFI)
-> OPSEC (the 3’s responsibility)
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 9 – Develop the Initial Information Collection Synchronization Tools:
•Information collection synchronization ensures all available information concerning the enemy, terrain and weather, and civil considerations is obtained through intelligence reach
•Accomplishes the following:
–Identifies requirements and intelligence gaps
–Evaluates available assets (internal and external) to collect information
–Determines gaps in the use of those assets
–Recommends those assets controlled by the organization to collect on the IRs
–Submits RFIs for adjacent and higher collection support
–G-2/S-2 submits information gathered during information collection synchronization to G-3/S-3 for integration and development of the information collection plan
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 10 – Develop the Information Collection Plan:
•Information collection integration follows information collection synchronization. Satisfies IRs identified in the initial information collection synchronization matrix. Integration consists of the following tasks:
–The information collection tasking matrix
–The information collection overlay
–The information collection scheme of support
–Issue order (warning, operation, or fragmentary order)
•Upon completion of planning, the initial information collection plan becomes annex L (Information Collection) of the OPORD/OPLAN.
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 11 – Update Plan for the Use of Available Time:
•Refine the initial plan for the use of available time.
•Compare the time needed to accomplish essential tasks to the higher headquarters’ time line to ensure mission accomplishment is possible in the allotted time.
•Compare the time line to the enemy time line developed during the IPB.
•Determine window of opportunity for exploitation or times when the unit will be at risk from enemy activity.
•CDR and COS refine staff planning timeline. The refined timeline includes
–Subject, time, and location of briefings commander requires
–Times of collaborative planning sessions and the medium over which they will take place
–Times, locations, and forms of rehearsals
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 12 – Develop Initial Information Themes and Messages:
•Commanders identify and engage those actors that matter to their operational success.
•An information theme is a unifying or dominant idea or image that expresses the purpose for military action.
–Tied to objectives, lines of effort, and end state conditions
–Information themes are overarching and apply to the capabilities of public affairs, psychological operations/MISO, and leader and Soldier engagements
–Verbal, written, or electronic communications that
–Supports an information theme focused on a specific actor and in support of a specific action (task)
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 13 – Develop a Proposed Mission Statement:
•Based on mission analysis
•Addresses who, what, when, where and why
–Who will execute the operation (unit or organization)?
–What is the unit’s essential task (tactical mission task)?
–When will the operation begin (by time or event) or what is the duration of the operation?
–Where will the operation occur (AO, objective, grid coordinates)?
–Why will the force conduct the operations (for what purpose)?
•Short sentence or paragraph that describes essential task and purpose
•Includes on-order missions; it will not include “be-prepared to”missions
- Example 1. Not later than 220400 Aug 09 (when), 1st Brigade (who) secures ROUTE SOUTH DAKOTA (what/task) in AO JACKRABBIT (where) to enable the movement of humanitarian assistance materials (why/purpose). TF 1-3 (SE) (supporting effort) conducts a FPOL (forward passage of lines) with 2BCT and attacks in zone at 060400Z APR XX to seize OBJ TIGER to destroy the remnants of the 133 MIBR and protect the left flank of TF 1-2 (ME)(main effort).
- Example 2. 1-505th Parachute Infantry Regiment (who) seizes (what/task) JACKSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (where) no later than D-day, H+3 (when) to allow follow-on forces to air-land into AO SPARTAN (why/purpose).
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 14 – Present the Mission Analysis Brief:
- Informs the commander of results of staff’s analysis
- Staff Officers present summary of running estimates
•Mission Analysis Brief Outline:
–Mission and intent of HQs two levels up
–Mission, commander’s intent, concept of operation of the headquarters one level up
–A proposed problem statement
–A proposed mission statement
–Review of commander’s initial planning guidance
–Initial IPB products, including civil considerations that impact the conduct of operations
–Specified, implied, and essential tasks
–Pertinent facts and assumptions
–Forces available and resource shortfalls (RFSs)
–Initial risk assessment
–Proposed information themes and messages
–Proposed CCIRs and EEFIs
–Initial information collection plan
–Recommended timeline
–Recommended collaborative planning sessions
•During the mission analysis brief or shortly after, commanders approve the mission statement and CCIR.
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 15 – Develop and Issue Initial Commander’s Intent:
- Based on situational understanding, commanders summarize their visualization in their initial commander’s intent statement
- Links the operation’s purpose with conditions that define desired end state
- Easy to remember and clearly understood two echelons down. (Clear and Concise)
- The shorter the commander’s intent statement, the better it serves these purposes
- Typically three to five sentences
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 16 – Develop and Issue Initial Planning Guidance:
- Guidance may be broad or detailed
- Outlines specific COAs the commander desires the staff to look at, as well as rule out any COA’s the commander will not accept.
- Broadly describes when, where, and how the commander intends to employ combat power to accomplish mission.
- Ensures staff understands while allowing the latitude necessary to explore different options.
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 17 – Develop Course of Action Evaluation Criteria:
- Factors the commander and staff later use to measure effectiveness and efficiency of one COA to another.
- Creation now, eliminates a source of bias prior to COA analysis and comparison.
- Address factors that affect success and those that cause failure
- Change from mission to mission
- Must be understood by all staff members before starting the war game process
- COS usually determines each criterion with weights in relation to commander’s guidance
ALWAYS consider the COAs from the EA, ES and EP perspective, AND list out spec / implied tasks by Phase.
STEP 2 - Mission Analysis – Task 18 – Issue a Warning Order:
•After the receiving the planning guidance, the staff issues a WARNO which should contain: –The approved unit mission statement –The commander’s intent –Changes to task organization –The unit AO (sketch, overlay, or some other description) –CCIR and EEFI –Risk guidance –Priorities by warfighting functions –Military deception guidance –Essential stability tasks –Specific priorities
EWO and EW Working Group Tasks During Mission Analysis Summary
- Determine known facts, status, or conditions of forces capable of EW operations as defined in the commander’s planning documents, such as a WARNO or OPORD.
- Identify EW planning support requirements and develop support requests as needed.
- Determine facts and develop necessary assumptions relevant to EW such as the status of EW capability at probable execution and time available.
- Conduct an initial EW risk assessment and review the risk assessment done by the entire working group.
- Provide an EW perspective when developing the commander’s restated mission.
- Help develop the mission analysis briefing for the commander.
Mission Analysis: EW Products and Information
•By the conclusion of mission analysis, the EWO and EW working group generate or gather the following:
–Initial information requirements for EW operations
–Rudimentary command and control nodal analysis of the threat
–List of EW tasks required to support the mission
–List of assumptions and constraints related to EW operations
–Planning guidance for EW operations
–EW personnel augmentation or support requirements
–Update of the EW running estimate
–EW portion or input to the commander’s restated mission