STD Flashcards
lack of normal functioning of physical or mental processes
a disorder of structure of function
Types of Diseases
Infectious (caused by microorganisms) and non-infectious
Sexually Transmitted Disease Definition
a disease caused by infection GENERALLY acquired by sexual contact
Why do we say “generally” in the definition
Because they can be passed other ways but sexually is the most common
What type of disease are STDs?
Difference between STD and STI?
Depends on who you ask!
What i the mot common difference between STDs and STIs?
Most commonly they are used interchangeablly
Why did we switch to STIs?
Because we didn’t like the word disease
Difference Between STD and STI is because STIs are ___ and STDs are ___
STI = Treatable (Chlamydia) STD = Requires ongoing management (HIV or HSV)
Reason why STD and STI are different is because STI are ___ and STDs are ___
STI = active infection where disease is not present
STD = Diseases that result from infection
(HIV and Chlamydia could both be considered either depending on present symptoms)
How are STDs transmitted?
May pas from peron to person in blood, semen. or vaginal and other boldily fluids
In what ways can these infections be transmitted nonsexually?
From mother to their infant during pregnancy or childbirth and through blood transfuions or shared needles
Bacterial STDs include
Chancroid, Chlamydia, Donovanosis, Gonnorhea, LGV, Mycoplasma Genitalium, PID, Syphilis
Viral STDs include
HIV, HSV 1&2, HPV, Hepatitis
Parasitic STD include
Intestinal Parasite, Pubic lice, scabies, tricomoniasis
Fungal STD include
Candidiasis (type of yeast infection)
Most common STDs are
HPV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes, Trichomoniasis
Chlamydia is…
the most commonly reported STD in US, there are about 3 million cases each year, and is the most common cause of blindness worldwide
Chlamydia is caused by the pathogen:
Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia is transmitted:
Semen or vaginal fluids, mother to child during birth, and eyes and moth may become infected
Can Chlamydia be asymptomatic?
YES! (reason why infection rate is so high)
What are the symptoms of Chlamydia?
Painful ejaculation, burning while urinating, testicular swelling, vaginal bleeding, unnatural discharge, and infertility
Treatment for Chlamydia:
Antibiotics and will resolve one to two week after first dose