Stave 4 Flashcards
“shrouded in a”
“deep black garment”
“Lead on!
“Lead on! The night is waning fast, and it is precious time to me, I know. Lead on, Spirit!”
“It’s likely to be
“a very cheap funeral”
“Cold, isn’t it?”
“Seasonable for Christmas-Time.”
“His blankets?”
“He isn’t likely to take cold without ‘em, I dare say.”
“If there is any person in the town who feels emotion caused by this man’s death”
“quite agonised, “show that person to me, Spirit!”
“We may sleep to-night with light hearts, Caroline!”
“To whom will our debt be transferred?”
“The colour
“hurts my eyes”
“he has walked a little slower than he used”
Bob Cratchit
“I promised him that I would walk there on a Sunday.”
“My little, little child!”, cried Bob. “My little child!”
“read upon the stone of the neglected grave”
“his own name, Ebenezer Scrooge.”