Statutory Interpretation [ Flashcards
Dangerous dogs act 1991 - any dog of the type known as pitbull terrier. Decided that type had wider meaning than breed, included do with similar physical features
4 rules/approach
Literal rule
- golden rule
-mischief rule
- purposive approach
Literal rule def and cases
Under his rule courts give words plain ordinary meaning even if outcome absurd
- R V JUDGE - if words are clear then you must follow them even though they lead to absurdity
- WHITELEY V CHAPPELL - guilty of impersonating someone to vote but not guilty as wording was any person entitled to vote and impersonated someone dead
Golden rule def
Starts looking at literal meaning but court all0wed to avoid interpretation which would be absurd result.
Narrow approach - choose between 2 possible meanings of word or phrase
Broad approach - can modify words of statute if result would be absurd
Golden rule cases of
JONES V DPP clarified can choose between 2 meanings
R V ALLEN- offence to marry while original spouse alive. Word marry can mean to legally marry or to take [art in a ceremony of marriage. Court decided this second meaning as ceremony is still marrying
ADLER V GEORGE- obstructing armed forces in vicinity of prohibited place. Argued was in the place not in the vicinity. Court intep[reted vicinity as including in the place
Mischief rule def
Court can look at what law used to be before an act to discover mischief it meant to cover.
Smith v Hughes’s
offence for prostitution to loiter or solicit in a street or public place.
Prosititues argued they weren’t in a street as they were on balcony and windows
. Court considered what act meant to do - clean up the streets if prosititues - appeals rejected
Purposive approach def
Beyond mischeif rule. Court decided what they believe paliamaent meant to achieve. Criticised as if words are clear they should be be ignored when working out intention. Can use extrinsic aids.
R v registrar general ex parte smith
registrar general shall supply birth certificate to adopted person.
With applied for this but was a murderer and intended to kill birth mother .
Court said RG did not have to give certificate as intention wasn’t to promote crime
Heydons case -
should consider
- what law was before act
-what was a mischief which law did not fix
-What remedy does act provide
- what is true reason for remedy