Step 1: Neuro Awill's deck Flashcards
Anterior spinal artery deficit
medial medullary syndrome - contralateral hemiparesis (lower extremities), medial leminscus (↓ contralateral proprioception), ipsilateral paralysis of hypoglossal nerve
PICA deficit
(lateral medullary syndrome, wallenberg’s) contralateral loss of pain and temperature, ipsilateral dysphagia, hoarsness, ↓ gag reflex, vertigo, diplopia, nystagymus, vomiting, ipsilateral horner’s, ipsilateral facial pain and temperature, trigeminal nucleus, ipsilateral ataxia
AICA deficit
(lateral inferior pontine syndrome) - Ipsilateral facial paralysis, ipsilateral cochlear ucleus, vestibular (nystagmus), ipsilateral facial pain and temperature, ipsilateral dystaxia (MCP, ICP)
Posterior cerebral artery deficit
contralateral homonymous hemianopia w/ macular sparing; supplie occipital cortex
Anterior cerebral artery defect
supplies medial surface of the brain, leg-foot area of motor and sensory cortices
Middle cerebral artery defect
Contralateral face and arm paralysis and sensory loss, aphasia (dominant sphere), left-sided neglect
Anterior communicating artery deficit
most common site of circle of Willis aneurysm; lesions may causes visual field defects
PCA deficit
common area of aneurysm, causes CNIII palsy
Lateral striate deficit
Divisions of MCA - supply internal capsule, caudate, putamen, globus pallidus. “arteries of stroke”; infarct of the posterior limb of the internal capsule causes pure motor hemiparesis
Watershed zones
between ACA/MCA, PCA/MCA. Damage in severe hypotension→ upper leg/upper arm weakness, defects in higher order visual processing
Basilar artery defect
infarct causes “locked-in syndrome” (CN III is typically intact)
Damage of stroke of anterior circle
general sensory and motor dysfunction, aphasia
Damage from stroke of posterior circle
cranial nerve deficits (vertigo, visual deficits), coma, cerebellar deficits (ataxia) dominant hemisphere (ataxia), nondominant (neglect)
Berry aneurysms
occur at bifurcations in circle of willis (most common ACA) 2. Rupture leads to hemorrhagic stroke/SAH 3. Assoc w/ adult polycystic kidney disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and marfan’s. 4. Risk factors: advanced age, HTN, smoking, race (higher risk in blacks)
Charcol-Bouchard microaneurysms
associated with chronic hypertension, affects small vessels (in basal ganglia, thalamus)
Epidural hematoma CT
shows biconvex disk - not crossing suture lines - can cross falx, tentorium
Epidural hematoma
rupture of middle meningeal artery - often secondary to fracture of temporal bone. Lucid interval. Rapid expansion under systemic arterial pressure→ transtentorial herniation. CNIII palsy
Subdural haematoma imaging
crescent-shaped hemorrhage that crosses suture lines, Gyri are preserved since pressure is distributed equally. Cannot cross falx, tentorium
Subdural haematoma
rupture of bridging veins - slow venous bleeding. Delayed onset of symptoms. Seen in elderly individuals, alcoholics, blunt trauma, shaken baby
- rupture of an aneurysm or an AVM 2. patients complain of “worst headache of my life” 3. Bloody or yellow spinal tap 4. 2-3 days afterward there is a risk of vaspospasm due to blood breakdown products which irritate vessels (treat w/Ca channel blockers)
Parenchymal haematoma
caused by HTN, amyloid angiopathy. Lobar strokes all over the brain. DM and tumor. Typically occurs in basal ganglia and internal capsule.
