– steady state of internal balance, regulated by nutrient concentration, O2 & CO2, waste products, pH, water, salt & electrolytes, volume & pressure, temp Flashcards
– steady state of internal balance, regulated by nutrient concentration, O2 & CO2, waste products, pH, water, salt & electrolytes, volume & pressure, temp
-disruptions results in illness, injury, lack of nutrients, infection
Feedback mechanisms
Feedback mechanisms
oFeedback mechanisms have 3 components→
* Sensor mechanism(senses the disruption in Homeostasis)
*Control Center(regulates the response to the disruption)
* Effector Mechanism(acts to restore homeostasis)
- Negative: works to restore homeostasis by correcting disruption (Blood glucose levels)
- Positive: moves system further away from homeostasis ( intensifying labor contractions during birth)
Altered Cell Function
Features of hypoxic cell injury
- Single most cause of cell injury
-This is the decrease of Oxygen getting into the blood - cells(which is often caused by lung injury).
Causes of irreversible cell injury
- Lysosomal membrane injury + leakage of toxic enzymes resulting in cell death
- Cell membrane damage CENTRAL FACTOR
Causes of cellular swelling
-↓ ATP prod, impaired cell volume regulation, Na/K pump failure, intracellular Na+ accumulation
Effectors of cell injury
- Oxygen &oxygen derived free radicals.
- Increase in cytosolic calcium & loss of homeostasis.
- ATP depletion
- Defects in membrane permeability
Define nonspecific vs. specific immune responses
- Inflammation
- Natural barriers such as skin, epithelial membranes
Specific /acquired/adaptive
- Humoral immunity - B lymphocytes
- Cell mediated immunity – T lymphocytes.
Describe components of the vascular response
- Vasodilation, ↑ vascuklar permeability, migration of WBC to injury site
- Plasma protein cascade, cellular elements, biochemical mediators
Your components of the Vascular response are the Plasma Protein cascade(which consists of the complement system, the clotting system, and the Kinin system), the cellular elements(like your mast cells, your dendritic cells, leukocytes), and your mediators(such as Cytokines that are further divided into interleukins and interferons, and Chemokines which consist of Peptides).
Define chemotaxis
Directional movement of cells along a chemical gradient formed by a chemotactic factor;Chemotaxis is the movement of an entity or organism in response to a chemical stimulus.
Describe the role of the following in inflammation:
Complement system = initial frontline, recruits WBC to injury site
- Fragmentation of complements components
- Vasodilation
- Increased vascular permeability
- Rapid mast cell degranulation
- Opsonization
- Cell lysis
Can sometimes destroy pathogens directly; it causes fragmentation of complement components(like proteins), then there’s vasodilation, followed by increased vascular permeability, then rapid mast cell degranulation/destruction, chemotaxis of neutrophils/the neutrophils travel to the site, next comes opsonization(where pathogens are marked for phagocytosis), and then, finally, cell lysis(the breaking down of the cell membrane). - Overall the Complement functions are: 1)Lysis 2)Chemotaxis 3)Opsonization
Clotting cascade ( coagulation)
- forms fibrinous meshwork to prevent spread of infection
- traps microorganisms & foreign bodies at site of inflammation
- forms clot to stop bleeding & framework for future repair & healing
product of kinin system that causes dilation of blood vessels, acts with prostaglandins to stimulate nerve endings and induce pain, smooth muscle cell contraction , increases vascular permeability and may increase leurkocyte chemotaxis
Mast cells :
histamine release/inflammatory mediators
-Dendritic cells:
antigen presenting & activates T cells; they act as messengers between the innate and adaptive immune systems.
Leukocytes:Consists of Granulocytes, Monocytes/Macrophages, Lymphocytes
Neutrophils→ Involved with phagocytosis; the 1st WBCs to the scene; make up 60-70% of total WBCs
Eosinophils→ Responsible for Allergies and fighting parasites; control the mechanisms assoc. with Asthma
Basophils→ These are responsible for inflammatory reactions during the immune response; are involved in hypersensitivity reactions.
Monocytes/Macrophages→ migrate and differentiate into tissue macrophages for Phagocytosis
NK Cells→ Provides for direct cytotoxic activity against virus-infected cells and cancer cells
B-Cells→ Make antibodies
T-Cells→ Fight off infections, diseases, and help to boost the immune system
Leukocytes:Consists of Granulocytes, Monocytes/Macrophages, Lymphocytes
Neutrophils→ Involved with phagocytosis; the 1st WBCs to the scene; make up 60-70% of total WBCs
Eosinophils→ Responsible for Allergies and fighting parasites; control the mechanisms assoc. with Asthma
Basophils→ These are responsible for inflammatory reactions during the immune response; are involved in hypersensitivity reactions.
Monocytes/Macrophages→ migrate and differentiate into tissue macrophages for Phagocytosis
NK Cells→ Provides for direct cytotoxic activity against virus-infected cells and cancer cells
B-Cells→ Make antibodies
T-Cells→ Fight off infections, diseases, and help to boost the immune system
-Natural Killer Cells:
Provides direct cytotoxic activity against virus-infected cells and cancer cells
Fluid and Electrolytes
Compare osmosis vs. hydrostatic pressure
- Osmosis – movement of water down a concentration gradient, that is across a semipermeable membrane region of high-water concentration🡪 low water concentration
- Hydrostatic pressure _ mechanical force of water pushing against cellular membranes.
Know the ion composition of cytoplasm (potassium) and the ECF (sodium)
- ICF: K+, ECF: Na+
- Na+, K+ and A-(proteins) are the major cations. Extracellularly/in the ECF, Na+ is the major cation at 150. Intracellularly/in the ICF, K+ is the major cation at 150. So, Sodium basically remains outside of the cell while Potassium is largely inside of the cell. Proteins tend to stay in the cell and never leave.
Describe the role of aldosterone and ADH in water balance
- Alters reabsorption of sodium & water by distal & collecting tubes of kidney
- Regulates secretion of potassium by distal tubules
- Prod. By adrenal glands
Antidiuretic hormone
- Controls water excretion in kidneys in response to increased osmolarity and decreased BP
- Secreted by hypothalamus and stores and released from post. Pituitary
List the 4 problems that result in edema
↑ capillary permeability: inflammation/immune response
↑ capillary hydrostatic pressure: salt & water retention (CHF, RF, cirrhosis), venous obstruction
↓ capillary oncotic pressure: decreased production of plasma proteins (liver disease, protein malnutrition), loss of plasma proteins (nephrotic syndrome, hemorrhage, burns)
Describe the causes of the following alterations in sodium and water balance:
Compare the causes of hypokalemia/hyperkalemia and hyponatremia/hypernatremia
Higher K+ = Higher acidity; Lower/Less K+ = Less Acidity
When you get too much water in the body, it causes this “watering down” effect where the excess water dilutes the sodium so much that it ends up making the amount of Na in the body seem like it’s low. Since the body is perceiving such a low amount of Na+, Hyponatremia ends up happening.
Acid/Base Imbalances
Describe how acidosis can lead to hyperkalemia
↑ hydrogen secretion and ↓ K+ secretion ,= ↑ K+ retention. Acidosis can lead to hyperkalemia by causing a shift of potassium ions from inside the cells to outside of the cells. This shift occurs because of the increase in hydrogen ions in the extracellular fluid. The increase in hydrogen ions causes potassium ions to move out of cells and into the extracellular fluid. This shift can cause hyperkalemia.(Hyperkalemia is when you have more K+ in the ECF/body fluid and more H+ in the ECF/body fluid. If you remember, Hyperkalemia is when serum potassium is greater than 5.5. So, if more potassium is moving into the blood, because it’s following the H+, you’d get these higher K+ levels).
Describe the 4 buffering systems in the body
Carbonic acid Buffer
changes brought about by causes other than fluctuation in CO2 generated H2CO2
– lactic acid, loss of HCL due to vomiting
Protein buffer
Primarily important intracellularly
Excellent because they contain both acidic/basic groups that can give/take up H+
Hemoglobin buffer- Most H+ generation from CO2 at tissue becomes bound to Hb
Phosphate buffer- Important intracellularly and in urine
Define, state the etiology, pathophysiology, and compensatory mechanisms for (review the acid/base assignment):
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology
Criteria for the metabolic syndrome
Increased waist circumference : men >40 in, Women >35 in
Plasma triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dl
HDL-C : men <40, women <50
BP ≥130/85
Fasting plasma glucose ≥100 mg/dl
Risk factors for coronary heart disease
Hyperhomocysteinemia, dyslipidemia
HTN, smoking, obesity, DM, sedentary lifestyle, stress, alcohol
Increasing age, male gender/women after menopause, genetic predisposition, black/Asian
Factors involved in the development of the atherosclerotic plaque
Initiating event – endothelial damage **
Oxidation of LDL is central to the development of atherosclerotic plaque
Injury to endothelium causing endothelial dysfunction & inflammation.