Most vulnerable parts to ischaemic brain
hippocampus, neocortex, cerebellum, watershed areas
Irreversible neuronal injury
red neurons (12-48 hours), necrosis+neutrophils (24-72 hours), macrophages (3-5 days), reactive gliosis+ vasc proliferation (1-2 weeks), glial scar (> 2 weeks)
Atherosclerosis (re: stroke)
thrombi lead to ischemic stroke with subsequent necrosis (red neurons) - forms cystic cavity w/reactive gliosis
Haemorrhagic stroke
intracerebral bleeding, often due to aneurysm rupture - may be secondary to ischmic stroke following reperfusion (↑ vessel fragility)
Ischaemic stroke
emboli block large vessels 2. Atrial fibrillation, carotid dissection, PFO, endocarditis, lacunar strokes block small vessels - secondary to HTN 3. Tx w/ tPA for 3 hours
Transient ischaemic attack
brief, reversible episode of neurologic dysfunction due to focal ischemia. Typically sx last for <24 hours
Stroke imaging characteristics
bright on diffusion weighted MRI from 3-30 min post stroke to 10 days. Dark on CT for 24 hours
Lateral ventricle to 3rd via
Foramen of Munro
3rd ventricle to 4th via
cerebral aqueduct
4th ventricle to subarachnoid space via
Foramina of Luschka (lateral), Foramen of Magendie (medial)
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
wet, wobbly and wacky - does not result in increase in subarachnoid space volume. Expansion of ventricles distorts the fibers of the corona radiata and leads to the clinical triad of dementia, ataxia and urinary incontinence ( a reversible cause of dementia in the elderly)
Communicating hydrocephalus
decreased CSF absorption by arachnoid villi leading to increased ICP, papilledema and herniation
Non-communicating (obstructive) hydrocephalus
caused by a structural blockage of CSF circulation within the ventricular system (e.g. Stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius)
Hydrocephalus ex vacuo
Appearance of increased CSF in atrophy (Alzheimer’s disease, advanced HIV, Pick’s disease) - Intracranial pressure is normal: triad is not seen
Lumbar puncture layers punctured
- Skin/superficial fascia 2. Ligamets (supraspinous, interspinous, ligamentum flavum) 3. Epidural space 4. Dura Mater 5. Subdural space 6. Arachnoid 7. Subarachnoid space (CSF)
Dorsal column 1st order neuron
Sensory nerve ending
To DRG cell body
To spinal cord ascend IL dorsal column
Dorsal column synapse 1
IL nucleus cuneatus or gracilis (medulla)
gracilis = lower limb as gracilis muscle is in the leg
Dorsal column 2nd order neuron
decussates in medulla
Then ascends contralaterally in medial lemniscus
Dorsal column synapse 2
VPL(ventral posterolateral nucleus) of thalamus
Dorsal column third order neuron
Sensory cortex
Spinothalamic tract function
Ascending pain and temperature sensation
Spinothalamic 1st order neuron
Sensory nerve ending (A-delta and C fibers) (cell body in DRG)
Then enters spinal cord
Spinothalamic tract synapse 1
IL gray matter in spinal cord
Spinothalamic 2nd order neuron
Decussates at anterior white commissure
Then ascends contralaterally
Spinothalamic tract synapse 2
VPL of thalamus
Spinothalamic 3rd order neuron
Sensory cortex
Lateral corticospinal tract function
descending voluntary movement of contralateral limbs
Lateral corticospinal tract 1st order neuron
UMN (cell body in primary motor cortex)
Descends IL (through internal capsule) until decussating at caudal medulla (pyramidal decussation)
Descends contralaterally
Lateral corticospinal tract synapse 1
cell body of anterior horn of spinal cord
Lateral corticospinal tract second order neuron
LMN (leaves spinal cord)
Lateral corticospinal tract synapse 2
Neuromuscular junction
UMN disease signs
weakness, hyperreflexia, increased tone, (babinski, spastic paralysis, clasp knife spasticity)
LMN lesion signs
1.weakness, 2. atrophy, 3. fasciculation (twitching) , 4. hyporeflexia, 5. low tone
Romberg test
the subject stands with feet together, eyes open and hands by the sides. Then the subject closes the eyes while the examiner observes for a full minute.
Brown-Sequard syndrome
- Ipsilateral UMN signs below hemisection lesion (corticospinal tract) of spinal cord 2. IL loss of tactile, vibration proprioception sense (dorsal column) below lesion 3. CL pain and temp loss below lesion ( spinothalamic) 4. IL loss of all sensation at level of lesion 5. LMN signs at level of lesion. 6. If lesion above T1 = Horner’s syndrome
Horner’s syndrome
sympathectomy of face 1. Ptosis 2. Anhidrosis 3. Miosis - assoc w/ lesion of spinal cord above T1
Muscle spindle monitor
Muscle length
Golgi tendon monitor
Muscle tension
Biceps reflex
C5 nerve root
Triceps reflex
C7 nerve root
Patella reflex
L4 nerve root
Achilles reflex
S1 nerve root
Babinski reflex
dorsiflexion of the big toe and fanning of other toes; sign of UMN lesion, but normal reflex in 1st year of life.