Inflammatory cytokines release 🡪 draw monocytes
Monocytes adhere to damaged endothelium, migrating between endothelial cells into intima.
Monocytes 🡪 macrophages releasing enzymes & toxic oxygen free radicals causing more damage leading to oxidation of LDL
Macrophages that engulf oxidized LDL🡪 foam cells🡪 fatty streaks
Clinical manifestations of the different types of chest pain (e.g. stable angina, unstable angina, etc.)
Stable angina
Short lasting chest pain that many radiate , commonly mistaken for indigestion
-associated with pallor, diaphoresis, dyspnea
-caused by gradual luminal narrowing and hardening of arterial walls
-relieved by rest & nitrates
Prinzmental angina
Chest pain due to transient ischemia occurs exclusively at rest
-caused by vasospasm of coronary artery w/wo atherosclerosis
-cyclic pattern of occurrence
-results from hyperactivity of SNS, increased ca+ influx in arterial smooth muscle, impaired prod. Prostaglandin/thromboxane
- presence of regional abnormality in left ventricular sympathetic afferent innervation
- metabolic dysfunction in DM
-following CABG/cardiac transplant
-following ischemic nerve injury by MI
Unstable angina
Reversible myocardial ischemia & is a harbinger of impending infarction.
-symptoms with no apparent trigger
-long duration and cannot be relieved by nitrates.
-caused by rupture of plaque in coronary artery
Etiology and pathophysiology of right-sided and left-sided heart failure
Left Sided HF
Systolic/diastolic ventricular dysfunction
↓ left ventricular emptying & abnormal diastolic relaxation
↑ volume & pressure in left ventricle, atrium
↑ volume in pulmonary veins & pulmonary capillary bed
Pulmonary edema
↑ pulmonary vascular resistance
Right ventricular failure
CM- external & nocturnal dyspnea, blood-tinged sputum, cough, cyanosis, fatigue
Right Sided HF
most common cause is left side HF , in the absence of LHF, it is caused by COPD, cystic fibrosis, ARDS
↑ pulmonary vascular resistance
↓ right ventricular emptying
↑ volume & pressure in right ventricle, atrium & great veins
↑ volume in systemic venous circulation
↑ capillary pressure resulting in peripheral edema
Factors that increase or decrease peripheral resistance and cardiac output (see chart)
a.) Blood Volume: the higher the blood volume, the greater the amount of work is needed for the heart to pump blood through the circulatory system; ↑Blood Volume = ↑Blood Pressure
b.) Overall Compliance: the elastic characteristics of the vessels contribute to the overall pressure in the vessels; the more elastic the blood vessels are, the lower the blood pressure is; ↑Blood Vessel Elasticity=↓Blood Pressure
c.) Cardiac Output(CO): this is related to heart rate and stroke volume; ↑H.R. and Stroke Volume= ↑C.O= ↑B.P.
d.) Peripheral Resistance: the resistance of the arteries is related to the overall compliance characteristic; ↑Peripheral Resistance = ↓Overall Compliance = ↑Arterial Blood Pressure
Classification of blood pressure (see table)
Classification of blood pressure (see table)
WNL <120 mmgHg and < 80 mmHg
Pre-HTN 120-129 or. <80
Stage 1 HTN 130-139 or. 80-89
Stage 2 HTN >140 or. > 90
Risk factors for hypertension
Primary HTN
Upper body obesity, family history , advancing age,
sleep apnea, black race, high sodium intake,
low intake of K+, Ca++, Mg++, smoking, alcohol
Pregnancy, Diabetes, psychological stress, dylipidemia
Secondary HTN
Renal disease : renal artery stenosis, renal failure
Adrenal disease : cushing syndrome, pheochromocytoma
Thyroid disease
Role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in hypertension
Modulates vascular tone, influences salt & water retention by kidneys