Moro reflex
“hang on for life” reflex —abduct/extend limbs when startled, and then draw together - primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Rooting reflex
movement of head toward one side if cheek or mouth is stroked (nipple seeking) - primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Suckling reflex
sucking response when roof of mouth is touched - primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Palmar/plantar reflexes
curling of fingers/toes if palms of hands/feel arc stroked -primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Pineal gland
melatonin secretion, circadian rhythms.
Superior colliculi
conjugate vertical gaze center.
Inferior colliculi
Palmar/plantar reflexes
curling of fingers/toes if palms of hands/feel arc stroked -primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Spinothalamic tract function
Ascending pain and temperature sensation
Spinothalamic 1st order neuron
Sensory nerve ending (A-delta and C fibers) (cell body in DRG)
Then enters spinal cord
Pineal gland
melatonin secretion, circadian rhythms.
Spinothalamic tract synapse 1
IL gray matter in spinal cord
Superior colliculi
conjugate vertical gaze center.
Spinothalamic 2nd order neuron
Decussates at anterior white commissure
Then ascends contralaterally
Inferior colliculi
Spinothalamic tract synapse 2
VPL of thalamus
Dorsal column synapse 1
IL nucleus cuneatus or gracilis (medulla)
gracilis = lower limb as gracilis muscle is in the leg
Spinothalamic 3rd order neuron
Sensory cortex
Dorsal column 2nd order neuron
decussates in medulla
Then ascends contralaterally in medial lemniscus
Dorsal column synapse 2
VPL(ventral posterolateral nucleus) of thalamus
Lateral corticospinal tract function
descending voluntary movement of contralateral limbs
Lateral corticospinal tract 1st order neuron
UMN (cell body in primary motor cortex)
Descends IL (through internal capsule) until decussating at caudal medulla (pyramidal decussation)
Descends contralaterally
Dorsal column third order neuron
Sensory cortex
Spinothalamic tract function
Ascending pain and temperature sensation
Lateral corticospinal tract synapse 1
cell body of anterior horn of spinal cord
Lateral corticospinal tract second order neuron
LMN (leaves spinal cord)
Spinothalamic 1st order neuron
Sensory nerve ending (A-delta and C fibers) (cell body in DRG)
Then enters spinal cord
Lateral corticospinal tract synapse 2
Neuromuscular junction
Spinothalamic tract synapse 1
IL gray matter in spinal cord
UMN disease signs
weakness, hyperreflexia, increased tone, (babinski, spastic paralysis, clasp knife spasticity)
Spinothalamic 2nd order neuron
Decussates at anterior white commissure
Then ascends contralaterally
LMN lesion signs
1.weakness, 2. atrophy, 3. fasciculation (twitching) , 4. hyporeflexia, 5. low tone
Spinothalamic tract synapse 2
VPL of thalamus
Romberg test
the subject stands with feet together, eyes open and hands by the sides. Then the subject closes the eyes while the examiner observes for a full minute.
Spinothalamic 3rd order neuron
Sensory cortex
Brown-Sequard syndrome
- Ipsilateral UMN signs below hemisection lesion (corticospinal tract) of spinal cord 2. IL loss of tactile, vibration proprioception sense (dorsal column) below lesion 3. CL pain and temp loss below lesion ( spinothalamic) 4. IL loss of all sensation at level of lesion 5. LMN signs at level of lesion. 6. If lesion above T1 = Horner’s syndrome
Lateral corticospinal tract function
descending voluntary movement of contralateral limbs
Horner’s syndrome
sympathectomy of face 1. Ptosis 2. Anhidrosis 3. Miosis - assoc w/ lesion of spinal cord above T1
Lateral corticospinal tract 1st order neuron
UMN (cell body in primary motor cortex)
Descends IL (through internal capsule) until decussating at caudal medulla (pyramidal decussation)
Descends contralaterally
Muscle spindle monitor
Muscle length
Lateral corticospinal tract synapse 1
cell body of anterior horn of spinal cord
Golgi tendon monitor
Muscle tension
Lateral corticospinal tract second order neuron
LMN (leaves spinal cord)
Biceps reflex
C5 nerve root
Lateral corticospinal tract synapse 2
Neuromuscular junction
Triceps reflex
C7 nerve root
Patella reflex
L4 nerve root
UMN disease signs
weakness, hyperreflexia, increased tone, (babinski, spastic paralysis, clasp knife spasticity)
Achilles reflex
S1 nerve root
LMN lesion signs
1.weakness, 2. atrophy, 3. fasciculation (twitching) , 4. hyporeflexia, 5. low tone
Babinski reflex
dorsiflexion of the big toe and fanning of other toes; sign of UMN lesion, but normal reflex in 1st year of life.
Romberg test
the subject stands with feet together, eyes open and hands by the sides. Then the subject closes the eyes while the examiner observes for a full minute.
Moro reflex
“hang on for life” reflex —abduct/extend limbs when startled, and then draw together - primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Brown-Sequard syndrome
- Ipsilateral UMN signs below hemisection lesion (corticospinal tract) of spinal cord 2. IL loss of tactile, vibration proprioception sense (dorsal column) below lesion 3. CL pain and temp loss below lesion ( spinothalamic) 4. IL loss of all sensation at level of lesion 5. LMN signs at level of lesion. 6. If lesion above T1 = Horner’s syndrome
Rooting reflex
movement of head toward one side if cheek or mouth is stroked (nipple seeking) - primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Horner’s syndrome
sympathectomy of face 1. Ptosis 2. Anhidrosis 3. Miosis - assoc w/ lesion of spinal cord above T1
Suckling reflex
sucking response when roof of mouth is touched - primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Muscle spindle monitor
Muscle length
Palmar/plantar reflexes
curling of fingers/toes if palms of hands/feel arc stroked -primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Golgi tendon monitor
Muscle tension
Pineal gland
melatonin secretion, circadian rhythms.
Biceps reflex
C5 nerve root
Triceps reflex
C7 nerve root
Superior colliculi
conjugate vertical gaze center.
Patella reflex
L4 nerve root
Inferior colliculi
Achilles reflex
S1 nerve root
Babinski reflex
dorsiflexion of the big toe and fanning of other toes; sign of UMN lesion, but normal reflex in 1st year of life.
Moro reflex
“hang on for life” reflex —abduct/extend limbs when startled, and then draw together - primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Rooting reflex
movement of head toward one side if cheek or mouth is stroked (nipple seeking) - primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Suckling reflex
sucking response when roof of mouth is touched - primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Palmar/plantar reflexes
curling of fingers/toes if palms of hands/feel arc stroked -primitive reflex - usually disappear within first year of life, may reappear with frontal lobe lesion
Pineal gland
melatonin secretion, circadian rhythms.
Superior colliculi
conjugate vertical gaze center.
Inferior colliculi
Cranial nerve nuclei
located in tegmentum portion of brain stem (b/w dorsal and ventral portions 2. Lateral nuclei are sensory Medial are motor 3. Midbrain III,IV, 4. Pons - V, VI, VII, VIII 5. Medulla IX, X, XI, XII
Corneal reflex
afferent V1 ophthalmic (nasociliary branch: levator palpebrae), efferent VII (temporal branch: obicularis oculi)
Jaw jerk reflex
afferent V3 (sensory-muscle spindle of masseter) efferent V3 (motor of masseter)
Pupillary reflex
Afferent II, efferent III
Gag reflex
afferent IX, efferent IX and X
Nucleus AMbiguous
M is for Motor
Vagal nucleus - motor innervation of pharynx, larynx and upper esophagus (swallowing, palate elevation) - IX, X, XI
Dorsal Motor Nucleus
sends autonomic (Parasympathetic) fibers to heart, lungs, upper GI
Nerve through cribiform plate
Passes through optic canal
CN II, ophthalmic artery
Passes through SoF
CN III, IV, V1, VI, sympathetic fibers
Passes through foramen rotundum
Passes through foramen ovale
Passes through foramen spinosum
middle meningeal artery
Passes through internal auditory meatus
Passes through jugular foramen
CNIX, X, XI, jugular vein
Passes through foramen magnum
spinal roots of CNXI, brain stem, vertebral arteries
Passes through cavernous sinus
CNIII, IV, V1,V2 and VI and postganglionic sympathetic fibers en route to the orbit.
Cavernous sinus syndrome
opthalmoplegia, ophthalmic and maxillary sensory loss - due to mass effect